Example sentences of "'s [adv] [adv] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And that 's presumably when you went for a smoke on the roof ? ’
2 Yeah , that 's right well we 've got ta put them round anyway but once I 've got that on I can take the st steps in then no , I shall leave those there I 'll just go and have a look at the other frame .
3 So how can you view the fact that somebody else is er , typing , or doing a transcript of er , what we 're actually saying on this tape , we should explain what grotting is , it 's most probably you know something that you do on a computer screen rather than if you look it up in the dictionary , what grotting actually means .
4 It 's rather like you know you know one remembers the feeding of the five thousand .
5 yeah she 'll be in trouble wo n't she , she often gets her own drinks anyway , she sort of like , she 's at that age she can , it 's only when they get out there together
6 And it 's only when they see publicity of the drug that they actually realize
7 It 's only when we let go of life and allow our innate wisdom to flourish that we live ! ’
8 It 's only when I 've lost the track
10 Everybody 's in their own camp , and it , it , it 's only when you come to consider , and I mean my group is nowhere near behind me on this , because we have farmers who , who again think that anything to do with County Farms is sacrosanct .
11 It 's only , it 's only when you come out
12 ‘ It 's only when you let your hair down that others can see the real person hiding under the hat .
13 He puts down something like eight guitar tracks using numerous WEM Copicats and what have you , and it 's only when you hear them all together that you realise he 's assembled this sound that he had in his head .
14 It 's only when you 've heard his extraordinary story that you realise this is no ordinary man .
15 It 's only when you 've put yourself second and the message first that you can get on with the business of communication .
16 It 's only when you visit Jane and Keith Hainge 's modest patch behind their Edwardian terrace house in Chesham , Bucks , that you realise it is an inspiration for all gardeners with limited resources .
17 It 's only when you pursue the associations with the manifest content and ask yourself what does that make me think of , that you start to think of things that you then realize leads to a latent content , which may be sexual in , in , in nature , but why er , even if , as Theresa rightly says , we d we have to say it 's crude and misrepresentational for that all , all , all dreams are about sex .
18 It 's only when you think you might want to do something a little more complex and powerful with the information you 're storing that things become more jargonised and complex , and having a help system that is not context sensitive is of little assistance .
19 It 's only when you choose the eight fonts to use on a particular worksheet that the impressive range of fonts available becomes apparent
20 No , it 's only when you run out of that stuff , cos you ca n't expect them to manage on like a bowl of soup or something can you ?
21 It 's only when it bites Sam 's feet , in n it ?
22 Oh ca that 's only where they had to be you put the wee rubber mouthpiece in you see to keep your mouth open so that 's easy to open your mouth , sometimes people clamp their mouths closed and then they ca n't get their teeth out .
23 It 's only where it changes from under to over , or over to under , that it 's caught into the background fabric .
24 It 's a screen saver , yes , but that 's only where it starts .
25 ‘ It 's only now you realise what it means … you miss her every single day ’
26 Well it 's only now it feels like this !
27 In fact it 's only recently we had anything on paper telling u in fact we 've had nothing on paper other than police committee minutes .
28 I do n't really see that there 's such a dividing line , because I think if you 're a housewife and you have a beautiful milk jug , which is perhaps very simple but has lovely lines to it , I think even if it 's only subconsciously you get more pleasure out of using that than you would a rather cracked , grubby , plastic jug .
29 It 's only then you say you were the person who telephoned .
30 That 's all , that 's only how I come to know about the treacle tins . ’
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