Example sentences of "which [vb -s] a [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 There is a body , the National League against the Venereal Diseases , which receives a grant from the government and organizes lectures in schools , prisons , and to the army , but it is clear that their efforts have little effect on the prevalence of disease .
2 Pupils in independent schools ( see Chapter 5 ) form a small percentage of all school pupils — about 7% of boys , 6% of girls in England and Wales in 1988 , which represents a decline from the percentage not long after the war ( 1951 ) of 8% of boys ( 9% if direct grant schools are included ) .
3 In the centre is a model of the Statue of Liberty , which represents an award from an American university .
4 Takeover offers are also regulated and affected by the SARs ; the Fair Trading Act 1973 ( references to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ) ; European Council Regulation ( EEC ) 4064/89 ( merger control ) ; the Company Securities ( Insider Dealing ) Act 1985 ( which prohibits a person from dealing in securities which are listed or subject to a marketing arrangement at a time when he is in possession of unpublished price-sensitive information ) ; liability for negligent misstatement and for misrepresentation ( both at common law and under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 ) ; and Statements of Standard Accounting Practice 22 and 23 ( accounting for goodwill and for acquisitions and mergers ) .
5 The most obvious difference between quotation and paraphrase in these examples is the punctuation which separates a quotation from the surrounding material .
6 Dealing with complaints may seem , at first , to be a time-consuming activity which diverts a salesperson from his primary task of generating sales .
7 A computer will occasionally have an instruction which extracts a value from , or inserts a value in , that part of a specified computer word .
8 Legislative power resides in a 33-member legislature ( the Nitijela ) , which is elected for four years and which chooses a President from among its members .
9 They have organised a promotional float which depicts a scene from the classic movie where Bogart and Bergman ‘ kiss it goodbye ’ in Rik 's Cafe .
10 This resistance is controlled in effective value by an error amplifier which takes a signal from an error detector and compares it with a stable reference voltage , often derived from a Zener diode or a bandgap device .
11 On the crag , Dave Birkett has added Unrighteous Doctors , E6 6c ( F7c ± ) , which takes a line from the yew on the right side .
12 A function which gets a byte from the data file whose file handle is its argument .
13 It is the CET which distinguishes a CU from a free-trade area .
14 The prohibition in s.1(1) is supplemented by s.1(2) , which prevents an individual from dealing in securities on a recognised exchange , if that individual is an insider who is knowingly connected with a company or its related company who has information which :
15 However , the attitudinist will say that the only real deduction is at the descriptive level , and that the distinctively ethical part of the conclusion springs from the value charge of the word which expresses an attitude from which one can disassociate oneself without being in the least irrational .
16 They will be staying with families in Amiens during their four-day visit which follows a challenge from the president of the Department of the Somme , one of the county 's twinned areas .
17 Legislative power is vested in an 18-member unicameral Parliament , elected for up to three years , which selects a President from among its members .
18 He was speaking at the publication of National 's ‘ pathfinder prospectus ’ which forecasts a turnaround from last year 's £1.24m loss to £6.5m profits to end December .
19 On the green , not far from the town centre , is a weatherboarded shed with pantile roof , fenced in , which houses a crane from the old naval dockyard .
20 ( 5 ) A tender offer must be for cash which precludes a buyer from offering " roll-over " tax relief to shareholders by means of a securities exchange ( see para 23.2.1 below ) .
21 Porcelain painting is just one possibility , and if you create a suitable pressed flower design it can then be copied on to a piece of china , which makes a change from using fresh flowers as the reference material .
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