Example sentences of "which he [vb past] in the " in BNC.

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1 He himself did not much value the small detached territories — Cleves , Mark , Ravensberg — which he ruled in the Rhineland .
2 This proposition forms the basis of Stenhouse 's concept of the ‘ teacher-as-researcher ’ : an idea which he developed in the context of the Humanities Curriculum Project ( HCP ) , and which has since influenced approaches to curriculum development and curriculum evaluation ( especially teacher self-evaluation ) .
3 After World War N , during which he served in the army with the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers , he was attached to the War Office .
4 Born in 1924 , his ambitions were delayed by the outbreak of the second world war in which he served in the Royal Naval Reserve from 1943 , first in Coastal Forces and then on minesweepers , rising to the rank of lieutenant before being demobilised three years later .
5 Did that , he was asked in the House of Commons , mean that he had been out of sympathy with the policies of the Government in which he served in the '80s ?
6 He replied that it appeared that there was a trust on the coheir too to make over to Seia the quarter which he had in the gardens .
7 Various depressed minions started to trickle in and just after seven-thirty , a man in a chef 's hat arrived through the doors that led to the kitchens , carrying an enormous silver tray which he laid in the centre of the table .
8 The conservation corps of the YTS were clearing a nearby churchyard , and every lunchtime , the foreman pulled out an armchair which he kept in the church specially for the purpose , and had an hour 's sleep in the churchyard .
9 Erm , many of you will also have seen Jean-Claude at previous meetings which he attended in the capacity as to Michel .
10 His goal was to discover a way of reconciling mechanism and science with the harmony which he perceived in the natural world , and with a life of individual creative freedom .
11 But the political solutions which he advocated in the 1930s were not so .
12 Between the weapons were the mounted heads of the victims , mainly gazelle and ibex which he hunted in the eastern desert .
13 When 1951 ended he could justifiably let rip in more frivolous fashion on ‘ Huntin' , Shootin' and Fishin' ’ decorations for the Chelsea Arts Ball at which he saw in the new year .
14 He simply wished that he did n't have to contend with the unspoken supposition that the two of them were hiding up there on the Step and banging away like a couple of baboons , which he saw in the eyes of more than one person who wished him good morning when he went into town to pick up his mail .
15 His company , National Airways which he ran in the early 1980s provided great adventure too .
16 In the speech which he made in the House of Lords debate on the bill , Lord Brougham pointed out that one half of the cases where ‘ serviceable process ’ had been used were settled before even an appearance was entered .
17 Everything else might be changed by the demands of story and of ratiocination — there are clear differences , for instance , between the accounts of that scene in the 1925 poem ‘ Light as Leaf on Lindentree ’ and in Aragorn 's song on Weathertop — but to the vision itself he remained true , working out from it as from the detailed paintings of Lake Mithrim , Nargothrond , Gondolin , etc. , which he made in the 1920s ( see Pictures 32–6 ) .
18 Is Mr Careless criminally liable for the representations which he made in the brochure ?
19 And we have a bicycle which he made in the year eighteen seventy , that was before he had started business on his own and he had erm made it for a young solicitor in Galashiels and I believe it was used in a race from Galashiels from Place in Galashiels to the .
20 It is ironic to reflect that had he served the Luftwaffe in a similar role to that which he graced in the Royal Air Force , there can be little doubt that he would have been invested with the highest order of the Knight 's Cross of the Iron Cross — with Diamonds , Swords and Oakleaves .
21 Any way Sunderland came out pumped up and we hardly got a touch before Goodmans strength made an opening from which he scored in the 6th minute .
22 Moore 's first decent instrument was a mid-wars Gibson ‘ Kalamazoo ’ which he played in the family group when aged only eight .
23 Matilda 's father had a fine crop of black hair which he parted in the middle and of which he was exceedingly proud .
24 At the end of the news conference Mr Levy was asked a question in Hebrew , to which he replied in the same language ; there was no translation , and Mr Hurd was forced to summon a member of the British Embassy staff to translate .
25 Recently the satirical magazine Frigidaire published a feature in which he appeared in the nude .
26 I sent him our Christmas poem , ‘ Adoration of the Shepherds and the Kings ’ ( Puerta del Perdón , Salamanca ) , which he printed in the 19 December issue , his 1957 Christmas number :
27 The book of hers that stayed with Pound was Private Worlds , which he reviewed in the New English Weekly in 1935 , and referred to twice in Guide to Kulchur .
28 Smith looked to the discipline which he encountered in the Volunteer Force to be put to good use , while the programme of uniform , bands , drill , camps , recreation rooms , and religious instruction was intended to attract young adolescents so that their leisure time might be ‘ organized ’ .
29 The lengthy obituaries which he earned in the British press deserve to completed now by the publication as soon as possible of his memoirs , on which he was working to the last .
30 For Eliot , though , such ideas of tradition and reincarnation would be bound up with heredity at the most basic evolutionary level and with the continuing cycle of renewal and death which he found in the pages of the anthropologists .
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