Example sentences of "which [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 10 October , 1979 STEPHEN SPENDER , teaching in Lynchburg , Virginia , writes in his journal : ‘ My class , which I took last night , seems irremediable .
2 Oh no quite probably matinee and then the early evening which I thought those people were coming out from look and erm , and this one , good grief fancy doing that be here half a day , you 'd think you 'd earn the damn money would n't you ?
3 ( 55 ) I found a bottle with which I made numerous marks on the ground surrounding our tents and a few yards into the jungle , as far as I dared venture .
4 For some people this may be self-imposed ; for me , my work forms part of it — it is something which I enjoy and from which I get considerable satisfaction .
5 By which I mean two things .
6 This was the only one of the three language efforts for which I received any payment ; in this case an honorarium from the Burma Government of thirty pounds .
7 One of the earliest was the study by Gagné and Baker ( 1950 ) with which I began this chapter ( fig. 5.1 ) , this study being designed to show that training in applying a different verbal label to each of the various stimulus lights would produce differentiation among them that would transfer to a subsequent motor task .
8 Against the woman 's express wishes , he lit a piece of paper and went into her bedroom anyway , and reported a ‘ bedstead of wood with heath [ heather ] upon it by way of a bed ; at the foot of which I saw some sort of blankets of covering rolled in a heap ’ .
9 To make the top rectangular picture , I used a card mount in palest pink , behind which I stretched some cream silk .
10 It was a strange land to find myself in and one in which I observed many phenomena .
11 The government is entrusted with the task of protecting the lives , liberties and properties of the individual members of the body politic and there is a reading of Locke which I questioned last Tuesday which says that that is all a government can do .
12 He did his usual practice stint , during which I endured more jokes from the other caddies and from some of the players about my sudden fame .
13 On my first attempt of the Sound and Waves test I managed to score 20 percent , I then decided I had better read the tutorial before my second attempt in which I scored 60 percent .
14 I have kept a journal , which I hope one day to publish .
15 It is also intended in due course to hold a number of open meetings in various places in the U.K. which I hope many Members will be able to attend .
16 A recent addition to the Cichlid world is the albino form of our old favourite the Oscar Astronotus ocellatus , about which I receive many queries , mostly asking whether it has special requirements .
17 For the central , gold oval design , I used a dusty pink satin backing , on to which I arranged some cow parsley leaves , gypsophila , small ‘ Marjorie Fair ’ red roses , some ‘ Princess ’ pink potentillas and astrantia .
18 The top right-hand corner was decorated with small rose leaves interspersed with some ladies ' bedstraw , on which I arranged some geums and cow parsley centres .
19 After O-levels there was still a month of term to go , a month in which I had ample time to devote myself to my obsession .
20 What I wanted ideally was a situation in which I had two groups of birds , each trained on and showing the disgust response to the bitter bead , but one group then remembering and the other forgetting the association .
21 In each case the accuracy rate concerning events of which I had first-hand knowledge was about 50% ; half the information correct , half wrong .
22 Given that the conductor is Rudolf Barshai , this was a disc of which I had high expectations , and the musicians of the Vancouver SO play the score with an admirable combination of restraint and accuracy which provides , in the end , a rather more affecting experience than some of the more histrionic versions one could name .
23 In 1940 I had prepared an essay on Ivy 's novels , which I had some prospect of placing in Horizon .
24 How could I make proposals on social security without mentioning National Insurance for which I had ministerial responsibility ?
25 It relates to that other world , the great shabby confusion outside these walls to which I return each evening , to Timmy and Cheryl , to my mother-in-law who comes to help out at the weekends , to everything unresolved and unsatisfactory .
26 He told the delegates that he was " tired of the impossible state of affairs in which I suffer bitter attacks from the outside … while I am also attacked by colleagues at home who sing the daily chorus of slander and besmirching " .
27 Of course I did study quite a bit of Chopin in my early years , and there was a brief ‘ middle period ’ during which I played one recital in Vienna consisting entirely of Chopin Polonaises and Liszt Rhapsodies !
28 I folded it up and put it away in a small carved wooden box in which I kept other trinkets and treasures of no significance to anyone except myself .
29 One piece of research which I contemplated some years ago , but did not actually carry out , was a comparison between people who do go to the theatre and those who do not .
30 As for the sounds themselves , there are many here which I considered serious omissions from the GR-50 .
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