Example sentences of "which [pron] always [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was walking across the garden after breakfast , enjoying the clear wintry air , when suddenly my body was again torn by those indescribable feelings which I always experienced after a dose of the drug .
2 The bulbs were n't just scattered , but were arranged in the correct patterns — so that if you looked up you could see ( if you knew which star was which ) , up there amongst all the dragons , bulls and poisonous scuttlers of the Heavens , right in the centre you could see the constellation which I always thought of as being our special one , a solitary man walking with his faithful dog , the high summer constellation of Orion , the Hunter , stretched and striding above us .
3 Even in the suburbs of Auckland , New Zealand 's largest city , there are areas of native bush where it is possible to work undisturbed from dawn until dusk , finding a peace of mind and in turn concentration which I always yearned for in Suffolk .
4 If in the future the single management committee on the two headed centre decide that they want a single headed project then only Pharuk hearing which I always subscribe to that it should be decided locally , they may have that said project I 'm sure you 'd agree , if they choose to have such one , if they feel that they need it , but we want to ensure , do we not , and the amendment does n't do this that we actually get a move on , that we spend the money we have , what little there is and there is very little on delivering the services , that we fuse the bureaucracy which is clearly contained in the other and , clearly contained , it 's spelt out in in in in tablets of stone in a way that 's never been done before .
5 So I got er experience of three months now , that was really very nice experience which I always wanted to be a teacher although I did n't join here .
6 Both pieces of equipment had obviously been rebuilt with meticulous and loving care and shone with glossy new paint of the dark green picked out with gold which I always associate with the more impressive railway engines .
7 In 1937 she also did another season of variety , for which she always insisted on having her material specially written .
8 She made several ‘ women 's ’ films for Rank , including STREET CORNER ( 1953 ) about the women police in Chelsea , which she always cited as a particularly enjoyable experience since it involved working with a mainly female crew and cast .
9 She was attracted by the privation of the life , which she always linked with virtue , and she liked its sexual freedom .
10 ‘ I was coming home with three lovely black horses which we always used on the road ; and I used to glory in trimming them up , because they wore the worsted — red , white and blue — and they used to look lovely .
11 He took out the photograph which he always carried with him and compared it to the woman he had just seen .
12 He had , however , a natural ability with a penny-whistle , of which he had a great number , one of which he always carried in his pocket .
13 Baldwin thought the questions somewhat unrealistically phrased , but he nonetheless realized that many of those organizing and participating in the ballot were part of that middle , public-spirited opinion which he always regarded as an important part of his natural constituency .
14 He must have been very shortsighted for I remember the way in which he always peered through his very thick spectacles .
15 Mr Getty , by omitting the letter ‘ i ’ , reduced Colin 's Christian name to a monosyllable , while Colin contrived to get three separate sounds into the name Paul , which he always spoke with a rising inflexion .
16 The Rev C Malpass gave a short address , which he always bases on the story of Christ addressing the multitude from the boat or a similar theme .
17 The instantly and universally recognisable white face of the famous Hereford is its trademark , which it always passes to its offspring .
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