Example sentences of "which [vb past] [pron] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One day Tom came to see me and poured out a story which told me the other side of his ambitious , over-achieving self .
2 In 1861 Crookes made the discovery which brought him the necessary eminence ; he identified the new element thallium .
3 In that film , Julie played the Bond villainess Rosika , which offered her the dubious acting delight of smothering a man between her 49-inch breasts .
4 The most obvious connection was , of course , France itself and on most occasions which presented themselves the French told the Americans of their difficulties and requirements in Indo-China , how many of their troops were there and , usually , how many they had lost .
5 Furthermore , their ascendancy accompanied the severest phase of the recession , which gave them the added incentive to try something different as some of their own areas were among the hardest hit .
6 It comes to us from the age which gave us the Great Charter , and founded the House of Commons .
7 Robyn strolled up the shopping mall with its glass and fancy tiles and green lush plants , which gave it the strange appearance of a tropical jungle littered with high-street stores , and considered which one of the high-class boutiques she should enter first .
8 He was everything that the Hildebrandine Church abhorred , but he had virtues which won him the warm friendship of Marbod , the talented bishop of Rennes , and of the greatest canonist of his day , Ivo of Chartres .
9 Four parties had previously collaborated with the SED within the National Front : ( i ) the Christian Democratic Union ( CDU ) which merged with the West German CDU on Oct. 1 [ see p. 37761 ] ; ( ii ) the Democratic Farmers ' Party of Germany ( DBD ) , whose chair , Günther Maleuda , resigned on June 25 and was temporarily replaced by Ulrich Junghanns pending a merger with the CDU ; ( iii ) the Liberal Democratic Party of Germany ( LDPD ) , which renamed itself the Liberal Democratic Party and joined the new League of Free Democrats in February 1990 and merged with the West German FDP in August [ see p. 37661 ] ; and ( iv ) the National Democratic Party of Germany ( NDPD ) which joined the League of Free Democrats in March [ see pp. 37260 ; 37302 ] .
10 It also conveyed the message that the CFLN — which renamed itself the Provisional Government of the French Republic ( GPRF — Gouvernement Provisoire de la République Français ) as of June 1944 — had a role beyond liberation .
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