Example sentences of "which [prep] [noun sg] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 And er a further er fly in the ointment , if one could put it that way , will be of course with the erm the local hospital whose site is just off this er the key plan provided , their decision from the first of next month to actually charge for spaces within their area , which of course will have a further effect of decanting even more cars into neighbouring streets and thus put pressure on some of the streets which hitherto have not benefited from ah residents ' parking so there will be further er obviously further requests from er from those residents of neighbouring streets .
2 The receiver is not , however , obliged to fulfil existing contracts and because of this it is claimed that in this regard he is better placed than the company which of course must stand by its contracts .
3 It is therefore often wise to pitch such descents , which of course can take an eternity .
4 A rationalisation of this approach might be that late payment of bills involved no interest charges , and that house purchase secured an asset which with luck would keep its value .
5 These 30 gunboats were to sail in three divisions , at the head and on the flanks of the flotilla , which in addition would have enjoyed the escort of the eight gun-sloops of the [ French ] royal navy stationed between Havre and St Malo and a few privateers from there and Cherbourg .
6 The resulting bloom would then allow abnormally high numbers of planktonic starfish larvae to survive ; which in turn would give rise to a huge population of predatory adults .
7 There are , moreover , reasons for expecting an attack upon the Reeve , which in turn would mean that it is not solely his unsuccessful pre-emptive strike that establishes a state of enmity between these two characters .
8 Over the past six months or so you appear to have taken a leaf out of the Aquarian book and aired your grievances in such a manner that you now face the possibility of a complete break from the past , which in turn would alter so much you have built up and established over the years .
9 Scarlet admitted that if this was not precisely the case , there was yet room for considering it probable : she had often found difficulty in summoning the aid of the force , being directed by a controller to different stations which in turn would advise her to try elsewhere .
10 This would raise the pH within the antrum mucus layer , which in turn would prevent inhibition of gastrin release through a feedback mediated mechanism by low intragastric acidity .
11 This could only be averted by unrestricted use of submarine warfare , which in turn would bring an enraged United States into the conflict .
12 The problem with capitalism was not that it would fall , but that it would continue its remarkable success in raising real output and real consumption per capita , which in turn would have the effects of undermining those very social institutions on which its success depended , and creating a civilisation hostile to its continued existence .
13 Spokespeople or representatives had constantly to justify their activities and statements to committees , which in turn would have to report back to steering groups and working parties elected by conferences and regional groups .
14 But conversely , the failure of these mechanisms would explain the emergence of new production relations , which in turn would have consequences for other aspects of society .
15 If they had done so , the economy would have retained a much fuller utilization of capacity , which in turn would have increased the companies ' profits ( from 1957 to 1963 the capacity utilization rate in manufacturing averaged only 80.5 per cent , nearly 12 per cent less than the peak achieved in 1966 ) .
16 The soft systems approach often leads to conclusions about fundamental problems in an organisation , problems which in turn would require fundamental changes before they could be resolved .
17 Conservative leaders claimed that by curbing the growth in public spending they would create the headroom for tax reductions which in turn would provide incentives and liberate the entrepreneurial energies of the British people .
18 Once the syndicate was formed and terms agreed , the borrower would sell the bonds to the managing group , which in turn would sell them direct to the underwriters or the selling group , who in turn would distribute the bonds to the public .
19 The general decline in the level of money wages would lead to reductions in real wages , which in turn would encourage employers to hire more workers .
20 But even the lowliest appointment might oblige a freeholder who in turn desired to serve some obscure relative or other dependent , while in those appointments which demanded legal training , young advocates could establish their reputation as jurists , which in turn might attract business to their law practices in Edinburgh .
21 Sale et al. ( 1975 ) have suggested that increased public education about the facts of attempted suicide , as opposed to commonly held beliefs , might contribute to the development of less favourable attitudes , which in turn might lead to a reduction in suicide attempts .
22 In addition , thiazide diuretics have been reported to inhibit phosphodiesterase activity ( Senft et al , 1966 ) resulting in elevated cyclic 3 , 5-adenosine monophosphate levels which in turn might stimulate lipolysis in fat tissue ( Himms-Hagen , 1972 ) .
23 Activation of one gene can lead to the synthesis of a protein which activates some genes and inhibits others , which in turn may control yet other genes .
24 Thus the death of his father is not an event that impinges on a child only at one particular point : it may go on producing shock waves through its continuing effect on the mother , which in turn may bring about a different relationship with the child ; in addition there may be economic difficulties as a result of which the mother has to go out to work , a new home has to be found , and an altogether new lifestyle adopted .
25 The doctors point out in the British Medical Journal that , though crack dependency is not a direct risk factor for Aids , prostitutes ‘ trying to maintain expensive crack habits may be tempted into unsafe sex practices … which in turn may lead to an increase in the spread of Aids ’ .
26 2 That this technology may have scale economies which in turn may arise through fixed costs but not sunk costs .
27 Various combinations of the elements of the definition of subversion can result in lawful protesters being subject to Special Branch surveillance and records which in turn may result in injustice , for example public service careers may be damaged , government contracts denied and so on .
28 In-the-womb sucking may stimulate one side of the brain , which in turn may affect left-handedness .
29 For instance , mothers often experience downward economic mobility as income from the father drops , sometimes requiring moving to more modest housing , which in turn may involve loss of friends , neighbours and a familiar educational system .
30 This leads to ad hoc government intervention which in turn may undermine the consistency and stability of objectives still further .
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