Example sentences of "which [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Engineers were dominated by craft unionism which divided them by organization and levels of skill even within the newly created Amalgamated Engineering Union .
2 THE wayward Marquess of Blandford last night claimed it was a lost love which led him into drug addiction .
3 ( 42 ) If he was small enough to sell his Lord for so little , how account for the remorse which led him to suicide when he realized that Christ was to be slain ?
4 It was the Physics which led him to Engineering , and the Engineering which took him as a National Serviceman to Germany and the experimental air fields .
5 They had always been fed a diet of worksheets which led them along step by step — now they were thinking and making decisions for themselves .
6 But travellers in Latin America in the early twentieth century found there stations which led them into rhapsodies of praise .
7 Back to the beginning , and the archery shafts which led us into carbon tubes and the generation of so many new designs for steerable aerobatic kites .
8 The self-abnegation of Friends , emptying themselves the better to be filled by the Light Within , did not then necessarily exclude the pursuit of righteousness in the world ; equally , in the outlook of growing numbers of Quakers in the early nineteenth century , this stance could merge with a stress on the experience of grace which aligned them with evangelicals .
9 For the traditional élites , it was not charisma but pragmatic power considerations which aligned them with Hitler .
10 But there is a more immediate aim for striker Ian Wright who is fighting a fitness battle to return in the live Sky TV game against the club which sold him to Highbury less than a year ago and show he is still the man England need .
11 Most lucrative of all , at the end of his life , was his farm of the customs on imported silks , which provided him with £1,333 per annum up to 1610 and £7,000 per annum for the next two years .
12 So they set about it , with the help of a co-op development agency , which provided them with management services .
13 Karen realised that her goal was to find a job which was challenging and interesting and which provided her with opportunities for foreign travel .
14 The French master chef , dressed in his long bespattered apron , stood by his post chopping , slicing , stirring and mixing with a vigour which drenched him in sweat whilst he swore at his apprentices for this or that .
15 Keoi look like ordinary human individuals — men and women — and in fact they were this at some time , but they performed a forbidden act which transformed them into keoi .
16 The modernization of the Meadowell estate , which transformed it from flats to terraced houses and dramatically reduced the density of occupation , was a consequence of the availability of central government assistance intended to stimulate employment opportunities in the construction industry as a corrective to general problems of unemployment in the early 1970s .
17 If the problems were not put right , Coun Dixon warned : ‘ We would be very sceptical of any housing association which used them in future .
18 Within a few months , in late 1954 , the Senate censured him and although Nixon , his loyal backer in the past , considerately struck out the word Censure from the resolution , which condemned him for conduct unbecoming to the Senate , he was finished in Washington .
19 In it , the Welsh Office stated that a solution for Wales had to take into account four major factors which distinguished it from England : the Welsh Office had been responsible for public sector higher education in Wales since 1978 ; the scale of the problem was quite different in that only eight local authorities and a small number of colleges were involved ; the Regional Advisory Council for the whole of Wales , the WJEC , was made up of these local authorities ; and it did not make sense , either on economic or educational grounds , to expect colleges in Wales to provide as wide a range of provision as would be expected in England .
20 She claims that two years later pupils began taunting her about her weight both in the playground and the classroom which reduced her to tears .
21 It was later announced Aideed 's radio station had been destroyed by the Spectres which reduced it to rubble in a sustained attack of pinpoint accuracy .
22 It was something she had never anticipated , a circumstance which filled her with alarm .
23 There was , too , something unaccountable about Richard — perhaps the same wilfulness that induced him to live offshore although his marriage was in a perilous state — which attracted him to Pratts because celebrations were only held there for the death of a king or queen .
24 But Labour 's lead over the SNP was 30 percentage points , a far cry from the four-point gap which separated them in January , in the wake of the nationalist victory at the Govan by-election .
25 To form a New Testament canon was to give special importance to the written tradition , imparting a fixity which protected it against adulteration .
26 Shapland and Hobbs ( 1989 ) consider many low status activities are effectively invisible , while Chatterton and Rogers ( 1989 ) acknowledge many cultural inhibitors , ranging from a lack of trust between the ranks to a ‘ number of deeply rooted myths about the existing police systems which protected it from criticism and disguised its deficiencies ’ .
27 Finally a solution was found — large numbers of animals were rapidly disposed of by sending them whole or shredded to a plant which turned them into fertiliser .
28 They constituted an ethnic minority , had a tribal organization independent of the Zuwaya , and an identity and language which linked them with Chad .
29 The ancient rituals which linked them to fertility and the renewal of life were abandoned .
30 Pound was a bohemian figure , despite his Quaker origins , who espoused an anti-credit economic philosophy which thrust him into anti-Semitism .
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