Example sentences of "which [verb] him [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Also , I have found Mr Hauser has a Lear jet which flies him across the world plus a Sikorsky helicopter which I saw taking off from the grounds of Livingstone Manor .
2 Typical of microscopic work might be W. C. Williamson 's work on the formation of bones and teeth in the 1850s , which got him into the Royal Society .
3 Alternatively , a person may place himself in a dangerous position which exposes him to the risk of involvement in the accident in which he is harmed .
4 The rational consumer will choose point W on the budget line which places him on the highest attainable indifference curve , I 1 , .
5 The visitor of the last stanza comes ‘ more violent , more profound , / One soul , disdainful or disdained , ’ and in the condition of the year-spirit or , ‘ his shadowed beauty stained / The colour of the withered year ’ , to go to a death which places him in the position of savage sacrifice and , for he is surely related to the saints of Eliot 's other early poems , martyr ‘ Self-immolating on the Mound ’ .
6 The 31-year-old needs an operation on a calf injury which dogged him in the weeks before Saturday 's FA Cup final defeat by Liverpool .
7 The 31-year-old needs an operation on a calf injury which dogged him in the weeks before Saturday 's FA Cup final defeat by Liverpool .
8 The isolation of the village from the outside world was mitigated by the existence of a close-knit village community with which the farm worker could identify and which provided him with the range of institutions and amenities which he then required in order to live the year round .
9 If he races on Saturday New Level will line up against the much fancied Ringa Hustle and the dog which beat him in the last round , Apres Soleil , which is on offer at 80–1 .
10 Temple could write with perfect confidence in his audience that though he would not ‘ strain the reader 's capacity by asking him to imagine a native Governor of a Colony or Protectorate ’ or even a native Colonial Secretary of Nigeria — a proposal which ‘ does not come within the bounds of practical politics ’ — he counted it an advantage of Indirect Rule that under it ‘ the native can and does fill not only positions of great responsibility but the highest positions , positions which place him on the social scale on an equality with the King 's representative himself ’ .
11 I lifted the receiver and listened and it must have been the expression on my face which stopped him in the doorway .
12 Skilled in the art of clock-making , he constructed , in his eightieth year , a detailed and intricate orrery to replace one which displeased him by the ticking of its wheels .
13 It was an experience which steeled him for the future task of having as many as a dozen major country houses under construction in any one year .
14 If he was thus eligible for that title , there must have been something which qualified him — something which distinguished him from the numerous other leaders , both military and political , who at the time were themselves becoming thorns in the Roman side .
15 The famous trip to Europe , which Lear had constantly referred to in his letters as if it were an experience which united him with the great ornithologist , became the bitter disappointment of a friendship manqué .
16 It was at such times , he said , that he was divested of all those characteristics of family , personality and reputation which identified him to the outside world .
17 Then a conceptual emotion was released in him which transmuted what he saw into theory , a recognition of the cerebral nature of an art which transported him beyond the mere explanation of the visible .
18 Having got this far , he allowed himself another minute or so before confronting the thousand-day journey which separated him from the bathroom .
19 Dostoevsky underwent a spiritual transformation in Siberia which turned him into the greatest of nineteenth-century writers , but Petrashevskii died there and was buried in unconsecrated ground in 1866 .
20 Plainly Henry Ward Beecher , the great New York preacher of puritanism , should either have avoided having tumultuous extra-marital love-affairs or chosen a career which did not require him to be quite such a prominent advocate of sexual restraint ; though one can not entirely fail to sympathise with the bad luck which linked him in the mid-1870s with the beautiful feminist and advocate of free love , Victoria Woodhull , a lady whose convictions made privacy difficult .
21 The exercise helped to dull the urges of his body , which troubled him during the early morning and the day .
22 Wood could still play if there is any danger of a recurrence of Simon Brown 's problems with cramp , which troubled him over the weekend , while Simon Hughes is also due for a rest .
23 He had failed to recover from the structural hip injury which troubled him throughout the World Cup and the date of his return could not be forecast .
24 This was Il Giasone ( 1649 ) which shows him at the height of his powers in the melodious aria with violin imitations ( e.g. Jason 's ‘ Delizie contente ’ , Act I , SC.2 ) , in drama ( e.g. Medea 's conjuration , Act I , sc .
25 He had been to Sweden in 1911 and Norway in 1913 , experiences which encouraged him in the use of a looser technique and a thicker impasto .
26 Earlier , Aindow told the court that he was hit on the left thigh by the side of the car , which knocked him into the side of road and possibly on to the kerb .
27 The motives of public men are rarely as base or as quixotic as their enemies would have us believe ; and no portrait of MacDonald is complete which depicts him as the ambitious , fawning courtier of Labour mythology or the martyred patriot of his own invention .
28 She expects him to be an untidy swimmer , but is irritated to find that he has a smooth powerful crawl which takes him through the water swiftly and seriously .
29 Wholly in the spirit of that imagery is his vision of the Baal Shem 's butterfly — so much like a kite ! — which followed him down the hill .
30 At the National Eisteddfod of Wales in 1902 , he won the premier literary award ( the chair ) for an ode composed in the traditional strict metres on ‘ Ymadawiad Arthur ’ ( The Passing of Arthur ) which established him as the precursor of a new era in Welsh literature .
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