Example sentences of "which [noun] have been [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 In Europe , Dow Corning has a basic plant at Barry in South Wales to which ICI has been supplying methanol from Billingham since 1955 .
2 Most readers of Innovation will associate ICI with acrylics through the plastics ‘ Perspex ’ and ‘ Diakon , ’ which ICI has been making , publicizing and selling for over 50 years — ever since one ICI chemist produced and patented polymethyl methacrylate and another devised a practical and economic process for the manufacture of the monomer on a commercial scale .
3 The most dramatic thing about the recent dietary fibre research is that it has , to a degree , altered the basis on which experts have been calculating potential weight loss over the past half century or so … the period during which overweight people have been begging diet doctors and dieticians to help them shed that surplus fat .
4 Ludens saw , on top of a closed suitcase in a corner , the curious light-brown cap which Marcus had been wearing when Ludens had seen him first , through the window of Red Cottage .
5 He lay on his side , holding the covers over him by their edges , gazing at some of his copies of Vogue , which Tessa had been looking through and left lying on the carpet in front of the fire , where they glowed pink and red .
6 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
7 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
8 The deal ends an arrangement under which CEPI has been making and selling International marine paints under licence for 70 years .
9 As soon as Fiver had found a place to clamber out , he led the way along the edge to the bank which Hazel had been looking at before Hawkbit spoke to him .
10 But even this , Wemmick decides to keep to his life at Walworth and not let it be mentioned in Little Britain which even though it seems odd , stays within the boundaries of his character which Dickens has been building on .
11 This powerfully confirmed the way in which Tolkien had been accustoming himself to think about the world ever since he grew to manhood .
12 Richard used a new toothbrush which Martin had been saving fresh from the cellophane .
13 That is why the peace process , for which Israel has been striving for 44 years , has to be seen as the only viable solution .
14 It was pointed out that from the early '60s onwards some parts of British manufacturing had been facing increased economic difficuIties , in particular because of heightened international competition , which firms had been adopting strategies to counter .
15 Le-eyo was distinguished by an error which mankind has been trying to right ever since .
16 It 's a kind of health farm and you go there to sample a simple lifestyle which Mongolians have been enduring for about 3,000 years and you are going to put up with for twenty-four hours .
17 The lessons which Donaldson has been trying to teach us are reflected throughout the following chapters .
18 But , if underfloor engines and transmissions were to be used , they had to be in a different league of reliability and performance from the DMUs which BR had been running since the 1950s .
19 The new series , called the GG11 series , will replace the Fury series , which Fujitsu has been fabricating under licence from Vitesse Semiconductor Corp , Camarillo , California and consists of six types , with between 10,000 gates and 25,000 gates .
20 It is about a principle for which people have been fighting and dying for centuries — the indisputable right to self-determination .
21 The skull smashed , apparently by a heavy mallet which Lorrimer had been examining .
22 This will include practical help to sort out printer problems , word-processing advice , equipment compatibility and any other difficulties which staff have been experiencing .
23 Then she pulled up to the table the kitchen chair upon which Jack had been sitting and sat down , placing her elbows on the table and her head in her hands .
24 Many of the problems that you refer to in such a light-hearted manner are the result of this situation , which Colombia has been fighting , with a certain success .
25 Gilbert retrieved the portable equipment which Frye had been using and led the way gingerly to the corridor , asking weakly : ‘ Which door ?
26 The fact that we were looking towards the United States might have been an acceptable concept during the war , but it has been an unacceptable concept for the past 12 years , during which Europe has been creating itself and showing an enthusiasm for a single European currency and a central bank and for increasing the powers of the European Community 's institutions .
27 The impressive energy with which France has been building and renovating museums as well as adding to their collections since 1981 — the year François Mitterrand became President and Jack Lang his Minister of Culture — actually began in the last years of the previous Centre Right administration .
28 Theoretically , therefore , the statutes made possible the social transformation for which liberals had been striving .
29 The loss of Ozawa was seen by many as a serious blow to Kaifu 's position , not least because it removed the chief architect of the process of co-operation between the LDP , Komeito and the DSP which Ozawa had been constructing in the Diet .
30 There was a perfect grace which architects had been working towards through the seventeenth century and which seemed to peak in its purest form at about this time , not without a little Royal influence from Holland !
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