Example sentences of "were taken [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For BrdUrd analysis 3 µm sections were taken through the vertical crypt axis at intervals of 100 µm and plated onto Poly L-lysine coated slides for subsequent immunostaining .
2 During the second day the professionals were taken through the same programme .
3 After a seven day washout period , the same measurements were taken under the same conditions after intake of the other treatment being studied .
4 The photographs were taken at a high water level .
5 By 1926 eleven British and four continental centres had opened ; in 1938 , with assets totalling £100,000 , 45,169 guest weeks were taken at the thirty British and twenty-two overseas centres which spread from Brittany to Poland and Czechoslovakia .
6 In order to compare the two modes of measurement two sets of readings were taken at the shortest possible interval , 15 seconds , the first set without the filter , the second set with it .
7 Some steps against pluralism were taken at the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 , but an altogether more far-reaching measure was promulgated at the Council of Lyons in 1274 .
8 Thus the NEB 's reassurances were taken with a strong dose of salt .
9 Influenced by developments such as these , substantial public support began to develop for measures which would protect the position of the indigenous nationalities and which would ensure that economic decisions were taken with a greater degree of consideration for local circumstances .
10 General photographs ( ‘ body maps ’ ) were taken with a 35 mm camera and Kodachrome colour slide film .
11 Traders like tavern-keepers in the Strand and wine merchants in St James 's Street , learnt to expect and tolerate late payment , and to ensure that any steps to obtain settlement were taken with the greatest diplomacy .
12 The soldiers , carrying pistols and M-16 rifles , got into a pickup truck outside the hotel and were taken to a Salvadorean military installation .
13 Next morning we were taken to a small village nearby , on a patch of dry ground in the middle of a bog , and on this uninviting spot the chief , an aged , autocratic savage called Afleodham , instructed us to camp .
14 Once at the Prince Albert Street police station , Amaranth and her escort were taken to a small , comfortably furnished room where they were interviewed by a woman detective .
15 The remains of a few victims were taken to a makeshift mortuary in a hangar at Schiphol .
16 KIRSTY HAY and her Scottish junior champions were taken to an extra end by Manuella Kormann 's Swiss quartet at the world junior championships in Grindelwald yesterday .
17 The Chinese imagined that the Scots were like the Albanians — and appropriately enough we were taken to the Sino-Albanian Friendship Commune . )
18 In the 1930s the royal mummies were taken to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo .
19 A 26-year-old woman and a seven-year-old girl were taken to the Western Infirmary , Glasgow .
20 The parents and another three-year-old child were taken to the Western Isles Hospital suffering from smoke inhalation .
21 After preparing for our morning 's activities we got on the coach and were taken to the suitable sites arranged for rock climbing and cycling .
22 Surprisingly , the other avenue available — use of the County Topic Loan Service — does not seem to have been explored in any systematic way , even though parties of children were taken to the divisional library on at least one occasion .
23 But the girls were taken to the same nursery while their mothers rested .
24 After lunch , where both of us drank too much red wine , we were taken to the wild boar pens and told to clean them out .
25 We were taken to the main hall , a long lofty chamber dominated by a hammer-beamed roof with an oriel window at one end depicting the Lamb of God carrying a standard .
26 Yesterday Essex were taken to the last over by first-class newcomers Durham before securing a four-wicket win in a 50-over friendly at Chelmsford .
27 No one was hurt in the rush hour blast but a few people were taken to the Royal Free Hospital , Hampstead , suffering from shock .
28 With only a slight quickening of their pace , Roderick Random , the eponymous hero of Smollett 's 1739 novel , and his companion caught up with the carrier wagon and for a shilling were taken to the next inn on their journey from Newcastle to London .
29 Mattocks were taken to the ice-bound troughs .
30 The Bosnians were taken to the old terminal , on a little used part of the airport , and then transferred by coach to centres in Surrey , West London and a new centre in Dewsbury , Yorkshire , which took 60 from the latest flight .
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