Example sentences of "which [be] [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The experimental observations agree well with this criterion , especially when allowance is made for the transfer of small amounts of fine particles which are swept up into the upper convecting layer across the interface .
2 These consist of solidified fragments of lava which are piled up on either side of a flow by the hotter lava moving more rapidly in the centre of the flow .
3 All these statements are best treated as being theoretical models , which are built up by Freud on the basis of the types of emotional relationship which he had observed during his work with patients and conceptualized in a terminology of his own .
4 Britain 's invisible earnings , which are made up of a surplus on things like insurance and banking offset by government contributions to the European Community and overseas aid , are now projected to be about £2,670million in 1989 , less than half the £6,100million total earned in 1988 .
5 This chapter will be concerned with the most straightforward kinds of pyroclastic deposits : those which are made up of fragments which have simply been shot up into the air and fallen back down again , so they are known as pyroclastic fall deposits .
6 With these ideas , in concrete mathematical form , it was relatively straightforward to calculate the allowed orbits in more complicated atoms and even in molecules , which are made up of a number of atoms held together by electrons in orbits that go round more than one nucleus .
7 The injunction that an article must be " taken as a whole " will apply to books and plays and films : in the case of magazines , however , which are made up of separate articles , advertisements and photographs , the " dominant impact " principle has less force .
8 Jaffe believes that the spread of the disease may be connected with new preparations of factor VIII concentrate — the blood-clotting agent given to haemophiliacs — which are made up from blood from large numbers of donors , rather than one individual .
9 Women take baskets which are filled up with coals according to their strength , & sometimes 2 men had to lift it onto their backs .
10 Furthermore , he will know that his contemporaries are not really too keen on its revelation : indeed they may well argue that the police have research facilities of their own which are geared up to the internal needs and interests of the institution ( Benyon 1988 : 21 ) .
11 It is a kind of debunk manquée , not the whole hog sort that keeps you on the edge of your chair waiting for yet more astounding revelations , but in a snider kind — like those Sunday supplement interviews which are dressed up as journalistic frankness , but whose real purpose is barb and innuendo . ’
12 This is what enables us in historical study to bridge the gulf between the present and the past , to enter into the experience and awareness which are opened up for us in the thoughts , beliefs , practices and social customs and institutions of other times and other cultures .
13 To enable us to meet such a challenge with a continually high standard , and within our budgetary constraints , we have standard menus which are backed up with standard recipes and preparation systems .
14 The Heron proposals , which are backed up by an independent report by Price Waterhouse , provide bankers will the latest revaluations of Heron 's portfolio .
15 By pointing and clicking on various analysis tools , which are backed up by an on-line help system , users can generate a number of graphs , box plots , and contour plots to help isolate particular factors , test theories and build models .
16 ( There are also references in the body of the text , some of which are picked up at the end of the chapter . )
17 Do n't riffle through papers , kick the table or drum fingers — all are sounds which are picked up by the microphone and have to be edited out .
18 We very much welcome the recognition given to the importance of voluntary and community organisations providing transport by using minibuses but you will note from the document that this relaxation is related exclusively to those groups which are set up for ‘ charitable purposes ’ .
19 There are some problems which are set up to be impossible to solve .
20 The work of the council is in the main carried out in committees of the council which are set up by the council usually at its first meeting after the election is over .
21 Special Rapporteur Riphagen expounded what he termed the three parameters of relationship in international law which are set up by an internationally wrongful act .
22 In 1917 the Belorussian National Committee , a hotchpotch of indecisive and divided intellectuals , eventually mustered sufficient unity to send demands to Petrograd , only to be nullified by the differing views of the Petrograd- and Moscow-based Belorussian groups ( intimations of those wider cultural and political differences between the twin capitals which are taken up in a later chapter ) .
23 The account describes the ‘ hospitals and open stables for the reception of diseased and sick horses in the first stage of their complaints ’ … ‘ more pure stables , which are taken up by horses in physic , or patients whose complaints are not contagious ’ … stocks where ‘ all operations are performed without the trouble or hazard of casting … a perfect skeleton of a horse , to refer to in cases of lameness , fractures , etc … various paddocks , some with and some without water for the better accommodation of horses of different descriptions , whose complaints require open air , or grass , for their perfect recovery ’ .
24 It is not possible to establish , even in the broadest terms , educational needs for the present , or the immediate future , without taking into account the fundamental economic and social changes which are summed up in the phrase , ‘ a post-industrial society ’ .
25 These purposes are those most readily associated with the objectives of the positive state which emerged towards the end of the nineteenth century and which are summed up in the idea of government as institution which promotes progressive evolutionary change .
26 Perhaps the most suitable starting point is to look at the major domestically based leisure groups , the activities of which are summed up in Table 11.13 .
27 He loves to devour huge meals — washed down with Chianti wine — which are rustled up by his wife Teresa , played by Pennies From Heaven star Gemma Craven .
28 This one is specifically aimed at Reef Tanks with invertebrates and consequently contains extra calcium and extra trace elements both of which are used up by reef creatures .
29 We strap on the goggles and headphones which are wired up to what looks like a drum machine .
30 We strap on the goggles and headphones which are wired up to what looks like a drum machine .
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