Example sentences of "which be [adv] [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 According to Alain Collery of Champagne Collery in Aÿ , there has been concern about the cadmium content in the soil from batteries which are also minced up along with other refuse in the boues de ville .
2 But these sources do not themselves set standards and routines which are automatically taken up and followed .
3 Such an exercise can span huge parameter ranges in which quite different behaviours are observed ( but all of which are intimately tied up with the existence of periodic orbits : even the strange attractor is densely packed with unstable orbits ) .
4 The pregnant sentence ‘ The economy of Revelation is realized by deeds and words , which are intrinsically bound up with each other ’ ( DV 2 ) challenges two basic ‘ conservative ’ positions : the fear of allowing historical development in our understanding of divine truth , and the theory of separate sources of revelation .
5 This is associated with those defects , imperfections , undesirable traits of character , disposition , temperament , etc. , characteristic of imperfectly coordinated people struggling through life beset with certain maladjustments of the psycho-physical organism , which are actually setting up conditions of irritation and pressure during both sleeping and waking hours .
6 But the compositions , which are now built up of a series of flat planes mounting upwards behind each other in shallow depth , are clearly derived from Cézanne .
7 The greater bamboo lemur lives in the Madagascan rainforest and has been affected by the decline in giant bamboo stems which are now used up by human settlements .
8 His two principal assets are his way with words which are then followed up by fierce and uncompromising actions .
9 As an instance , carriage doors which were formerly framed up in the body shop and then transferred to the finishing shop for the fixing of the interior lining , afterwards being sent to the polishing shop to be french polished and finally returned to the body shop for fixing in position , were now dealt with by an altogether different method .
10 Walking back through the jungle I thankfully did n't come across any trap-door spiders but as dusk fell I was entranced by a cluster of trees which were suddenly lit up like Christmas trees by the thousands of glow-worms out for a night of passion .
11 Black people can be denied eligibility by rules which were originally drawn up for completely different purposes ; property let to ethnic minorities tends to be of lower quality than that allocated to the white population ; and black families , which tend to be larger , may not find council accommodation which is large enough for their needs ( Brown , 1984 ) .
12 Many right-wing economists have criticised the big-spending programmes of the Welfare State which were rapidly built up , especially during the 1960s .
13 In so doing , they claim that it is not just secondary qualities that are confined to the mind , but , with them , the whole vivid force of the world-as-we-perceive-it , - what some philosophers call the manifest image of the world — which is intrinsically bound up with the secondary qualities .
14 In the initial stage , Fig. 8. 18A , breaking waves excavate material from the sea floor and form a submarine bar , which is slowly built up until it appears above sea level ( Fig. 8.18B ) .
15 The code for a particular protein is first copied by a process known as transcription into a complementary molecule , messenger-RNA , which is also made up of four nucleotides .
16 The second is the law and order lobby of the right , which is also picking up on demands that the law be tougher with rapists and other violent criminals .
17 The courses comprise two principal elements , coursework with examinations chosen to suit the circumstances and practice of the discipline and department concerned , followed by independent work which is normally written up as a dissertation .
18 Closing Over , much of which is already locked up will save the NHS almost a million pounds a year , which will be spent on more community nursing and rehabilitation .
19 The rate of change and the lack of sincere consultation have led to an air of defeatism and concern which is frequently summed up in the analogy that they ( the government ) keep moving the goalposts .
20 The bones are first modified and altered to conform to the skeletal dimensions of the body , which is then built up from the inside outwards using organic substitute flesh .
21 Chimpanzee males combine to capture prey which is then torn up and shared .
22 ‘ Given the general caution and lack of opportunities recently for management buy-outs and buy-ins , we now have £40 million available for investment in small companies , which is currently tied up in blue chips . ’
23 The diesel unit is now providing vital emergency power for lighting and medical equipment at the 600-bed Eudamex hospital near Bucharest , which is currently suffering up to three blackouts a day .
24 The exchange of raw materials and finished products in a society is an activity which is inextricably bound up with economic , social and political life .
25 The ventral arm plates are pentagonal to broadly triangular with a convex distal edge which is often raised up in proximal segments .
26 But this in no way negates the importance of understanding the role which all these people play in the context of curriculum change , for while the picture of an obscurantist inspector or manager eager to discourage the innovative teacher is one which is often conjured up by teachers themselves as an excuse for inaction , it can be all too true .
27 Well they want to move it they want to develop the area and er now they 're talking as well about taking the trees out from around there too which is really getting up people 's noses it would seem .
28 Manu National Park , which is more isolated up the Madre de Dios River , has two million insects , one thousand species of birds , fifteen thousand species of plants , two hundred species of freshwater fish , two hundred species of bats — some still unknown to science .
29 They are at their best when they take chances , throwing a dash of reggae and a muted heavy-metal riff into Do n't Knock Till You Try It , and when they re-work an old folk standard , 500 Miles , which is now dressed up with a reggae beat , lap-steel guitar , and harmonica , new lyrics about Tiananmen Square , and the dreaded Peter , Paul And Mary still joining in .
30 Michael Murrin , realizing he had been used , gave me a copy of the tape , which is now locked up in my lawyer 's safe .
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