Example sentences of "which [am/are] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 We shall preface our discussion with a few remarks about the nature of information and about the transformations which are undertaken in the mind of the skilled reader .
2 The fourth year focuses on the development of field and laboratory skills through the medium of group and individual projects , many of the topics for which are developed in a course on Environmental Problems and Issues .
3 There were some differences explicable only in terms of cultural factors which are indicated in the table , but what must be the most remarkable thing about these data , is the general unanimity with which these two groups of people thousands of miles apart dreamed .
4 They are based on standards of competent performance which have been specified by the industry and which are assessed in the workplace .
5 These work hand in hand to provide the principles of English law which are applied in the courts .
6 Details which are ignored in the source text but which have to be specified in the target language can pose a serious dilemma for the translator if they can not be reasonably inferred from the context .
7 Each topic introduces a maximum of 15 new words which are listed in a clear alphabetical index at the back of the dictionary .
8 It has produced several valuable studies which cross library/book trade boundaries , and which are listed in the bibliography of this book .
9 Once constructed , the application of the classification schemes involves synthesis or the drawing together of the single concepts which are listed in the scheme from their different facets in order to specify compound subjects .
10 Examples of the use of two widely-available software packages for automated cartography ( SYMAP and GIMMS ) are given , using datasets which are listed in the appendices .
11 2.1.2 " Building documents " means the plans drawings specifications and other documents relating to the Works which are listed in the third Schedule The tenant should have sight of these as soon as possible to ensure that they are in accordance with its understanding of what has been agreed .
12 This bride is made up of ‘ them which are saved ’ ( v. 24 ) and ‘ which are written in the Lamb 's book of life ’ ( v. 27 ) .
13 Dealing with unfamiliar words : students look for words and phrases which are defined in the passage ; find typographical indicators of explanation ; indicate whether listed words from the passage have a positive or negative connotation .
14 There is a set of genes involved in patterning the embryo , the homeobox genes ( Chapter 7 ) , which are expressed in the developing limb buds in just the Way that would suggest that they may encode positional information .
15 Alternative splicing of the messenger RNA generates an array of putative membrane-attached , intracellular and secreted signalling proteins , at least some of which are expressed in the developing spinal cord and brain .
16 We shall postpone until Chapter 3 the task of setting out the full array of intensional patterns which are expressed in the syntactic structures involving English adjectives .
17 The structure chart is a series of boxes ( representing processes or modules ) and connecting lines ( representing links to subordinate processes ) which are arranges in a hierarchy .
18 The combinations of words that form compounds thereby become number sequences which are stored in a compound tree .
19 In fact it 's not that the memory is lost , so much as the person ca n't get out the facts which are stored in the memory .
20 The sun can also act as the catalyst to many everyday substances which are stored in the skin and can be stimulated into an allergic response by deep-penetrating UVA rays .
21 Some are originals from the 2 million documents dating back to the early 1600s which are stored in the Hydrographic Office , and some are sophisticated copies made from the originals used 50 years ago .
22 It is involved in all the relations , institutions and structures which are implicated in the activities of production and reproduction in the life of societies ’ ( Held , 1984 , p. 235 ) .
23 The frequent expression of the various xenobiotic metabolising enzymes may contribute to the anti-cancer drug resistance that is characteristic of carcinoma of the colon , and also to chemical carcinogenesis in the colon as these enzymes can metabolise both exogenous and endogenous compounds , which are implicated in the development of colon cancer .
24 ‘ That the Dawson International Executive Share Option Scheme 1993 , the provisions of which are summarised in the Appendix to the letter to members of the Company dated 16th June 1993 , to be constituted by the Rules produced in draft to this meeting and for the purposes of identification initialled by the Chairman hereof , be and is hereby approved and the Directors be and are hereby authorised to do all acts and things which they may consider necessary or expedient for implementing and giving effect to the same including making such amendments to the Rules as may be necessary to gain the approval of the Inland Revenue . ’
25 In the psychoanalytic school , there is the notion of the ‘ component instincts ’ which are unified in the complex process of acculturation , though the issue is complicated by a transhistorical concept of the Oedipus complex which , it is argued , is basic to all culture , or in Juliet Mitchell 's version , patriarchal culture .
26 The ‘ collegiate ’ quality of the three-level dwellings which are sited in the topmost section of the nave and which are reached via integral winding staircases is particularly delightful .
27 The Chaplains organise public worship , discussion groups , excursions and other activities all of which are advertised in the University .
28 The Book of Kings and Chronicles , several passages in which are echoed in the dictum , were of great assistance both to the bishops and to the kings ; and anyone who wishes to understand medieval kingship should study these books very closely .
29 In summary , when considering information and decision-making flows there are two key questions , ( i ) at which point does the information system stop and the decision making begin , and ( ii ) what is the nature of the assumptions which are incorporated in the information system ?
30 It is interesting to compare the aspects of language which are highlighted by Bullock and Stubbs with those which are highlighted in a document drawn up by a group of educationalists whose expertise is not primarily in the field of language study .
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