Example sentences of "which [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And he refuses to accept that he has a bad boy reputation which goes before him with officials .
2 Once a decision is made it must be communicated in writing to the claimant , who then has three months in which to appeal against it to the SSAT .
3 Deaf to my shouts , he remains hypnotized by the contents of his viewfinder , which unfold before him as if on a giant cinema-screen on Oscar night , where he is an enraptured member of the audience , completely disembodied from this temporal peril .
4 Wherever we travelled amongst the islands we would collect rare and exotic shells which became for us like fragile clues in a paper-chase of changing life-forms as we moved across historical as well as zoographical boundaries .
5 None of which is helped by the unruly belches of guitar and stacks of sonic crockery which crash around her with alarming frequency …
6 ’ An absentee also included anyone who was a Palestinian citizen and left his ordinary place of residence in Palestine for a place outside Palestine before 1 September 1948 , or for a place in Palestine held at the time by forces which sought to prevent the establishment of the State of Israel or which fought against it after its establishment . ’
7 The people who created the Garotter 's Act , together with the gentlemen who egged them on from the sidelines helping to fashion the vocabulary of objections to penal reform which remain with us to this day , were thus the same men whose blunted moral sensibilities enabled them to preside over this magnanimous process of ‘ civilisation ’ without turning a hair .
8 I have used therefore the word ‘ Nature ’ in the sense of the German ‘ Bedeutung ’ , as signifying that essential character of a part which belongs to it in its relation to a predetermined pattern , answering to the ‘ idea ’ of the Archetypical World in the Platonic cosmogony , which archetypical or primal pattern is the basis supporting all the modifications of such part for specific powers and actions in all animals possessing it …
9 Family Allowance as it stands at present is for many women the only money we have which belongs to us by right .
10 In Albert v. Lavin the question posed for the House of Lords was ‘ whether a constable who reasonably believes that a breach of the peace is about to take place is entitled to detain any person without arrest to prevent that breach of the peace in circumstances which appear to him to be proper . ’
11 ’ unless such allegations go to a matter in issue ( including the credibility of the witness ) which is material to his lay client 's case and which appear to him to be supported by reasonable grounds . ’
12 The legislation requires the secretary of state to prepare a schedule of monuments which appear to him to be ‘ of national importance ’ .
13 VISCOUNT CAVE L.C. : No doubt there is an absolute unconditional obligation binding the police authorities to take all steps which appear to them to be necessary for keeping the peace , for preventing crime , or for protecting property from criminal injury ; and the public , who pay for this protection through the rates and taxes , can not lawfully be called upon to make a further payment for that which is their right …
14 ‘ … there is not as yet any public hospital or infirmary … in or near the Town of Bedford or in the County of Bedford for the reception and relief of sick and lame Objects within the same Town and County such as those in Northampton and Leicester Counties and which appear to me to be very much wanted … and are usually created by public subscriptions … . ’
15 These may in turn be sub-divided ; goods possessed may comprise either the results of private purchase or goods allocated by the state , while goods not possessed tend to fall into two categories : first , those we encounter as material forms , in particular the built environment , the goods of our acquaintances or those in the high street shop , and secondly , goods we do not experience directly , but which appear to us through the media — for example in television , magazines and advertising .
16 Er all I can say chairman is that the County Council is is working within the approved structure plan strategy which is based on restraint , based primarily on housing restraint but I think that 's what the County Council has done in its er employment land proposals is to set certain parameters which appear to us to really reasonably meet requirements of this authority 's resident population .
17 And as she pushed open the west door Miss Danziger was met by the scent of fennel , the six-foot stems of which towered over her from a huge stoneware pot , very different from the musty scent of piety that greeted her in English country churches .
18 This seemed like a Falangist revival , for it was the first session that had been held since 1945 and Franco asserted that it was " necessary that the National Council should recover the role which corresponds to it in the political tasks , because it is hierarchically the highest body in the Movement , whose duty it is to ensure the purity of the organization and the continuity of the doctrine " .18 But many of those present , including the Vice-Secretary of FET , Diego Salas Pombo , detected behind the smokescreen of verbiage a lack of genuine commitment to Arrese 's plan for a Falange-dominated future .
19 But then she looked into his eyes , which dwelt upon her in huge solemnity , and knew that he was burningly sincere .
20 However , the individualistic approach of modern Darwinism which looks at it from the point of view of the reproductive success of individual genes , is n't like the older group selectionistic thinking was , prejudiced in favour of any group .
21 What he does have , though , is a fearsome grip on the band which looks to me like a dictatorship and which he maintains is just the way things have worked out .
22 Yet , at the same time , the wording of the administration of the bread and wine , which referred to them as the ‘ body and blood ’ of Christ , implied the real presence so important in Luther 's theology .
23 It was n't so much Cora-Beth 's looks which appealed to him as her character .
24 His first feeling as he emerged from the short but deep sleep which came to him at the end of every restless night , was that he was bloody glad to be alive .
25 The emperor , however , was not inclined to intervene for his own amusement , but to take cases which came to him through the hierarchy of appeal .
26 Thus Aquinas , who stood in a long tradition which came to him through the teachings of the early canonists summed up in Gratian 's Decretum ( 1140 ) , was clear that every state had both the right and the duty to defend itself , its legitimate existence , and its rights when these could be legally proved ( ‘ It is legitimate to oppose force with force ’ , as Justinian 's Digest put it ) .
27 The tiny movements of the wherry and the gentle , muted river sounds which came to him through the warm night air gave him no relief .
28 He , too , suffered from an occasional enlightening vision which came to him from the dim past and which he must have suppressed at the time …
29 On the whole , during what Duiker has called ‘ the Stalinist years ’ , this was something that was accepted by the Vietnamese Communist Party but one can imagine that it was not always so easy to accept the advice which came to them from their French comrades .
30 I can actually recall a press release which came to me about a a principal tourism officer who had just been appointed to be the head , you know the president for the year of his professional body , and in his own town a press release was put out in which his name was incorrectly spelt , and the conference at which he was about to be invested was actually taking , and I blush to say that it was in Brighton , I can only tell you when I got that press release I did what I frequently do , which is outline in highlighter the mistakes on the press release , put it back into the envelope and send it back to the relevant officer .
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