Example sentences of "which [pron] [vb base] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 The theory which I commend as a guide to the fruitful development of international law in the control of force may be called ‘ ethical ’ or perhaps ‘ functional positivism ’ .
2 This does not extend to feeding a patient against his will , which I regard as a form of aggressive treatment .
3 On point d ) of this paper , which I regard as a separate issue , I have already made the point at Research Management that Library staff are receiving many more non-Library enquiries now , referred from Exhibition Hall staff , from Shop staff , and from new Support staff on the switchboard .
4 When Beatrice Webb publicly renounced her stand against the suffrage in 1906 , she explained in a letter to Millicent Garrett Fawcett that : ‘ The raising of children , the advancement of learning and the promotion of the spiritual — which I regard as the particular obligations of women — are , it is clear , more and more becoming the main preoccupations of the community as a whole ’ .
5 AS a regular reader of your paper which I regard as the voice for the North-East , I have become increasingly frustrated at your sports section .
6 So much for the jerk-off theories put forward by the police , in which I figure as an adulterous version of George Joseph Smith — not the brides in the bath but the wittol in the water .
7 The next Christmas I received a present of a metal unbreakable flask from my friends , which I cherish as a reminder not to be a grumpy bag up hills .
8 Being a man myself , the similarity by which I recognize as a man must be not only to others previously classified as men but to myself ; I assume , and when close enough to read expression and gesture simulate , thought and emotion like mine , turning his observed behaviour inside out .
9 Bed after regular bed shows a dark , laminated lower portion which I identify as an algal mat type deposit that has been ripped up and incorporated , in a graded fashion , in " cleaner " , paler sediment from offshore .
10 The President accepted his scrap of twisted limb with a gracious smile and said , on Susan 's advice , ‘ I am delighted to receive this gift which I see as a symbol of the cultural and commercial interdependence of the planets .
11 I feel would never wish to give up or reject feminism , which I see as an insistence on putting women first , an insistence on women 's autonomy and I think that the debates with National Liberation struggles , the debate in the Irish National Liberation struggle has seen the two things as going hand in hand .
12 But do n't you feel uncomfortable , you as a member of the medical profession , do n't you feel uncomfortable if there exists in the wider world a set of rules which would condemn as one of the most heinous crimes that which you regard as the most humane of conduct ?
13 The first is the acceptable result ( see 5b above on page 51 ) which you see as a realistic one .
14 A large vibration creates a strong wave which we hear as a loud noise , while a small vibration produces a faint sound .
15 A slow vibration creates low-frequency waves which we hear as a low-pitched noise , while a fast vibration produces a high-pitched noise .
16 But such a dimension does help to explain why philosophy can be seen both as a mode of thinking in any discipline , and also a discipline in its own right ; for it is at least arguable that the ‘ questions about questions ’ in every field eventually converge on certain basic questions and concepts which we recognize as the traditional domain and concern of the philosopher .
17 … to outline a system of geomorphology grounded in basic principles of mechanics and fluid dynamics , that will enable geomorphic processes to be treated as manifestations of various types of shear stresses , both gravitational and molecular , acting upon any type of earth material to produce the varieties of strain , or failure , which we recognize as the manifold processes of weathering , erosion , transportation and deposition .
18 On the way into land we could n't find the mendlsham mast which we use as a land mark to find the airfield .
19 Then , just over two years later , John announced at the AGM ( which we use as an opportunity to set spiritual and practical goals for the year to come ) that he felt the time had come for church number three .
20 Again we have not found significant polymorphism in this pattern which we take as a male specific pattern for the purposes of parasite sex determination in the laboratory .
21 If we fail to see any need to offer sound moral justifications for treating sentient creatures as mere ‘ commodities ’ , ‘ preparations ’ , ‘ models ’ , or research ‘ tools ’ , then we surely deny that very rationality which we cite as the single quality which elevates humans so far above the other animals .
22 Thus Mackie is what he calls a ‘ moral sceptic ’ , though he is in favour of continuing to live in the light of moral values and obligations which we acknowledge as a human invention or construction serving widely shared human purposes .
23 We could not avoid , we felt , erm a small part of the fixed cost to the primary schools being cut , but that was offset by a provision for additional staffing in the primary sector , which we identify as an important item .
24 Innovation , which we define as the successful exploitation of new ideas , is a major contributor to competitive success and thus to wealth creation .
25 Our concerns arise in relation to the new settlement of fourteen hundred households which we see as a quite different animal to the dispersed development proposed in Harrogate , Craven and so on .
26 So I I just thinks it 's a , it 's a feature of the rapid development of the environmental sector , that , for , as I say , for quite understandable reasons , some of those links , and networks , have n't been fully established , and our project which we see as a , as a short term one , essentially a three year bit of work , is going to address that , and it 's been widely supported by er , a number of environmental groups .
27 As well as being a very useful skill in itself , Writing allows us to set pupils regular homework , which we see as a valuable extension of learning time , and as essential training in self-discipline for later life .
28 And this , as we now proceed to discuss , is the crucial interaction which we see as the key to understanding the penal crisis and responses to it .
29 Miriam:We prefer English rather than Afrikaans , which we see as the language of the oppressor .
30 The most abundant species , which we interpret as the C/EBPδ homodimer , co-migrates with the IL-6 induced complex seen in untransfected cells .
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