Example sentences of "which [vb past] [prep] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Jones had then worked closely with the docks employer , Lord Aldington , in getting a new wages agreement for the docks including a settlement for the problem of casual labour which drew on him the fire of many militant shop stewards amongst the stevedores .
2 Here is the verse and chorus which appealed to me the most .
3 In part the debate has been presented as an opposition between a broadly liberal programme — multiculturalism — and an antiracism which claimed for itself the mantle of left radicalism ( Dodgson and Stewart , 1981 ; Mullard , 1984 ; Troyna , 1987a ; Gill and Singh , 1987 ) .
4 The hostility of the army to the republic increased with the Catalan autonomy statute which represented to them the breaking up of the Spanish nation and a threat to national pride .
5 We conclude that heterogeneous chemistry on background aerosols was responsible for this conversion , which brought with it the potential for additional ozone loss in the autumn .
6 I 'm sure your friend will put a good word in for you , ’ which brought from her the sharp retort : ‘ Yes , he will !
7 If a cleric engaged in crime , it could be disputed whether a lay or an ecclesiastical court should try him ; if there was a dispute about marriage , which carried with it the inheritance of land and other corollaries , lay and Church courts would both be concerned in it .
8 This led to a deep conflict within himself which carried with it the handicap that he did not really understand the ordinary world , was remote from everyday life , and so lacked balance .
9 The lighting of one hundred beacons , from Jersey to the Shetland Isles , the street parties and special events and the climactic procession by the Queen along a processional route lined by one million people waving Union Jacks under a murky grey sky — all of this implied an attempt to reclaim something permanent and enduring a sense of national pride — which had been systematically eroded by Britain 's loss of standing as a world power , and by some dark and mysterious incoming tide which carried with it the flotsam of unemployment , inflation , rising crime and social decay .
10 In every city there were cinemas which specialized in what the Milwaukee Sentinel called ‘ immoral , evilly suggestive and crime-inducing spectacles ’ .
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