Example sentences of "which [verb] [noun sg] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some local authorities have initiated a Multicultural Arts Action Plan which offers training for employment in Arts , Drama and Music .
2 Infolink 's Business Update is one service for the trade credit sector which offers value for money in the present economic climate .
3 At Robertsbridge coaling was merely one branch of a complex operation which produced cordwood for fuel , as well as inch-board , ship board and planking , which of course kept numerous sawyers busy .
4 Indeed , restaurants , cafes and licensed premises which sell liquor for consumption on the premises ( e.g. pubs and wine bars ) were for the first time was the 1987 Use Classes Order brought within a stated class .
5 This is a factory , more than 100 years old , which produces silicone for steel production and computer chips .
6 The responsibility and duties of the family proceedings court cease on the making of the care order , subject to the provisions of section 34 which make provision for contact orders being made by the court .
7 The projection may be linear or exponential , or may incorporate more complex calculations which make allowance for variation in the basic parameters assumed to remain constant in the simpler equations .
8 As a Unix-with-everything house , NCR Corp 's initial launch of its Cooperation integrated software environment as an MS-DOS and OS/2 only product seemed a little odd , but the company has put that right with release 2.0 , which adds support for Unix servers and multiprocessing .
9 These are maintained schools which provide education for school pupils and mature students alongside social , recreational and cultural activities for the whole community .
10 On the same day , the Irish government promised a detailed study of the loophole in the extradition law , which prevented extradition for possession of , but would have allowed it for use of , a firearm .
11 Certainly a different style of presentation , which provoked food for thought .
12 quantum meruit ( as much as is deserved ) claims which seek payment for work done where the contract does not have a fixed price .
13 Tears may start with howls of anger , then subside to sobs which seek attention for distress , and finally dry up in fear as we face our helplessness .
14 The Commission concluded that ‘ the architects ' system of mandatory scales , together with rules which prevent competition for business on the basis of fees , operates against the public interest and should be brought to an end . ’
15 This last was not merely material ; progress had a moral and ethical content , which spelt hope for mankind .
16 With the new Council established and working effectively , the original University/WEA Joint Tutorial Classes Committee and the Rural Areas Committee were replaced in 1946 by a new University/WEA Joint Committee which assumed responsibility for Tutorial Classes and One-Year Sessional classes extending over twenty to twenty-four meetings .
17 But these are not the only areas of the agriculture and food industry which give rise for concern .
18 Those which give cause for concern are primarily the responsibility of the leadership to ensure prompt and effective action .
19 It is the emblem of an all-male club which raises money for charity by fining members 10p if they are n't carrying their shell when they hear the Freudian rallying cry ‘ Winkle Up . ’
20 Beside it , crouched on the one bit of sand which allowed space for casting , George gave his full attention to his float .
21 It was then placed alongside the house on top of two 10′ railway sleepers , which allowed room for pipework in the hollow sections beneath the filter unit .
22 Televised Debates , the company which prepares Parliament for TV transmission
23 In most households , it is the culturally defined role of women which includes responsibility for family and individual welfare .
24 Eleven European nations have concluded an Agreement on the Conservation of Bats , which includes provision for habitat conservation , the control of pesticides , and protection from killing .
25 Other matters referred to in the draft schedule include fitness for purpose , which includes liability for subsidence or heave .
26 For the most part , agricultural education which includes education for horticulture , forestry , poultry husbandry and dairying is carried on in specialist colleges of agriculture and horticulture , together with some general technical colleges .
27 A room that is visually stimulating and interesting is an encouraging environment in which to use vision for learning .
28 In order to support these three elements and to ensure that schemes are updated , it is important to have some organization which takes responsibility for revision and publication .
29 In addition , the Act regulates indemnities imposed on a person dealing as a consumer ( s4 ) and on terms in guarantees which exclude liability for negligence in manufacture ( s5 ) .
30 The UCTA is concerned to regulate the use of clauses which exclude liability for failure to perform , for certain other types of tortious acts , and for failure to comply with certain warranties implied into contracts for the supply of goods and services under the SGA and SGSA ( for instance as to good title under the SGA ) .
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