Example sentences of "which [vb base] [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 A burst of frequency between 10 and 10 4 Hz is expected with a duration of several cycles and an energy release of between and in gravitational waves from a star core of mass M. The mass M is expected to be similar to that of the pulsars , which average around for the few cases where measurements have been made .
2 as if in recognition of the inherent limitations of the appeals system in this respect , the Magistrates ' Association issued a set of national guide-lines , in 1999 , which set out for the first time a scale of recommended penalties covering the 25 commonest offence types likely to come before the magistrates , together with guidance on the approach to be adopted for different degrees of seriousness .
3 He spoke of the need to ‘ discern the signs of the times ’ : ‘ We should make our own Jesus ’ advice that we should know how to discern ‘ the signs of the times ’ ( Matthew 16.4 ) , and we seem to see now , in the midst of so much darkness , a few hints which augur well for the fate of the Church and humanity' ( Abbott , p. 704 ) .
4 The MCofS 's aims in this field are to provide facilities which cater fully for the climbing population 's needs in the greater conurbations .
5 Moreover the Legal Aid Board , being in a position , as is rightly conceded , to waive observance of procedural formalities which exist solely for the board 's protection can do so by raising no objection to the proposed order and thereby obviate the necessity for any further inquiry before the suspended order takes effect .
6 Certainly it had a freshness and credibility about it which was in stark contrast to some of the other end-of-the year events which , however exciting or impressive some individual performances and achievements may have been , still involved direct or incidental features which do little for the public perception of the sport .
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