Example sentences of "which [vb past] [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 Wilberforce J held , among other things , firstly , that the retention provisions , which operated after the end of the employee 's employment , substantially interfered with his right to seek employment and therefore operated in restraint of trade ; secondly , that the transfer system and the retention system , when combined , were in restraint of trade and that , since the defendants had not discharged the onus of showing that the restraints were no more than was reasonable to protect their interests , they were in unjustifiable restraint of trade and ultra vires ; thirdly , that the court could examine a contract between employers only and declare it void on grounds on which such a contract would be declared void if it had been a contract between an employer and employee , and that it was open to an employee to bring an action for a declaration that such a contract was in restraint of trade , inasmuch as it threatened his liberty of action in seeking employment , which was a matter of public interest ; and , fourthly , that it was a case in which the court could and should grant the plaintiff the declarations sought .
2 These were all forms which failed towards the end of the Cretaceous , except for the crocodilian which still live on , virtually unchanged , today .
3 The third congress of journalists which met at the end of January simply stressed the importance of party leadership of the press and made no practical survey of what was actually happening .
4 I explained in my statement in the annual report about the management reorganisation which occurred at the end of nineteen eighty nine .
5 But in the 1860s and 1870s the development of the steam trawler , the use of ice for preservation , and the exploitation of the rail network signalled the arrival of cheap cod and made possible the fish-and-chip shops which multiplied at the end of the century to furnish an important source of protein to the working class .
6 Nevertheless , a second movement which erupted at the end of the 1880s was wholly unexpected .
7 Bonanza Boy finished a remote eighth in the race and is 10lb worse off with Little Polveir but it is unwise to judge him on that performance which came at the end of a long season after some punishing contests .
8 In general , both leaders stressed their unanimity on all the main subjects , including the last-minute question of the Soviet ultimatum to Lithuania [ see p. 37361 ] , which came at the end of the summit and which both leaders roundly condemned .
9 In the subsequent scramble for survival and enrichment which mounted towards the end of 1922 , it was not surprising that those who were slightly better off often took a kind of revenge in driving hard bargains with their poorer neighbours , as has been noted earlier .
10 Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró ‘ Joan Miró ’ ( 1 April-1 May ) Assembles the permanent collection of this new Foundation which opened at the end of last year on the property where Miró and his family lived .
11 Thus the lexicon contained explicit paths which mapped from the end of would into the beginning of you via , or from to the beginning of the lexicon if there was no boundary effect .
12 Later one of the gringos in the office told me that in the book of depositions , which began at the end of January , they were already ( in the second week of April ) at page 152 , with three entries per double page .
13 Yet these and other highly original mathematical developments did not come into their own until the new revolutionary age of physics which began at the end of the century .
14 The latter became InterCity property in 1986 , following a long and complicated sequence of events which began near the end of 1983 with the enforced withdrawal of the SLOA Pullman set , following the discovery that the potentially dangerous blue asbestos coach body insulation had become exposed .
15 It is , in fact , a diversion of resources away from the priorities which existed at the end of 1988 which were to develop the management accounting skills of the NHS : particularly to promote the better use of resources through the RMI .
16 But the allegations of a popish plot which broke at the end of 1678 embarrassed Dering deeply , dividing him between a strong anti-Catholicism and his loyalty to the monarchy and his patrons in the government .
17 Although there were links to other organizations , such as through Arnold Leese to the Britons and Nesta Webster to the extremist Die-hards , the organization 's political roots had greater connections to the mainly middle-class pressure groups which evolved at the end of the war to protect property against the alleged socialist menace , the most important of which were the British Empire Union , the Middle Classes Union and the National Citizens Union .
18 Luke and Sonny headed towards the wide square of open ground which lay at the end of the lane .
19 The most notable capture was that of Caen which fell at the end of July , and which , according to the chronicler Froissart , was the source of much material gain which was taken down the river Orne to the coast for shipment back to England .
20 From the roof they had a splendid view , not only of the proceedings below but also over the houses in King Street and Parliament Street , which forked at the end of Whitehall and led into Parliament Square .
21 ‘ Yes , those Scales that the faithful foolish Gnomes of Gallan wrought for Erin and which disappeared towards the end of his reign . ’
22 The first floor of the Post Office had some rooms over the lane which contained at the end nearest the street , some of Salisbury 's oldest buildings .
23 The crisis over the succession which emerged at the end of Anne 's reign did not so much divide the parties , but split the Tories .
24 These purposes are those most readily associated with the objectives of the positive state which emerged towards the end of the nineteenth century and which are summed up in the idea of government as institution which promotes progressive evolutionary change .
25 The first communities combining these prerequisites were those which emerged towards the end of the Pleistocene .
26 Fogarty was left to move further and further ahead as Joey Dunlop took up the challenge , then Robert Dunlop made up ground rapidly after being seventh at the end of lap one , and by the end of the second lap it was Joey ahead of Robert to initiate a battle which continued until the end of the race when Robert just squeezed ahead .
27 As we have seen , German arms achieved a separate Polish State which remained after the end of the war and the evacuation of the German armies .
28 Hardly looking like a suburban station in the densely populated Croydon area of south London is Coombe road which closed at the end of the 1982/3 timetable with the ending of services on the Elmers End–Sanderstead line .
29 BSkyB will not renew the £13 million three-season deal they had with the Scottish authorities which expired at the end of last season .
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