Example sentences of "which be [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The eggs , which are the same size as the adult male mite , take 3 to 4 days to hatch into the three-legged larva .
2 The area of ground selected was described somewhat imprecisely as : ‘ All that piece of ground situate north of Fig Lane [ now Crowndale Road ] St Pancras extending northwards from thence 650 feet on average abutting Eastwards on the Church path leading to Kentish Town and is in a parallel breadth 270 feet abutting Westward on other Ground intended and agreed to be used as Garden Ground by the said Messrs. Kirkman and Hendy or the Undertenants and no buildings to be erected thereon which shall raise more than 12 feet above the present surface and nearer than 80 feet to the ground hereby lett and that they will reserve a Street or way 60 feet wide at the least at the northern extremity of the said ground and that the said Messrs. Kirkman and Hendy do engage to lett to the Veterinary College a piece or any part of their ground at any time within twelve months which they the College shall determine upon a ranging line with the north extremity of the piece already described at and after the rate of £30 per acre nett which are the same terms as the ground described and mentioned are lett at and also at and upon the same reservation of the pepper corn Rent . ’
3 Two sixty two eighty which is the same price as
4 It is n't often that a new cruising ground opens to yachtsmen , particularly one that has hundred of deserted anchorages , summer water temperatures comparable to the Med , and which is the same sailing distance from Britain as Gibraltar .
5 which is the same day
6 The offence of affray can be committed by using or threatening unlawful violence , which is the same concept ( with two qualifications ) as that required for riot and violent disorder .
7 The input , which is the same material from the recipient 's viewpoint , must be adapted to his ability to absorb it .
8 ICE asks for five days , say 35 hours , which is the same number as suggested by the RIBA for structured/practice-related CPD .
9 which is the same sort of thing .
10 To ask them , and equally ( or even more ) to wave them away absentmindedly like circling insects , is to greet the novel , to respond to its personality which is the same thing as the tonal area colonized by the novelist for his present purpose .
11 ‘ You 're avoiding the truth , which is the same thing .
12 ‘ I say what 's happening with the Bloods and the Crips is the same thing that 's happening with the protestants and catholics in Northern Ireland , which is the same thing that 's happening in South Africa where different tribes fight each other .
13 ‘ Before you can convict you must he satisfied so that you feel sure — which is the same thing as being satisfied beyond reasonable doubt of the defendant 's guilt . ’
14 This epiphany of the mother of the immediate-return hunter-gatherers — or of the new-born and unweaned child , which is the same thing — was clearly designed to compensate for her loss in reality .
15 it was gorgeous but Chris was saying that Tescos do one , but they call it passion cake which is the same thing
16 The weekly amount is £54.15 , which is the same pension as that received by a single person .
17 and then Brenda ran up to explain breathlessly that she did n't think the van would go under the low bridge , as her daddy 's — which was the same size — would n't .
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