Example sentences of "which [pron] [modal v] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Philipson also submitted that the notice was defective in form , on the grounds that it specified the documents by class and not individually , and that it contained certain other matter which was alleged to be ambiguous , but which I shall not quote , so as not to imperil anonymity .
2 In addition to these three major sites of independent evolution , smaller islands such as Madagascar have interesting parallel stories of their own , which I shall not go into .
3 Other issues with which I shall not detain the House but which have been mentioned by other hon. Members include the design of motor vehicles , the admirable Which ? survey , the question of insurance and rewarding those who take adequate precautions to secure their vehicles by having the means to immobilise them in case of theft , safety improvements and cases such as those in Swansea , where , for example , the local authority has now put attendants in several of the key car parks .
4 which I shall not attempt to conceal from you , but before I come down to the details let me say that Darwinism occupies such a central position in evolutionary biology — in biology as a whole , not just in evolutionary biology but in the whole of biology — that any important , new idea in biology has to be , to some extent , judged by its compatibility with , or its contradictions of , the Darwinian position .
5 There are also similarities , which may be revealing but which I shall not explore , between ‘ bottlenecking ’ and two other ideas that have dominated this chapter .
6 These data were supplemented by the radar ‘ looking ’ sideways at the surface , a rather subtle technique which I shall not describe .
7 Any body can be thought of as consisting of lots of small masses m , and the angular momentum of such a body around a point P is obtained by combining the products mrs according to certain rules which I shall not describe .
8 Zander have no problems sorting out live baits in coloured water in which I would not fancy my chances for pike using that method .
9 And then : ‘ I possess a stone head by Modigliani which I would not part with for a hundred pounds even at this crisis : and I routed out this head from a corner sacred to the rubbish of centuries and was called stupid for my pains in taking it away .
10 While it certainly can not be claimed to be a panacea for all ills , and no system of therapeutics has yet turned out to be that , it is an approach which I would not like to be without .
11 Which I would not like to have to work out .
12 I must begin with a coincidence which I would not dare to recount if this were a work of fiction .
13 Editor , — There is scarcely an assertion in Richard Smith 's editorial about the General Medical Council ( GMC ) with which I would not take issue .
14 One event which has lived in my memory , and which I would not have liked to repeat , was of cycling home one evening ( I lived near Altrincham ) — and I was in the middle of Barton Bridge when I heard a German bomber overhead — I have never pedalled so quickly since , realising that I was in the middle of a prime target .
15 If I had left it on the night flying path I would have had a serious rocket which I would not have forgotten as easily as I had forgotten the first one — from the wing commander flying .
16 It depends on circumstances which I may not enumerate
17 — Two types of property are then specified which I need not refer to .
18 But this would be of limited value to the defendant , since any costs recovered by the defendant would be subject to a charge in favour of the board under section 16 of the Act and the operation of regulation 103 of the Civil Legal Aid ( General ) Regulations 1989 , the detail of which I need not examine , and would have the effect in this case that the defendant would in fact recover only a very small proportion of the costs he actually incurred .
19 at an angle on which I need not elaborate
20 I am even going to give you some , which I should not do for someone who knows nothing about wine . ’
21 Is there something you wish to say to the solicitor which I should not hear or say for you ? ’
22 That is a point of view which I understand , but which I should not commend against a background in which Parliament , when removing the unfettered right of a land owner to develop his land as he wished , thought it right to enable a land owner to get a second opinion if the local decision on his application was adverse .
23 … those countries which I could not visit in my proper person , I have so attentively read about , that as I turn round a globe I can almost fancy that I know the appearance and characters of the portions of the great world itself which lie mapped out under my eye , and observe all that is going forward on its surface .
24 Neil shook his head and made some gesture which I could not interpret , but as it was obvious that he , too , had seen Stormy Petrel and knew what he was about , I let it be .
25 ‘ You will add great distinction to the office in ways to which I could not aspire ; but I fear you will find a great deal of the work here work which does not really interest you . ’
26 " I was delayed to some extent because the address given to me was 626 Cheyne Walk , which I could not find , but eventually the river police directed me . "
27 Were naive enough to think they could get through it without having an appraisal system , which I could not believe .
28 But those four miles were like an ocean , which I could not cross !
29 I have often learned through dreams — frequently just floating snippets , as it were — things which I could not have learnt through my normal perceptions .
30 When Birkenhead left office in 1928 , Baldwin accepted his resignation with a reluctance which was convincing because honestly expressed : ‘ We shall part , on my side at least , with a feeling of personal regret which I could not have believed possible four years ago . ’
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