Example sentences of "which [vb past] [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 Both may be guessing , although the Encomiast is reasonably well-informed on the campaigns late in Æthelred II's reign , and William 's report of mixed methods need not be far wrong , even if it is a guess ; the armies which troubled England over the long period between c.985 and 1016 do often seem to have comprised the warbands of a number of men , are unlikely to have been organised and commanded solely by Danish kings , did not consist entirely of Danes , and frequently appear to have been motivated mainly by a desire for booty .
2 Ministers published yesterday a Gallup survey of boardroom executives which showed fears over the impact of Labour 's economic policies .
3 The government 's election pledges had included a clampdown on crime , but Simmons , taking charge of a new portfolio which included jurisdiction over the police , prisons and fire service ( hitherto the responsibilities of the Attorney General ) , faced immediate controversy when he supported the use of flogging with the cat o " nine tails .
4 Yet within nine months of taking office the Government had introduced a New Towns Bill , which took precedence over the promised measure on compensation and betterment ( Cullingworth , 1979 ) .
5 In July 1973 , after months of preliminary exchanges , a meeting of foreign ministers agreed to proceed with such talks which took place over the next two years .
6 There is no doubt that the transformation in style and approach which took place with Out in 1964 represents a fundamental reconception of the novel on Brooke-Rose 's part , but the technical and conceptual development which took place over the course of her early fiction points the way to the change to come .
7 With an amused expression in his eyes , Roman rested a casual arm along Caroline 's shoulders , a calmly proprietorial gesture which sent shivers over the surface of her skin .
8 This , of course , was not how it seemed to the European powers which held authority over the Middle East after the 1914–18 war .
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