Example sentences of "which [vb mod] [verb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Most co-operative societies have some form of funeral prepayment plan which may involve vouchers for goods in their stores .
2 In the body of the text , it may also be revealed that the person is in some position which may give opportunities for taking advantage of children , such as a registered foster-parent , a holiday-camp entertainer , a landlord who placed ads offering single mothers a home at his seaside lodging-house , a coach-driver who took a party of thirty-four primary school children .
3 Equally , members of the European Parliament will welcome Bonn 's decision to extend its role , which may encourage demands for an even greater transfer of powers from national parliaments to Strasbourg .
4 On many occasions assessments will be carried out because it is suspected that a child is experiencing some difficulty with linguistic communication , or because there are other areas of functioning in which the child is having difficulty which may have implications for language development .
5 In practical terms this concern is relevant only where supervising and senior staff in the agency may learn about a pollution ; by definition these are cases which the agency regards as important , in particular , those which may have implications for the agency 's public reputation .
6 The precautionary approach to development in areas which may become candidates for managed retreat in the future is most welcome .
7 Finally to add a bit of orange or red colours to the tank , and rather than include the aggressive C. citrinellum or C. labiatum , which might cause problems for the beginner , you could add the orange-yellow form of Petenia splendida which , while not being a Cichlasoma , would make a good addition to the community tank as they are very peaceful despite their large size .
8 Here again there are local choices to be made , one option is the creation of new villages or larger settlements which could offer opportunities for high quality design , and also relieve pressures on existing towns and villages .
9 In November President François Mitterrand had proposed the convening of the High Court , the only body which could try politicians for offences committed while in ministerial office .
10 Fifth , for historical reasons , whoever controlled Thessaly controlled the Delphic Amphictyony , an international committee which could impose fines for religious offences , usually trumped up , and generally exert a practical moral ascendancy of an enjoyable kind over the Greek community .
11 It was Europe on 5 October 1989 , where a vast human drama which could provide scenes for a thousand films is in progress , writes Patricia Clough .
12 But the idea of founding fixed royal chapels in strategic places which could provide incomes for royal chaplains was already formed .
13 We called on the Attorney-General to refer his case to the Appeal Court so that the sentence could be increased to one which would protect women for a long time .
14 But this approach seems unnecessarily rigid in cases where the matters which would give grounds for judicial review could also be resolved by the alternative process .
15 Civil Service Commission which would conduct examinations for men in two age groups , 19 to 25 and 17 to 21 , the one on the level of final examinations at a university , the other at approximately school-leaving standards .
16 A conference on Aug. 16-19 attended by representatives of 14 political parties as well as church , trade union , student and business leaders , called for the establishment of an all-party transitional government which would conduct elections for a constituent assembly to draw up a new constitution .
17 Democratic autonomy , which would specify conditions for the active participation of citizens in decisions which affect them , is Held 's Ideal .
18 Among the various trade and co-operation agreements signed in 1990 , the most important were ( i ) an agreement signed with the United States on April 9 which granted Czechoslovakia most-favoured-nation status , thereby reducing tariff levels for Czechoslovak exports to the United States ; and ( ii ) a 10-year agreement with the EC signed on March 23 which would eliminate quotas for Czechoslovak industrial exports to the EC by 1995 and facilitate the transfer of EC expertise to many sectors of the Czechoslovak economy .
19 In a town where the politics of two great interests clashed , it was essential to make the best possible use of any means of influence and to have a deputy functioning in the regality court in a way which would make friends for the duke 's interest rather than enemies .
20 On Oct. 3 , 1989 , the Justice Ministry made an appeal for the public to provide evidence which would allow prosecutions for " Stalinist crimes " to begin .
21 Indeed , a report by a working group of the National Medical Consultative Committee in 1989 saw ‘ merit in the development in Scotland of the concept of inpatient care based on a ‘ mental health campus ’ ’ which would include units for assessment and short term care , medium to long term care , and special facilities for adults with behavioural problems due to brain damage combined with multiple physical disabilities .
22 The firm , which will do boards for a whole range of products including computers , telecommunications and satellite receiver and industrial control system products is looking for further partnerships in Taiwan , Japan and the US and is three months away from announcing its next deal .
23 It will ensure that the growth that we have established over the last 10 years in terms of the range and volume of health care facilities continues under future Conservative Governments , partly because we are committed to ensuring a fairer distribution of resources within the NHS , which will secure benefits for the constituents of my hon. Friends , and partly because of the commitment given from this Dispatch Box yesterday by the Prime Minister — that under a Conservative Government the national health service will have its real resources increased year by year — something which the last Labour Government were unable to do .
24 Congress therefore urges BDA branches , regions and the Executive Council to consider initiatives which will create opportunities for the fuller involvement of deaf children and young people in the life of the community .
25 — to provide information , through appropriate media , to the whole community which will enhance opportunities for researchers and practitioner contributions to substantive research within the Programme and beyond ; — to liaise and seek additional contributions in the formulation of the research/evaluation agenda and its execution from other bodies ( DES , SED , TC , DTI , EEC , UNESCO , industry , training bodies , etc. ) ; — to support UK participation in multi national conferences , programmes and projects organised by such agencies as the British Council and the EEC ( ESPRIT , DELTA , AND COMETT ) ; — to assist ESRC in its relations with SERC , DTI etc. in post- ALVEY , joint Research Council approaches to cognitive science and human computer interaction , and other joint governmental initiatives which require an IT and education contribution .
26 The investment by Glaxo is for part of a new research site , due to open in 1995 , which will provide facilities for 1,500 staff including more than 1,000 scientists .
27 This is the time you have worked towards , when you will be working on the ‘ showcase ’ productions which will provide opportunities for you to be seen publicly .
28 One such initiative is the Arts Multimedia Centre , due to be opened in February 1993 , which will provide opportunities for the European languages to follow the lead given by Japanese in the development of computer assisted language learning .
29 Thames Polytechnic is envisaging a course which will qualify teachers for the secondary phase ; in the first instance this course will be open to teachers from the Inner London Education Authority only .
30 THE new Sussex Downs Conservation Board , which will have responsibilities for 600 square miles of countryside in West and East Sussex , met for the first time last week and elected Baroness Cumberlege as chairman .
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