Example sentences of "which [vb past] [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 1983 the DHSS issued the ‘ Care in the Community ’ circular which sought to bring about the transfer of long-stay hospital patients into the community : this would allow the closure of long-stay wards and hospitals .
2 An archaeologist who has transformed the way people think about his area of study ; a communicator who can make an enthralling TV programme ; a lover of contemporary art who has persuaded the Fellows of his Cambridge college at least to tolerate biannual sculpture shows ( one of which involved digging up the hallowed lawns ) ; and now , since his peerage which gives him the forum of Britain 's Upper House , a politician , with strong views on how to preserve the world 's history as encapsulated in its archaeology : Colin Renfrew at fifty-five has an enviable career and range of interests .
3 The other major difference from the straightforward version is that the variable LR now stores a list of all rules which helped to set up the current state .
4 In INDIA , for instance , despite the sterilisation scandals which helped to bring down the Ghandi Administration in 1977 , there are now new reports of widespread sterilisation abuse in Gujerat ( using famine relief as an ‘ incentive ’ ) and Rajasthan ( using promises of employment as an ‘ incentive ’ for tribal women ) .
5 Crime has decreased by 70 per cent since the cameras were installed and a local businessman , Chris Ormerod , managing director of Orrs of Airdrie , and vice-chairman of Airdrie Development Trust , which helped set up the surveillance system , said : ‘ Saturday afternoon trade has improved quite dramatically .
6 Schladming , just to the east , which tried to take on the World Cup commitment , has suffered similarly .
7 The proposal for National Parks , however , received further support in the Dower report , published in 1945 , and that of the Hobhouse committee , which proposed setting up a National Parks Commission paid for out of public funds .
8 The noise echoed over the water which seemed to suck up the sound .
9 Barakai commenced a fury of strokes which seemed to beat down the Manchu 's blade .
10 Francis and Richard tend to play slightly ahead of the beat , and although it 's more than likely psychological I always felt that playing fingerstyle meant a sort of delay between playing something and hearing it , which seemed to mess up the impact of the songs .
11 These recommendations are part of the 1990 Government White Paper ( Home Office 1990a ) , which claimed to set out a coherent , legislative framework for sentencing , matching punishment to the seriousness of the crime , and making the distinction between violent and non-violent crime .
12 Instead the women 's movement devised its own strict code of appearance which served to speed up the fragmentation of the fashion scene .
13 He and his members — Messrs. Harold Fishwick , Roy Davies , Alan Henderson ( Captain ) and Alec Stevens ( Vice-Captain ) — dealt with ( 1 ) a substantial building and refurbishing programme , ( 2 ) ways to finance it , which included buying out the bondholders and ( 3 ) Committee eligibility .
14 At 55 he could claim a distinguished record of philanthropic and public service which included setting up the Royal Army Education Corps .
15 With stupefaction one thinks of the wholesale slaughter of ducks and chickens , of pheasant and quail , the shiploads of Dover sole and the immense cargoes of foie gras from France , of caviare from Russia , the crates of champagne and the tons of truffles , which went to make up a single day 's entertainment in the great hotels of Europe .
16 First , by drawing a distinction between what it regarded as the natural ( and therefore genuine ) core of religion and the complex of authorities , traditions , institutions and doctrines which went to make up the forms of Christianity , it implied that much , indeed very much of the latter was redundant and could safely be jettisoned .
17 While these various groups which went to make up the hierarchy were mutually interdependent , the basic principle on which society was organized was this formal system of ranking .
18 Its form was dictated by the tightness of the site between Flinders Street and the river , which necessitated stringing out the narrow building along the full length of platforms which ran parallel to the river behind .
19 While acknowledging that there were some schools which had built up a good range of resources and had successfully integrated their school library with the teaching and learning taking place in the school , it appeared at this time that many demonstrated one or all of the following basic problems :
20 Those schools which had built up a good resource collection appeared to have allocated additional capitation to the school library or to have raised extra funds from other sources .
21 From there they went darting across the boiling surface like a dragon-fly , skimming with the currents where the banks were swept too open and smooth to hold flotsam , swinging aside round the sergeant 's paddle in the marked spots ; round the shovel-shaped end of Eel Island , which had scooped up a full load of branches , twigs , uprooted grass , and even more curious trophies , but not what they were seeking ; a little way down the sluggish backwater beyond , until motion ceased in stagnant shallows , and still there was nothing ; out into the flood again , hopping back on to the current as on to a moving belt that whisked them away ; revolving out of the race again where the trees leaned down into the water at the curve by the Lacey farm , acting like a great , living grille to filter out debris ; clean across the width of the river at the next coil , to where the long , sandy shallow ran out and encircled a miniature beach .
22 This year of 1944 saw the supreme Japanese effort to break the deadlock which had bogged down the Burma front .
23 But I missed the more dramatic sting inflicted on Gloucestershire 's Mark Davies , by a bee which had gone up the trouser leg and reached the left-arm spinner 's more intimate regions .
24 The blast which had flung down the doors at the front had strangely left the windows intact , but when Pat arrived home it was decided that it would be better to leave Julia in the bed in the cellar .
25 Returning to the Maison Caressa at Nice , he persuaded the factory which had turned down the project fifteen years earlier to manufacture " a certain quantity " of 2 kilo cans of crushed tomato according to his own specification .
26 Following the elections to the Basque parliament on Oct. 28 , 1990 , the formation of a new regional government had been delayed for three months due to the breakdown of talks between the two parties which had made up the previous governing coalition — the Basque Nationalist Party ( PNV ) , which had emerged as the largest single party , with 22 seats , and the Basque Socialist Party ( PSE-PSOE ) which had been beaten into second place .
27 Was Miss Fergusson comparing the earthquake which had thrown down the village of Arghuri to the great Flood itself ?
28 A former member of the South African Defence Force ( SADF ) , Sgt. Felix Ndimene , said that he had served in a special forces unit which had carried out the massacre in September 1990 of 26 passengers in a Johannesburg-Soweto train [ see p. 37698 ] , an incident which had provoked weeks of violence in the Johannesburg region between ANC and Inkatha supporters .
29 There were still old parts of Bucharest surviving despite the bulldozers of Ceausescu which had torn down the old to build huge concrete cubes .
30 This committee , made up of government representatives , was sometimes grandiosely referred to as the ‘ Spaak II Committee ’ ( after the body which had drawn up the Rome Treaties in the 1950s ) .
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