Example sentences of "which [vb past] [pron] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In that country they first appeared in the mid-thirteenth century , groups of men who , under the leadership of enterprising leaders , contracted ( hence the name condottiere which they were given ) with individual city states which lacked their own armies but had the funds necessary to pay them , to guard their territory and maintain a measure of order .
2 Minnie had written to her , a short and agonising note , penned with obvious difficulty , and she had replied at length , describing her — horror , Minnie , to hear of these floodings and most of all of the terrible pain which made my own insides contract in sympathy .
3 The only specific suggestion of their pro-Nazi sympathies was in the presence of a large radiogram which filled their own rooms , and — more irritatingly — those of their neighbours , with the music of Wagner .
4 Unfortunately , we sailed straight into a terrible storm , which drove us many miles eastward .
5 I later read a book on astrology which told your former lives , and I learned that 2000 years ago I held an important post as a male .
6 Foreign policy was , then , defined by the military in terms which served their own interests ; namely , the maintenance of the role and size of the armed forces in society .
7 ( The Act did not apply to Scotland , which followed its own procedures for extensive housing renewal and had the show-piece of the Glasgow Eastern Area Renewal ( GEAR ) project to show for it ) .
8 In the event , however , the project occurred in neither of these areas : not in Barnet because the psychogeriatric service was still in the process of development ; nor in Southwark because , although there was an enormous amount of goodwill and enthusiasm for the project , the social services unions ( particularly the joint Home Helps Shop Stewards Committee ) decided that they could not endorse cooperation with the project , the main reason being that they felt — mistakenly in our view — that a project which employed its own carers might be a threat to the employment of local authority home helps , and that ‘ to endorse such a service is not helping the elderly in the long term , it is only carrying out this Government 's stratagem in closing Homes and hospitals ’ .
9 In every Legion Regiment , the English-speaking people stuck together in tight groups , drinking together , socialising together and looking after each other ; Australians , South Africans and Canadians joined in with the club , which evolved its own codes of conduct and unspoken rules of behaviour .
10 Their work was hampered when a large boulder blocking their way was moved , resulting in a further fall of shale which took them several hours to remove .
11 Any distribution of power could be only temporary and everyone involved knew it : a situation which brought its own tensions .
12 Any distribution of power could be only temporary and everyone involved knew it : a situation which brought its own tensions .
13 The Andalo is a well constructed boot designed for the wider British foot , which gave me many miles of trouble-free walking .
14 As a result the military occupation zones because four distinct political entities , where each power pursued policies which reflected its own values , with the ‘ Sovietisation ’ of the economy in the East , the fostering of capitalism in the US zone and the encouragement of social democratic reforms in the British zone .
15 With her formidable industry , Mrs Thatcher , over more than a decade , acquired a grasp of EC detail which left her own experts trailing and , more important , often enabled her to wrong-foot hostile EC officials .
16 While the proven track record of the French in launcher rockets caused relatively little objection to the Ariane 5 preparatory programme ( where Germany had a 22 per cent stake ) , the Hermes programme ( German 30 per cent stake ) was increasingly criticized by both Germany and Britain , which had their own designs for space aeroplanes — Saenger and Hotol .
17 The next of the old medieval divisions of the Pyrenees eastwards from Béarn is Bigorre , which had its own counts from the eleventh century , was nominally an English possession in the fourteenth , passed to the house of Foix-Béarn and was finally incorporated into France in 1607 .
18 It was not part of the Sakata residential sector , which had its own workers ' and managers ' houses where the Lomaxes lived , but was much more run-down .
19 He was a black man raised in poverty , but who used his initiative , wit and boxing skill to rise to prominence , command multi-million dollar pay days and criticize the ‘ man and the system ’ which ensured him such monies !
20 Then all the young gentlemen came up to him and shook both his hands very hard , especially the hand which held his few possessions .
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