Example sentences of "which be [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If we are prepared to participate in a European bank for reconstruction and development to help countries in eastern Europe which are facing the same problems as Britain 's defence industry workers , could we not at least set up a defence diversification agency to help the tens of thousands of workers in the north-west and throughout the United Kingdom who will be thrown on to the scrap heap ?
2 Nature conservation is not a primary policy aim in these Parks but it tends to follow as a secondary consideration from the primary aims which are to conserve the social and cultural heritage of the Region , improve employment and make more use of the Region for recreation and education .
3 They have the greatest reproductive success and in terms of Darwinian evolution it is Third World rapidly expanding populations which are enjoying the highest levels of reproductive success .
4 The report , compiled by NUPE , NALGO and COHSE , which are forming the new union UNISON , is based on a survey of 1,200 local authority home helps in England , Scotland , and Wales .
5 these are the areas which are reaching the final stages of the demographic cycle in which , as a result of migration of the child-bearing age-groups , the residual population is unable to maintain , let alone increase , its own level by means of natural growth .
6 Perhaps everyone who works with such old people needs a period of physical disability ( real or ‘ pretend ’ ) to see just what effort goes into the daily round and the strategies which are adopted the better to cope and to preserve independence .
7 these considerations have produced provisions governing events which take place during the interim period which are to say the least of it , complicated .
8 He would also learn about a series of problems , the main one of which is the unfair subsidies to ship building companies in the European Community which are handicapping the British ship building industry in terms of merchant shipping orders .
9 This rim is marked off from the rest of the cranium by a groove or postoccipital sulcus which ends at the posterior tentorial pit on either side and along which are inserted the dorsal prothoracic muscles moving the head .
10 Outwards , there has been a call to overcome the sources of alien influence which are corrupting the Muslim societies with which they come into contact .
11 Or er er understand I 'm not entirely certain about that , they do the same with , they will tell you which are the , which are paying the best TESSA rates .
12 The great rectangular block on which are inscribed the one-sixtieth fractions of the allied tribute which were ‘ paid ’ to the goddess Athena has room for one fewer annual list than the available years , and the most likely solution from a technical point of view is that no one-sixtieth was paid to Athena in 449 .
13 Immediately under the throne is an enclosure , surrounded by silver rails , in which are assembled the whole body of Omrahs , the Rajahs and the Ambassadors , all standing with their eyes bent downwards , and their hands crossed .
14 For example , they associate liberal democracy with the core countries , arguing that such a system is only sustainable over substantial periods in countries which are exploiting the entire world-system , and can ‘ buy-off ’ popular demands from their own residents because of the wealth that is being appropriated from other countries .
15 I 've never really had the good fortune to watch a fly 's last moments on Earth before , and my eyes are just glued to this small splodge of legs and wings which are interrupting the clean , shiny surface of the screen .
16 The main trend was for greater powers for the republics , which were to join the new union on a voluntary basis , choosing the level of involvement which they wanted to have .
17 The foregoing is fully applicable to the motivation of all those individuals who influenced the events which were creating the religious climate and who , unbeknown to themselves were contributing to the Created God .
18 The typical Mediterranean wine-olive-wheat complex began , in the eighteenth century , an expansion and modification that were to continue , after the shocks of war , into the nineteenth and which were to transform the agricultural potential of Catalonia .
19 In 1972 , when he chaired the Hearings before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee which were given the imposing title ‘ Causes , Origins , and Lessons of the Vietnam War ’ , a rather dyspeptic Senator Fulbright sought to put much of the blame for American involvement on Dean Acheson , on his European orientations and on his close war-time connections with the British .
20 It comprised a circular curtain-wall of stone enclosing a courtyard within which were placed the domestic apartments and service offices , probably of timber construction .
21 Even in eastern Europe the active anti-semitic campaigns , which were to stimulate the mass emigration of the Jews , still lay in the future .
22 Tom Hanks had come to the fair with two ageing horses from the manor he wanted to sell and he brought Carrie with him , riding in a light cart behind which were tied the two horses .
23 But limited partnerships are rare , private companies , which were sanctioned the next year by the Companies Act 198 , having proved more popular .
24 The Church gave to every community , large or small , refuge from persecution and pillage , provided education and learning , medical aid and a basis for life by which were allayed the superstitious fears of the individual , which stemmed from his lack of experience and knowledge of health , life and death , understanding of the world and of man himself .
25 Behind this , almost certainly , lay the new economic pressures of an expanding population which were leaving the agricultural worker worse off than he had been in the years of land surplus .
26 Now the suite was in my name , so I was charged with possession of all these drugs , and with assault , and with a lot of other charges like operating a dive , running a disorderly house and all silly charges which were dropped the following day .
27 The officer turned away , returning a moment later with a clipboard to which were attached the preliminary , handwritten reports .
28 Nevertheless , the issues which created the divide during the Exclusion Crisis were not new ; concerns about the prospect of a popish successor , the growth of popery and arbitrary government , and the nature of government in both Church and State , had been creating tensions long before Titus Oates made the revelations which were to precipitate the political crisis at the end of Charles II 's reign .
29 ONE OF the doughty pack leaders to emerge in the late 1940's from the Manchester scrum of ‘ palaeomagnetists ’ was S , Keith Runcorn — a former Cambridge engineer with an almost unhealthy liking for the rough and tumble of the rugby field , Keith Runcorn is now professor of physics , and geophysics supremo , at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne — and incidentally the president of the university 's rugby club , To honour Runcorn 's reaching the age of 60 , the university organised earlier this month a three-day conference on ‘ Magnetism , planetary rotation and convection in the Solar System ’ , Since the Second World War , geology has undergone conceptual upheavals as never before , The apparently ludicrous ideas proposed by Alfred Wegener in the 1920s , that the Earth 's continents were drifting around , have found solid ground , The evidence came from physicists inspired by wartime work on radar , by cosmic-ray research and the discovery that some rotating stars have a magnetic field , The physicists set themselves the task of measuring whether rotating bodies on Earth also produce magnetic fields , The eminent Patrick Maynard Blackett devised a highly sensitive magnetometer for this work , but finding that a spinning gold cylinder produced no magnetic field , turned his machine to measuring rock magnetism , A school of expertise concerned with ‘ fossilised magnetism ’ developed around him at Manchester and later at Imperial College , London , The fruits of such work inspired a reappraisal of continental drift and new theories to explain the mechanisms responsible for moving the continents , and later produced the foundations on which were forged the unifying concepts of plate tectonics and seafloor spreading , Runcorn applies an enormous enthusiasm to all that he takes on — as many past students and editors of various science journals can testify , His first notoriety came with his attempts to determine whether the Earth 's general magnetic field was related to the planet 's rotation , or related to some deep-seated phenomenon , To determine this he took his magnetometer down some of the deep Lancashire coal pits .
30 On the contrary , none of the nations wanted war , and ‘ ever new progressive and democratic forces ’ had appeared in the capitalist countries which were strengthening the common struggle for peace .
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