Example sentences of "which do not [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 Four other schemes used assessment procedures developed by examining bodies but which did not lead to CSE .
2 But the problem remained that the physical basis of Ampère 's equations was implausible ; they provided a model which could be adapted to fit new discoveries , but which did not lead to new predictions or give a convincing explanation to those whose first language was not mathematics-like Faraday .
3 For work which did not lead to examinations there was always the problem of assessment and standardizing that assessment between a number of teachers .
4 The fact that these memories are often associated with emotional situations is interesting but dangerous to interpret given that there is no easy way to estimate the number of similar emotional situations which did not lead to such memories .
5 And developments which did not contribute to , nor necessarily seek that objective were for that reason defective .
6 By contrast , in the same case it was held that once the council had decided that the applicant was entitled to be housed , the right to be housed was a private law right which did not have to be enforced by AJR procedure , but could be enforced in a tort action for breach of statutory duty in the County Court .
7 Other members of the International Law Commission felt that the European Communities is a unique organisation which did not need to be catered for by a particular Article .
8 Upstairs , Fleury had taken the pistol to pieces ( as far as it could be taken to pieces which did not seem to be very far ) and put it together again .
9 Greg was uncertain how to respond to this addendum , which did not seem to be addressed to him .
10 Mrs Grandison , the mother of Sophia and Penelope , had the remains of her daughters ' Pre-Raphaelite beauty , now much faded and overlaid with some other quality , which had made her the President of the Women 's Institute in the village where she lived but which did not seem to be quite Pre-Raphaelite .
11 Apart from that , I do not think that I learned a great deal from Conservative Members ' contributions to the debate — except , perhaps , that the hon. Member for Chelmsford ( Mr. Burns ) , who is not noted for his breadth of vision , does not like Labour councillors , which did not seem to me to advance the argument very much .
12 He heard evidence from nearly 200 witnesses after the Hillsborough disaster — and ‘ The People 's Game ’ was a phrase which did not occur to him .
13 My second thought , which did not occur to me until I was crawling back along the floor towards my bed , was that today was the day when I was due to Testify .
14 He had suffered severe migraine which did not respond to conventional treatment .
15 Further experiments with lymph nodes from guinea-pigs produced movement traces which did not respond to this analysis .
16 He contracted a lung infection which did not respond to treatment .
17 There was talk of some grandeur in the English past and some evidence of middle-class money which did not come to the aid of Philip .
18 At the option of the proprietor of the feu , he was entitled to receive from the superior a receipt which did not require to be tested or holograph and was effectual without being recorded .
19 We were all hungry , so began to search our rucksacks for food which did not require to be cooked .
20 Belfast had declined by 2.3 per cent , but this is largely explained by government policies of funnelling population to other areas , policies which did not apply to Derry .
21 Held , dismissing the appeal ( Lord Keith of Kinkel and Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle dissenting ) , that although the common law had previously only admitted recovery of money exacted under an unlawful demand by a public authority where the payment had been made under a mistake of fact or under limited categories of compulsion , which did not apply to the payments by the building society , the nature of a demand for tax or similar impost on the citizen by the state , with the perceived economic and social consequences of non-payment stemming from the inequality of the parties ' respective positions , and the unjust enrichment falling on the state where the citizen paid an unlawful demand to avoid those consequences , warranted a reformulation of the law of restitution so as to recognise a prima facie right of recovery based solely on payment of money pursuant to an ultra vires demand by a public authority ; and that , accordingly , since the building society 's claim fell outside the statutory framework governing repayment of overpaid tax , it was entitled at common law to repayment of the sums from the dates of payments and to interest in respect thereof pursuant to section 35A of the Supreme Court Act 1981 ( post , pp. 384H , 387D , F–G , 389B , 390F — 391C , E–F , 392E , 396C , 414B–C , F–G , 415E–F , 416A–B , 417B , 418A–C , E–F , 421D–F , G ) .
22 There would , therefore , be the anomalous situation that half of the Scottish Bus Group would be subject to a statutory form of supervision which did not apply to the other half and that would be unsatisfactory .
23 That could cause difficulties and if such an inhibition operated which did not apply to other bus companies it could make it difficult for management-employee buy-out teams to raise funds .
24 the misleading price indication related to a recommended price , which did not apply to the price at which the item was available from the defendant , and which the defendant could reasonably believe was generally being charged , and which was false only because a supplier was not following the recommendation .
25 A decree signed by Bashir on Feb. 1 introduced a new penal code based , as was the previous one , on sharia law , which was to come into effect on March 22 , but which did not apply to the three southern regions ( now states ) " for the time being , pending the establishment of elected assemblies there to deal with the issue " ( an official information document as quoted in the Middle East Economic Digest of Feb. 15 ) .
26 Soon , one field was not enough , and the request ‘ all in a good cause ’ — spread to Jane 's two other fields , so the horses , most of which did not belong to her , had to be moved to a farm , and she had to cope with angry owners .
27 For instance , if a testator had left per vindicationem a legacy of something which did not belong to him , that legacy was ineffective .
28 Moral purists may well debate Aitken 's propriety in selling — even for a charitable cause — something which did not belong to him , namely the copyright in the report , but others may share my own view that , having regard to the intensity of the pro-Biafran feelings of Aitken and Fraser , this particular act would not seriously impede an unobstructed entry into heaven .
29 To the ancient moralists the Allazon was the man who laid claim to possessions and to achievements which did not belong to him in order to exalt himself more .
30 Which did not cease to be full of visitors coming and going , eating and drinking .
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