Example sentences of "which [pers pn] [vb base] [pron] will " in BNC.

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1 There have been some hand outs as you come in hopefully you 've actually picked them up , on part of that hand out is a questionnaire towards the end which I hope everybody will find the time to fill in .
2 She is an articulate , intelligent , well read human being , qualities which I hope she will use in other fields once her tennis career is over , ( not yet however ) .
3 I have kept to foods which I hope you will be able to find locally — there is no point in inspiring you with mouthwatering descriptions of cheeses available only in small mountain villages in the Alps !
4 Finally , as this is the Christmas issue , I 'm finishing with a little quiz , which I hope you will find time to do just for the fun of it over the holiday .
5 There is one variation on bindings and rouleaux which I find particularly rewarding and which I hope you will find as much fun as I do .
6 There is a new year 's resolution which I hope you will all share with me — that we will not be discouraged by influences , such as the low oil price , which are outside our control .
7 I have enclosed our new recruitment leaflet together with the latest issue of our magazine RURAL WALES from which I hope you will gain an insight into our new campaigning image !
8 I attach a note which I hope you will find useful and which could be distributed to appropriate members of the Trust .
9 Mr President Portsmouth is a thriving maritime city with much to be proud of we have many supreme attractions Victory Mary Rose and Warrior amongst others which I hope you will have a chance to visit some time during your stay here in Portsmouth .
10 As she walked , she said over her shoulder , ‘ I shall be sending in my account , Mr Greenwood , which I hope you will settle as soon as possible . ’
11 ‘ I would like to think I am a very passionate person , but I have to admit there is a degree of workaholism , which I hope I will be able to temper .
12 If you are eligible , which I imagine you will be , you may claim Supplementary Benefit during the interim . "
13 Erm be because out of that debate this morning I sense you have much to offer the rest of us and I hope that that conversation will not be a conversation confined your Synod or to the to the assembly of URC but that we 'll find ways of sharing that perception of ministry with those of us in other churches cos you do n't need me to tell me , tell you that that key question in the whole ecumenical debate , not just in these nations but worldwide and I think that from within this reform tradition in which I share I will hope that we will find ways of offering that perception of ministry , in all its forms as erm , a symbol and a sign of the ministry of the whole people of God we have that to offer the churches in Wales and worldwide and I hope that we can find ways of doing that .
14 Competition is so great between the two giants of the industry ( and I have n't even begun to think about Unix and the Mac operating system , never mind the combined IBM/Apple OS ) that , behind the hype ( of which I predict there will be much ) there will be a rock solid operating system developed , and it will be just what the doctor ordered .
15 It does n't mean that you do n't look for efficiencies but it does mean that we need to recognise that we are putting a burden on our staff which I think we will be callous and stupid to disregard .
16 If they do go ahead and put the application in , which I think they will , then , that 's the start of the process , so that 's a good time when we will need to really step up the campaign and we will get National speaker 's to meetings , we will get probably a petition , we will go round the area like we did over the er non funding , but we had to do something quickly , to , to make it clear , you know , we do n't want this to go ahead .
17 Happening by chance to be employed in one of the most notoriously protest-prone university schools in the Western world , I have noticed an extraordinary anomaly in student protest behaviour which I invite my readers to compare with their own experience , which I think they will find quite closely comparable to my own .
18 So even if the truth , which I think it will now , is established and recognised , it 's a pretty costly business in this country to do it .
19 I have to confess , I 'm afraid — and now we have come to the point of this long and circumstantial detour , of a sort which I assure you will not recur in these reports — that under the pressure of the circumstances I did a very foolish thing .
20 The type of drills and the order in which you construct them will depend on the structure of the new language and also on your own language background which to a certain extent determines in what area you will find difficulties .
21 Since it is hard to change departments once you are in , choose the department in which you think you will be able to settle down .
22 That will give you a fair idea of the sort of environment in which institutions are placed , and the sort of environment in which you might be happy , and again , go for the environment in which you think you will be happiest .
23 Each offers slightly different and more appropriate benefits to the players , so that the individuals have a secure platform from which we hope they will make serious bids for international success .
24 On page 151 , you will find a selection of packed lunches which we hope you will agree are relatively portable .
25 We have received a questionnaire from one of our Residents a copy of which is enclosed herewith , along with answers to the best of our knowledge , which we hope you will find informative and interesting .
26 The crafts on show include pottery , embroidery , furniture making , book binding , weaving and silversmithing , a very wide range of crafts which we hope you will take the opportunity of seeing .
27 They simply have not got the money , and they are frightened to put the heating on and to keep their homes warm because of the bills which they know they will not be able to pay .
28 Your authorities ' plans are shown less the amounts of these Government grants ; and of fees , charges and other income which they estimate they will receive ( on which see next note ) .
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