Example sentences of "which [vb past] [been] made [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet for the National Government to fight the election as a government , rather than on party lines , was a clear breach of the undertakings which had been made at the time of its formation .
2 Eddy was working with mathematician Aram Boornazian on a study of measurements of the Sun 's diameter which had been made at the Royal Greenwich Observatory between 1836 and 1953 .
3 By making an alliance with Megara , Athens was clearly seeking to secure herself from a lightning invasion from the west — the threat which had been made at the time of Thasos .
4 Others crossed the low–and on the old Roman road which had been made on the ridge of the terminal moraine .
5 At that time [ the petitioner ] was asserting that there was no contract and purported to withdraw an offer which had been made on terms different from those that had been agreed .
6 On Dec. 25 the Iranian government issued a vigorous protest against the arrest , which had been made on an Interpol warrant issued in Paris .
7 Bennett explained that the decision , which had been made with " the deepest reluctance " , had been financially motivated .
8 Tranchant , who had been co-owner with Tapie of an electronics firm , Nippon Audio Video System , alleged that Tapie had fraudulantly kept him ignorant of a payment of F13,000,000 which had been made to him by the Japanese company Toshiba when Toshiba bought the company in 1985 .
9 The sum was reduced by almost £9,000 , taking it below an out of court offer which had been made to Linda Clark by Lothian and Borders Police .
10 In a letter to Archy Kirkwood , MP for Roxburgh and Berwickshire , Sir Hector said that the survey made by Borders NFU , after Government lopped £2.25 per ewe off Hill Livestock Compensatory Allowances , ignored very large compensating increases which had been made to farmers .
11 Historically this was created shortly after nineteen sixty one as a rough way of judging the submissions which had been made for sketch plan purposes on the basis of the nineteen fifty five circular .
12 It was later revealed that this was the 15th such shipment to Israel since October 1990 ( the majority of which had been made under BND auspices ) .
13 The appellants were the owners of the freehold of a valuable house at 220 , Westbourne Grove , London , W.11 , and at the time of the Tomlin order there were already in existence two charges against that property which had been made by the appellants .
14 ‘ The tenant here died after the date of the order for recovery of possession against him but before the expiration of the last of a series of extensions which had been made by way of postponement of the date on which the order was to be complied with .
15 But they were also so far removed from conditions elsewhere in Italy that Banfield 's attention centred on this intra-national gap , and noting the many efforts which had been made by successive Italian governments to deal with ‘ the Southern Question ’ , he asked why these peripheral ‘ backward societies ’ were , as he put it , ‘ ultra-stable ’ , apparently trapped in dependency and poverty .
16 The US government issued a mild rebuke on Feb. 4 in response to remarks which had been made by Miyazawa to the Diet budget committee on Feb. 3 , to the effect that the American people " lacked a work ethic " , that " speculative greed " had eroded their competitiveness , and that they had forgotten how " to live by the sweat of their brow " .
17 She climbed up on to the rickety driving platform , which had been made by tying a plank across the cab .
18 Some perspective on just how limited the reforms laid down in the Declaration of Rights were is provided by comparing them with the proposals for reform which had been made by opponents of the government since Charles II 's reign .
19 A Trotskyist group , led by Reg Groves , was particularly afraid of " sacrificing the Socialist League 's position in the Labour Party " , thus repeating the objections to working in the United Front which had been made by leaders of the League in past years .
20 The inquest heard that the children had got into the site through a hole in a wire fence which had been made by the fire brigade to drain and the tank .
21 Second , would assessments which had been made from the age of 11 up to 16 be reflected in the record of each student 's achievement at the age of 16 plus ?
22 At an extraordinary meeting of the Trades Union Congress at the Albert Hall on 9 December 1913 he was prompted to move a motion condemning " the unfair attacks which had been made upon British trade union officials " and affirming " their ability to negotiate an honourable settlement if assured of the effective support of all who are concerned in the Dublin dispute " .
23 The majority had no wish to stop work , particularly after the great strides which had been made in recent months , but they were n't going to be sat on either .
24 The 1979 Act once again puts the law into one statute by incorporating all the amendments which had been made in the original Act .
25 Also , although some of the demands which had been made in 1381 were echoed in the later risings , in none of them was there anything so clear-cut in the way of a social programme as the demands put forward at Mile End and Smithfield .
26 The tunnel had taken several months to build and some of the accusations which had been made against these same people now looked rather silly .
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