Example sentences of "'s [adv] [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There 's altogether too much said at the Black Lion , ’ Mrs Yardley said darkly .
2 We 've heard about object-oriented technology for 20 years , but it 's only just now beginning to take hold .
3 And he 's only relatively recently gone back to work .
4 It 's only now just started now .
5 Yeah but she 's only down here to get things from the cleaning cupboard and stuff .
6 Better than ‘ The National Front Disco ’ or whatever by Morrissey — he 's obviously never even seen a soccer ball in his life .
7 ‘ It 's much too soon to provoke an affair of honour , ’ he remarked .
8 Er it 's much much longer going Bridge .
9 They say 'e 's all right ter talk to .
10 Document preparation systems based on mark-up ( such as LaTeX ) , while making explicit the crucial distinction between logical and physical structures of a document , are difficult for beginners to use , and provoke the frequent cry from those more interested in use than principle of ‘ why use this , it 's so much easier using [ my favourite word processor ] ’ .
11 And there 's so much more involved . "
12 Sun says it did and still is delivering the thing in volume — it 's just not enough to meet backorders .
13 Well , it 's just as well to find out now , I suppose .
14 It 's still not widely appreciated that men can want to be objects , as much as agents , of desire .
15 Mr John told me last year he paid a lot of money for all this and it 's still not bloody working !
16 He 's still up there look .
17 Even if you can actually design antibodies which will fight the disease for the patient , it 's still very much trying to hold back the disease progress .
18 I phone Andy and confirm it 's still all right to visit , then I ring Eddie and get the next three days off , tell the cops — they 're based at Fettes , though the DI has gone back down to London , and no they 're still not giving me back my new portable yet — and ( after I 've cleaned the car up a bit ) head out of the city and across the grey bridge in a day of squally , buffeting rain that has the bridge 's 40-limit signs on , high-sided vehicles banned and the 205 dancing its Dunlops sideways as the gusts hit .
19 He never looks to have a rest and at the end of the day when we 've come in , he 's still out there practising . ’
20 Now he is in a world where it 's nothing to fly to the Bahamas for a conference — and for a conference that 's probably not even going to be in the Bahamas ; a world where very high-class girls ring up uninvited and try to make you feel at home .
21 I was just thinking that the dinner 's probably only just come on , I did n't quite know how long , how late we be huh .
22 It 's also very good made with jam , lemon or cheese .
23 The worker 's really just there to check that everything 's going OK .
24 I think it 's really really well written and and I 'm very happy about it because I 've got it out of my system because when I first started that that was my aim .
25 ‘ I was standing by the graveside and one of the Kavanagh sisters had said to Helen Moloney , Katherine 's sister : ‘ It 's perfectly all right to use Patrick 's grave .
26 But you think it 's perfectly all right to talk about women 's tits and bums and stick pictures of them up all over the place .
27 A man like Richard Hamilton , for instance , who 's now pretty well known in this country , was much better known on the Continent of Europe and in America , in Switzerland , in Germany , in Northern Italy — Milan particularly — much better known there than he was for decades .
28 Older people still tend to use Esq , but it is becoming less widespread , and it 's now hardly ever seen in America , Canada , Australia or New Zealand .
29 ‘ I 'm afraid someone 's now out there blackmailing these poor guys , ’ said Barrows .
30 that 's almost certainly enough to nail it to the floor I would have thought .
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