Example sentences of "which [modal v] [verb] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As a result Shildon had given her tasks which ought to have been easy .
2 Another example of the rich and regal possibilities which religion offered Cnut is provided by a visit which he made to Glastonbury on 30 November of a year which may have been 1032 , when William of Malmesbury says that he laid a cloak decorated with peacocks on the tomb of Edmund Ironside .
3 Taking the Side of the Other involves building upon attitudinal elements which may have been implicit previously .
4 Cnut was well able to raise powerful fleets , which may have been effective not only in Scandinavia , but also against Scotland and Wales , and in the Irish Sea .
5 The new comic tone was radical rather than left-wing , what is more , which may have been salutary to critics who glibly confuse social reform with socialism .
6 This idea of metempsychosis , or transmigration of souls , has only occasionally appeared in the West , in particular in the school of Pythagoras , which may have been subject to Eastern influences , since he was roughly contemporaneous with Buddha — and also with Zarathustra .
7 The cause of death is frequently ambiguous and pinning it down to occupational environments , which may have been experienced years or even decades ago , is clearly no easy matter .
8 Not only have investors miscalculated the willingness of British people to join organisations — which may have been due to a lack of appreciation of the different cultures on each side of the Atlantic , disguised by a common language — but the benefits on offer through these so-called affinity schemes can be obtained in this country through countless other sources .
9 There are shallow inlets and islands in the Portsmouth area , but the main river valleys , although aggraded in their lower reaches , are not rias , presumably because the rivers have brought down so much alluvium that they have filled any rias which may have been present , whereas the rivers of Pembroke and south-west Ireland have been unable to achieve this .
10 These three trends combined to form a more environmental physical geography which may have been late but hopefully not too late .
11 Another difficulty with making distinctions about types of detail given is that the way the recall test was structured may have encouraged subjects to report mostly central details and no attempt was made to interrogate subjects ’ memories for details which may have been peripheral .
12 Most of the people responsible for Labour 's policies acknowledge that those which may have been relevant in the 1980s were disastrous and should be consigned to the rubbish heap .
13 Leaders of ambulance crews argue that their industrial action , in protest at a 6.5 per cent pay offer , has exposed the lack of personnel which may have been responsible for the deaths .
14 When it came , the eruption was of massive proportions and deposited a great thickness of ash which completely buried the town , and it set off great tidal waves which may have been responsible for the termination of the Minoan civilization by ravaging the coastal towns all around Crete .
15 The company notes that the relocation exercise was carried out without the help of an independent specialist relocation company which may have been able to ease staffs ' fears about moving to a new area and so possibly improve on the 50 per cent retention rate .
16 This may have had an effect on the conversation : first , in respect of the content , which may have been different from what they would otherwise have talked about , and secondly in that the girls may have tried consciously to use " Jamaican " .
17 This represents a major step forward in unlocking the commercial potential of our inner cities and of breathing new life into areas which may have been derelict for many years .
18 He is frequently described as ‘ having the stoop of an ageing crop-picker and the face of a curious little boy ’ — which may have been true 30 years ago , but now belongs to the discard-tray with other caricatures : caricatures , as Oscar Wilde observed , are compliments that mediocrity pays to genius .
19 Another factor which may have been important in this first year of the reforms was the determination of these pioneering fundholders to ensure the success of the scheme .
20 He 's described as white , aged twenty to thirty , with short blond hair , wearing bleached jeans which may have been muddy and wet .
21 He 's described as white , aged twenty to thirty , with short blond hair , wearing bleached jeans which may have been muddy and wet .
22 They may be composed of impact ejecta , some of which may have been molten .
23 ( For most of his adult life he suffered in wrists and legs a condition diagnosed as ‘ gout ’ but which may have been rheumatoid arthritis . )
24 The growth of the comprehensives brought with it a significant expansion in the curriculum content of secondary schooling , which should have been helpful to girls , except that in many schools expansion meant typing or shorthand or child-care for girls , and quite different subjects for boys .
25 So that would have been point two five which should have been fifteen minutes .
26 The pursuers then concluded a contract for the purchase of the house but subsequently raised an action of damages against the defenders , based on negligence , in which they averred that there were many patent defects in the house which should have been apparent to surveyors of ordinary competence exercising reasonable care .
27 The questions involved did not relate to the guilt or innocence of the defendants but whether they had been wrongfully deprived of material which should have been available to them in preparing for the trial and for use at the trial if relevant .
28 ‘ December , which should have been awful , was almost hectic in some places , ’ Hill says .
29 She held the sleeping baby in her arms but the scene , which should have been one of contentment , was marred by her appearance .
30 The 3M machine produced a uniform pink glow on the screen , in areas which should have been white .
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