Example sentences of "'s [adv] [adv] [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You 're never going to make me sound like a human being , because people like to think I 'm Dracula 's mother but I did have a rotten time at the start and it 's only just getting better .
2 as has been mentioned , which has been something that often has been composed by women and transmitted by women , and there 's recently been an anthology published of Scottish womens poetry , I think that 's a tradition and is perhaps related to second point , the fact that the material 's only just becoming available to us .
3 It 's much easier cutting that .
4 You know it 's much better watching this from home than here !
5 Cor dear oh dear he said , I know I well know why he 's down here doing that .
6 It 's not that they 're in rehabilitation , it 's just like seeing that person is locked away in the prime of their lives revenge .
7 It 's not simply making certain er , superficial , and external decisions .
8 ‘ Knowing when prisoners are ready to respond is the skill you learn to develop here ’ , said one ; ‘ the staff are a good lot and there is a positive culture in which to work — but you still have to work out when real work is possible and it 's not just meeting institutional demands . ’
9 Our philosophy is that it 's not just conjuring twenty five thousand pounds out of the air , it 's actually changing the way the Corn Exchange is and we feel strongly about that but we are not going to waste your time going through all that .
10 But Glyn 's not just doing this for fun — he want to raise money to help British olympic hopefulls .
11 It 's not just making sure that the notes harmonise , it 's making sure that they 're attacked in a similar manner .
12 It 's not easy hitting that little ball you know .
13 It 's not physically demanding other than in stamina concentration terms .
14 ‘ But if this woman believes in women 's lib , then she 's not exactly doing other women any favours .
15 I mean , he 's not exactly travelling everyday is he ?
16 It 's not even rewinding that up .
17 The powder 's just gone it 's dissolved a little bit but it 's not really doing much on its own .
18 Something to keep him occupied through the odd thirty seconds of the week when he 's not actually reading some other report .
19 Cos it 's not actually working algebraic that calculator at the present moment I do n't know what you 've got it programmed in What you 've got it at but it 's not working algebraic .
20 Well that lady gets punished but then he 's not like taking this so sort of view that there 's any sort of order in the world .
21 I mean it 's not merely recognizing that past land reforms did n't work , it 's a totally different policy .
22 and he 's always like bouncing all these lines out angrily and never got any expression or feeling but Oh God
23 The City Airport is doing better but it 's still not doing that well , there is a market for an airfield that would serve executive and freight business for North London and of course Hertfordshire , that airfield is needed .
24 So , for that whole column , it 's still only using forty eight bytes .
25 If it 's breaking down lots of food , a really heavy meal , then it 's actually maybe making such a big demand on the oxygen level in your bloodstream that your oxygen level in your bloodstream drops and there 's not enough to go round the muscles to make to break up any lactic acid that 's being formed .
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