Example sentences of "which [vb past] [verb] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although she made little initial impact in England , her scheme gained influential support in Scotland where it was adopted by the Scottish Education Department which agreed to give School Boards ‘ choice of employment ’ powers under the Education ( Scotland ) Act 1908 .
2 Liam Coyle who has scored three of Derry 's four competitive goals so far this season , booked City 's last eight berth with a close range strike in the seventh minute , but thereafter , it was yet another case of Derry flattering to deceive as they quickly ran out of ideas against a United side which failed to test City goalkeeper Dermot O'Neill at any time during the game .
3 Disadvantages include handwriting as an obstruction to understanding , the element of personal ‘ ownership ’ which discourages the release of the book to some central point at the time of completion and so the sharing of data therein ; the primitive linking of support data ( anything from staples to sticky tape ) with the accompanying disincentive to completeness and tendency to data loss ( e.g. through sticky tape perishing ) ; some support data presented even more of a problem , such as photographs and outsize computer print out which led to separate support folders to the actual laboratory notebook .
4 The Magistrates Association mounted a successful campaign against the 1969 Children and Young Persons Act which sought to replace courtroom hearings for young people with ‘ welfare dispositions ’ .
5 On March 1 Czechoslovakia , France , Germany , the Soviet Union , the UK , the USA and 34 other countries signed a Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection , which sought to forestall terrorist attacks by requiring signatory states to oblige manufacturers to add one of four chemical detection agents to such explosives .
6 The same Unit ( SPRU ) carried out a later study ( Martin , Irvine & Crouch 1985 ) which involved using research indicators for scientific choice , as earlier defined , for international comparisons , and also for institutional choice between competing UK research groups in two different research fields — Ocean Current studies , and Protein Crystallography .
7 The focus is on two particular topics , first , the Government/BSA Joint Advisory Committee which tried to regulate mortgage lending and house prices in the 1970s and , second , the new legislation itself .
8 GEMA organized and led the ‘ Change the Constitution ’ movement which had as its objective the prevention of the vice-president taking power in an interim period before an election , and which came to dominate party politics in the mid 1970s .
9 Attacked as irresponsible by the conservative opposition but welcomed by the Australian Council of Trade Unions which pledged to contain wage pressure , the programme marked a return towards the ALP 's traditional Keynesianism after years of economic liberalization and rationalization begun in 1983 when Keating was Treasurer under Hawke .
10 He received consecutive two-year sentences for five charges which included manipulating stock prices , paying bribes and insider trading .
11 In the military sphere certain steps had been taken , which included strengthening air bases far beyond the normal requirements of the occupation , as for example in the extension of runways , allegedly for coping with B-36 bombers .
12 Within a year the fundraising campaign , which included selling note cards and T-shirts , had been completed , much of the money having come from local businesses and foundations .
13 Another social division also emerged between those , mainly day , voluntary schools which needed to accept rate subsidy in order to maintain and improve their standards , and the elite , mainly boarding , schools , which were able to survive and indeed in this period to expand , unsubsidized , on the financial basis of their income from fees , endowments and investments .
14 A United States proposal , backed by the " Cairns Group " of 14 agricultural exporting nations , led by Australia , to cut internal farm support by 75 per cent and reduce export subsidies by 90 per cent , was resisted by European Community ( EC ) members which offered to cut farm subsidies by no more than 30 per cent .
15 In late September a joint World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank ( IDB ) mission discussed the government 's " National Strategy of Development and Economic Modernization " , introduced in late August , which aimed to privatize Air Panama , the Atlantic Banana Company , the state-run railway and electricity supply industries , along with other large companies .
16 The Financial Statement was a voluntary arrangement , which aimed to avoid court action .
17 It was then that I conceived the idea of getting a few fans that he had in those days to walk around the television company with placards saying Lets Be Fair To The Long Hairs , which did get press publicity , and in the end , the producer relented and he did his first TV show . ’
18 This was partly because the hiring fairs in the upland areas provided a means of regulating the labour market which appeared to render trade unionism irrelevant , but it was also due to the reduced social distance between farmers and farm workers there .
19 The report estimated that about 38,000 of the 60,000 caravans were on sites for which permission , usually conditional or temporary , had been given ; about 12,000 had ‘ existing use ’ rights ; and about 10,000 were on sites which appeared to contravene planning control .
20 The Yugoslav government presented on June 30 a second package of economic measures designed to restrain the boom in both public and private spending , which had pushed inflation rates to levels approaching 1,000 per cent at the end of 1989 .
21 When Hornby died at the height of his company 's success , the annual output of his factories totalled millions of Meccano sets , Hornby trains , and Dinky toys , which had become household names throughout the world .
22 Mr Fallon said the gaps were the fault of the Labour county council which had ignored nursery provision in Darlington until the election .
23 And it would be promoted by the sort of publicity which had made Sunlight soap a household name .
24 The previous agreement , which had limited steel imports to 18.4 per cent of the US market , and which had expired on Sept. 30 , 1989 , was extended for 2@1/2 years .
25 In Poland a 15 per cent price rise on Oct. 5 was the latest in a series which had increased fuel prices by more than 50 per cent since the beginning of August .
26 His ideas of management ( which had involved business lunches , a Rolls with expensive chauffeur , and a succession of pretty secretaries ) , had nearly brought them to bankruptcy .
27 Transport workers staged strikes on Jan. 15 and 26 , 1990 , for increased wages to compensate for monthly devaluations in the peso , which had fuelled inflation rises .
28 Prior to Miyazawa 's Korean visit fresh evidence had been uncovered which had caused public outrage both in Japan and elsewhere .
29 The plants had for the past three years been emitting toxic fumes which had caused skin diseases among the villagers , killed fish in local fishponds and contaminated farmlands .
30 What was the reason for the growth between eighteen hundred and eighteen fifty because they had n't had sort of mass industrialization industrialization which had caused population growth in other countries so was there any particular reason why there 's should have trebled in that time ?
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