Example sentences of "which [modal v] [verb] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The latest sub-atomic theories , for example , say that we are all made up of infinitely thin pieces of string which may exist in ten dimensions .
2 What remains is a possible non-rational resolution of the question , which may consist in one side to a dispute stimulating a change of attitude in the other by a moving use of emotive language , or one aspect of one s personality achieving dominance over another .
3 But when you spend it when you 're spending your income you 're not accumulating your capital , so this person in five years time , although they 've had their income which may vary between seven and thirteen percent , their ten thousand is still ten thousand pounds , and obviously that would have devalued in real terms against inflation , which is the other problem .
4 Currently , where a joint team from a number of JAA states are engaged in JAA certification of a new aircraft or power-plant type , each state charges the applicant according to its national scheme , which may vary from zero to £100 per hour .
5 A slight burn can cause a pale pink colour which may appear between 6–24 hours after exposure and can take 1–3 days to disappear , but may not cause peeling .
6 The more easterly of the two valley roads which combine at Pierrefitte takes you first to the charming town of Luz-Saint-Sauveur , which may look like one place but is really two , with more than just a hyphen dividing them .
7 Such individuals counselling is not very suitable for covering in this feature because advice which may apply to one case of aggression may not apply to another … and so could even make matters worse , or put owners at risk .
8 — Can you justify the time needed to view , say , the recordings of five groups , which may run for five minutes each — a total of twenty-five minutes ?
9 Other physical changes which take place in the girl 's body include development of the breasts , which may begin between eight and thirteen , and of the rounded feminine shape , as well as the growth of pubic hair .
10 the foundation , or base layers , which have an expected lifespan of more than 25 years , and the surface layers , which should last between 7 and 10 years .
11 Note also an error in the text relating to the last set of transactions which should relate to l months 8 to 12 , not 6 to 12 as shown in the text .
12 This disease has been eradicated from the world , an achievement which must rank as one of WHO 's greatest successes , although some vaccine is being kept in a limited number of centres in case of resurgence of smallpox .
13 A letter survives from Edmund to his brother the king which must date from 1282 .
14 A faint glow came through an opaque window which must belong to one of the cloakrooms .
15 After an announcement of a firm intention to make an offer has been made the offeror must , except with the consent of the Panel , proceed with the posting of the offer document ( which must occur within 28 days ) unless the posting is subject to a specific pre-condition which has not been satisfied ( Rules 2.7 and 30.1 ) .
16 Because BT was not restructured or broken down into more manageable units which might compete with one another ( the US solution to their phone giant AT & t ) , competition between giant BT and tiny Mercury is unlikely to constrain BT much .
17 Three-quarters of village income by the mid-1980s was earned outside , either elsewhere in the West Bank , or more usually in Israel , which might account for 60 per cent of village income .
18 This is usually for the length of the publishing agreement ( normally about three to four years ) plus a period which could range from five to twenty-five years , depending on the writer 's bargaining position .
19 Pre-tax profit margins in 1987-1988 were a hefty 34% on a modest £13m ( $23m ) turnover — which could double by 1990 .
20 Are you a member of a club or society which could benefit from one of our presentations ?
21 ( 4 ) If the target company has more than one class of equity share capital and an offer is made which could result in 30 per cent or more of the voting rights being obtained , a comparable offer must be made for each class ( Rule 36.8 ) .
22 People were very impressed by horses which could canter on three legs , and even canter backwards !
23 Section 2.1.4 details a proposed project for piloting the creation of an image database which could begin in 1992 , if funds were to be made available .
24 This distinction has to be made because , although loans may be redeemed over 60 years , it is extremely unlikely that a financing instrument could be found which would mature in 60 years ' time .
25 Its aim was to eliminate by the end of the century tariff barriers between the " Visegrad Three " ( which would consist of four countries after the split of Czechoslovakia ) and to ensure compatibility with European Community ( EC ) and European Economic Area ( EEA ) regulations .
26 Er , but that does n't er erm er enable anybody to take any legal process against France or the French government er for not ratifying er those arrangements which would lead to six additional members elected from this country and indeed six from France .
27 Investment was planned to rise by 10.3 per cent a year during the five years , with an increasing role for private investment which would account for 60 per cent of the total by 1993 .
28 But do n't you feel uncomfortable , you as a member of the medical profession , do n't you feel uncomfortable if there exists in the wider world a set of rules which would condemn as one of the most heinous crimes that which you regard as the most humane of conduct ?
29 A way of achieving this result might be to require all cases brought against governmental bodies and all cases concerning the exercise of public functions to be brought under a revamped Ord. 53 which would provide for two procedural tracks : a fast track for cases which , in the public interest , needed to be dealt with speedily , and a slow track for other cases .
30 I think that the inherent development pressures which would develop by two thousand and six in the case of a successful new settlement , would be such that there would be a severe risk of encroachment within that distance that one had , years earlier adopted as the necessary clearance between and existing settlement and the new settlement .
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