Example sentences of "which [vb mod] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He might also have added the examples he cited earlier of the ‘ material content of the cultural tradition ’ , such as cave-paintings and hand-axes , since these also serve as repositories of meaning which may persist over time .
2 Christ 's feet in ‘ Mr. Eliot 's Sunday Morning Service , are ‘ unoffending ’ which may mean without sin , but might also mean just harmless or inoffensive , devoid of power in a way paralleling Origen 's sexual impotence ; the apparent presence of God need not guarantee Christ 's power .
3 That 's an attitude which may change with time because everyone who goes to Grendon is affected one way or another , staff and prisoners.tomorrow we see how much good has been done when they finish .
4 What is ‘ necessary ’ for a decent standard of living is a matter of social definition which may change over time .
5 This would discriminate against the growth of small , new firms , which may rely on bank loans to finance their investment .
6 But the question of the terms upon which an injunction may be granted to enforce , or to restrain the enforcement of , a law which is under challenge on Community law grounds , can not in my opinion necessarily be regarded as a matter of procedure for the national law where the imposition of the term under consideration is directed towards preserving rights which may arise under Community law .
7 There are other situations , less evidently or directly Oedipal , which may arise between parent and child with effect on the family .
8 The primary objective when drafting a set of standard terms is therefore to define , so far as possible , the obligations of the parties by anticipating any difficulties which may arise in performance of the contract .
9 Management considers that adequate provision has been made for any liability which may arise in respect of the years 1981 to 1983 .
10 The ethical committee also consists of at least five individual members , and deals with questions of ethics which may arise in connection with the dealing on the exchange .
11 Courts and judges must be alert to the problems which may arise in connection with wasted costs hearings and orders .
12 ( iii ) So far as article 5(1) itself is concerned , he submitted that it is clearly established by Court of Justice decisions that it reflects the close links created by the contract between the parties thereto , and the need to resolve all difficulties which may arise in connection with the contract in the same court in a country which has a close connection with the case , i.e. the court in the country where the obligation in question has to be performed .
13 This is reflected in high levels of commitment and professionalism which may result in stress and burn-out .
14 The strong glasses needed will give an odd appearance to the eyes which may result in teasing and although the child may see well directly through the glasses , there may be difficulties with the peripheral vision and mobility will have to be watched .
15 Calcium , cyclic AMP , and perhaps other mediators induce phsphorylation of several intracellular proteins , which may result in activation of plasma membrane transport systems .
16 The remedy granted by the High Court is an injunction , a discretionary remedy and a very serious one for the defendants , which may result in closure of the premises without compensation if that is the only way in which the nuisance can be abated .
17 It is not too strong to say that it is impossible to test Marx 's thesis regarding the labour theory of value at a micro-economic level because Marx and Marxists have totally disregarded any element of profit which may result from risk-taking .
18 Because of this , and because there are rare human disorders in which self-mutilation may be a feature ( e.g. Lesch-Nyhan , deLange , and Tourette 's syndromes ) , and which may result from neurotransmitter changes , it is possible that neurotransmitter disturbances may contribute to self-cutting .
19 coping with behavioural problems which may result from disruption in the child 's life — 50 per cent of adopters ' referrals to the London Post Adoption Centre ( PAC ) concern behaviours such as attention-seeking , bedwetting and truanting .
20 Language is not merely a neutral medium for the conveying of information ; it can trigger emotional responses which may spring from prejudice , stereotyping or misunderstanding .
21 This was broadly speaking the approach adopted in Chapter 2 , and it led to a model which located each discipline somewhere in a three-dimensional space , defined by its object , stance and mode , all of which may vary over time .
22 Palms , which may vary in size from emergents in the montane forest of the Andes to treelets 30cm tall in the Madagascan rain forest , are thought to be pollinated largely by beetles and sometimes bees , and not , as was formerly believed , entirely by wind .
23 It can be applied to a range of activities which may vary in cost and scale and necessitate planning over differing time spans .
24 Apart from the embarrassment and harm to industrial relations when the wrong worker is blamed , this approach may obscure the true reasons which may originate at management level .
25 That 's what some divorced people told Gwynn Davis in a Bristol study which may lead to law reform .
26 We reserve the right to edit correspondence for length and also to remove potentially libelous statements , or other matter which may lead to litigation .
27 3.2 Problems which may lead to identification
28 At best , training may open new avenues or provide contacts which may lead to employment interviews .
29 Natural ecosystems such as coral reefs will be threatened by increased sedimentation due to increased coastal erosion , increased sea-surface temperatures and lowered seawater pH which may lead to destruction of the reefs ( Viles , 1989 ) .
30 It is also true that there may be some doubt whether the privilege against self-incrimination can be used as a shield to prevent a process being set in train ‘ which may lead to incrimination or may lead to the discovery of real evidence of an incriminating character : ’ see Sociedade National de Combustiveis de Angola U.E.E. v. Lundqvist [ 1991 ] 2 Q.B .
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