Example sentences of "which have [been] [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 One of the classic cases in Britain is Lady Park Wood , an ancient and very mixed coppice in the Wye valley , which has been kept as an unmanaged reserve for nearly half a century .
2 This will go some way towards the goal of eliminating the full-time VDU operator , which has been seen as an undesirable form of work organisation .
3 The effect of this change on prior years is a credit of £9.1m , which has been treated as an exceptional item in the 1991/92 p&l account ; accordingly , prior years ' figures have not been restated .
4 The merger reserve , which has been reinstated as a result of transferring the goodwill to the consolidated p&l account , may be transferred to the consolidated p&l account reserve .
5 Mr Williams predicted that everyone would be happy with the service provided on the ship which has been upgraded as part of a £6m investment throughout the line 's car ferry fleet .
6 Mr Williams predicted that everyone would be happy with the service provided on the ship which has been upgraded as part of a £6m investment throughout the line 's car ferry fleet .
7 The shaded area between the actual time-series and the trend line in Fig. 3.1 is called the output gap and is a reflection of the output of goods and services which has been lost as a result of the unemployment .
8 Between the house and the barn is the smallest of the three buildings which has been reconstructed as a cattle byre ( animal house ) .
9 This morning for instance the Scottish executive of the people 's party will have an opportunity to examine the fruits of some of the labours of the Scottish Trades Union Congress , which has been functioning as the honest broker following the swiftly evaporating euphoria of the 25,000 souls who turned up on 12 December .
10 The move , which has been presented as a fait accompli , effectively heralds the complete break-up of Deloitte Haskins & Sells International ( DHSI ) , which until the beginning of this week was ostensibly in talks with another Big Eight firm , Touche Ross International .
11 In August the KKE had expressed support for the attempted coup against Soviet President Gorbachev , and Papariga now declared that the process of perestroika " which has been presented as the political restructuring of socialism , is in fact a most savage … restoration of capitalism " .
12 If so , I can not think that your Lordships would do right , if you were now to reverse , as erroneous , a judgment of the Court of Appeal , proceeding upon a doctrine which has been accepted as part of the law of England for 280 years … .
13 The major claim is a claim which has been expressed as the claim of de-coupling .
14 Erm that this is an are the whole of this area apart from the east side where which is of course greenbelt , is an area which has been defined as a as a landscape which has suffered character character loss through agricultural change or urban intrusion of a major scale .
15 To a geologist , for instance , the Pacific Ocean is a very sharply defined depression of the earth 's surface which has been formed as a result of the complicated processes of plate tectonics .
16 This inhibition can be reversed by IL-6 , a cytokine which has been implicated as a positive factor for mucosal IgA production .
17 Pakistan 's economy has suffered from losing cheap Kuwaiti oil and American aid , which has been suspended as a result of America 's suspicion of Pakistan 's nuclear-weapons programme .
18 For concreteness , we focus on the corporation tax , which has been taken as the main application of the analysis .
19 One measure which has been proposed as a quality of care indicator is readmission to hospital .
20 One such theory is the ‘ Now Print ! ’ mechanism ( Brown & Kulik , 1977 ; Livingston , 1967a , 1967b ) which has been proposed as a special memory mechanism which operates only at times of great arousal to encode specific details of the situation , this will be briefly considered when evidence about flashbulb and vivid memories is discussed below .
21 As an apparently domestic residence it seems strange that it replaced a timber structure which has been interpreted as a temple , although time elapsed between the latter 's destruction and the building of the house ; it is unusual to find so deliberate a secularization of a religious site in the Roman world .
22 The work that we 've done on er the economy of the city , based on economic analysis which has been submitted as part of my findings , erm shows quite clearly a continued shift away from manufacturing towards service employment and a continuing need to promote new planned opportunities in locations well suited to the needs of the market .
23 The new rules limit protection to wetlands that provide environmental benefit — a contentious definition which has been denounced as a politically-motivated attempt to free large areas from protection .
24 In 1549 , two years after the close of the first session of the Council of Trent — the Council whose stupendous achievements encompassed the comprehensive definition of Catholic doctrine and the unchallengeable assertion of papal power , and which has been described as the creator of the modern Catholic church — John Hamilton , archbishop of St Andrews since 1547 , held the first of his own reforming councils .
25 It is a magnificent building which has been described as the greatest church in Christendom .
26 Maybe when the river runs blue again , shrimp boats will return to Paul , which has been described as a village unique in Holderness .
27 Less extreme examples can be found in any street or office , and there is a move among women to make the best of ‘ prime-time ’ , a phase which has been described as the years between 35 and 60 , the time when a woman can capitalize on her experience , energy , and maturity .
28 He has just published a profusely illustrated catalogue of fine books in fine bindings which has been described as an important reference work on its subject .
29 They make up a group of institutions which has been described as the ‘ third force ’ in higher education , alongside the universities and polytechnics , and are known variously as colleges of higher education , institutes of higher education , colleges of education or just plain colleges .
30 Books make the ideal Christmas present , and among those currently in stock are Muriel Spark 's autobiography Curriculum Vitae , in which she writes of her childhood in Edinburgh and the people and places which have influenced her work — including the original Miss Brodie ; and Alisdair Gray 's new novel Poor Things , a Frankenstein-inspired tale which has been described as his best work yet .
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