Example sentences of "which [det] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ISDN is currently priced in fixed 64Kb/second chunks , which some see as a limitation : with the latest compression techniques in place , 64Kb is a bit excessive for phone calls , but it is insufficient for some other purposes .
2 Public health medicine has in many respects been in the vanguard of specialty training , with a unified training grade combining registrar and senior registrar grades since 1982 and a well structured training programme , which many regard as a model of its kind .
3 Buy the F1 varieties like the Century , Gala , and Pulsar series , which all come in a range of colours .
4 Thus , when he says that changes are ‘ overdetermined ’ he has in mind a variety of factors , some more nearly connected than others , which all contribute to a single outcome .
5 Other pervasive images are those of death , contrasting light and dark and the elation of speed which all contribute to the mysterious and obsessional setting the author creates .
6 Greenhouse crops are susceptible to greenfly , whitefly and red spider mite which all feed on the leaves .
7 The T.V. contains hundreds of parts which all belong to the same set .
8 At most racetracks , horses are put in separate boxes which all open at the front when the race begins .
9 It is from the mind energy patterns , the personal associations , actions , desires and so on , which all lie in the mind , that the next life of a soul is determined .
10 These would include such features as : allowing the child to initiate a high proportion of interactions : providing conversational bridges — " turnabouts " as Kaye and Charney ( 1980 ) call them — which both respond to the child 's previous utterance and invite him or her to say more ; making reference predominantly to the child 's or to joint activities ; and responding to the child 's utterances with extensions , which both confirm the acceptability of his or her contribution and help them to pursue the topic further .
11 The Consultation Draft which preceded the issue of the COB Rules explained that in order to carry on investment business of the same description ( and so qualify as a market counterparty ) , the putative market counterparty must carry on an activity in relation to a description of investment which both fall in the same paragraphs of Sched 1 to the FSA as the activity and investments of the firm .
12 Gimmer Crag forms a head separated from the steep hillside by these two obvious gullies , which both start at the same point .
13 Two ZNF11 loci , which both hybridise to a cDNA probe KOX2 ( 9 ) , are located on opposite sides of a translocation breakpoint in 10q11.2 ( 5 ) .
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