Example sentences of "were still [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But in the aftermath of the bid , while suggestions that TI paid too much for Dowty were still flying around the City , the group won praise and respect from many analysts when it released a detailed account of the provisions it would be making in connection with the takeover — £87.1m in all , of which £41m represents asset write-offs and £46.1m additional expenditure that TI will have to incur .
2 Our announcing staff at CBR had been enhanced by the addition of Ray Mackness , Sheila Russell , Ted Devlin and Saul Ornest , but the main shows were still handled by the old reliables , Dick Halhed and Bill Herbert .
3 Even if the matter were still proceeding before the justices ' court , either for the purposes of committal for trial or for trial of an information , it would be my opinion that neither section 5(1) nor section 10(1) of the Act of 1980 would apply to give the justice hearing a proceeding under section 7(5) of the Bail Act 1976 a power to adjourn that proceeding .
4 Most Bewick 's Swans are now recorded in wet grasslands or large areas of open water in the interior , although des Forges and Harber record none in the interior before 1940 and as recently as 1961 most were still seen at the coast .
5 At two in the morning Cameron and Menzies were still sleepwalking between the ragged dykes of Dull , swaying and nodding in the saddle , letting the horses pick the way .
6 Yesterday Frank and Dorothy Lewis were still seething following the court case , which arose from an incident at Ilkeston , in Derbyshire .
7 Finnan was shouting commands and swords were still flashing at the beasts who fought to clamber on board .
8 His ears were still ringing from the gunshot .
9 The builders , unfortunately , were still upstairs , and her classes were still conducted to the loud clank of hammering with attendant dust .
10 The cookhouse was only fifty yards away and was open from 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm ; at 1.15 pm we were still hobbling round the block in an abdominal crouch with our hands behind our heads .
11 As was noted earlier , over two-thirds of the study group were single and a large proportion of these were still living in the parental home .
12 ‘ Sometimes , old boy — and I speak as one who has changed a good many nappies in his time and is not a total stranger to either the washing-up bowl or the kitchen stove — sometimes I wish we were still living in the good old bad old days . ’
13 Richard had bitter enemies and his battles with the Archbishop of York concerning the seniority of Canterbury over York were still reverberating around the cloisters of the two cities although at the time of his death the supremacy of Canterbury had been resolved .
14 Only a few months after vesting day , they were still wrestling with the enormous problems of reorganisation and the standardisation of the many different electricity tariffs they had inherited : this additional burden seemed to them too much .
15 Her identity , her home , her family were still lost in the terrifying mist in her mind .
16 They were still thinking of the kingdom in materialistic terms .
17 Her eyes were still adjusting from the brightness outside and she felt a surge of panic at her mistake , but he did nothing .
18 After all , the Whigs were still acting within the framework of assumptions commonly held by the ruling class then and tacitly accepted by the great majority of a generally deferential lower class , assumptions which attached privilege — and responsibility — to property .
19 The crime remained unique , and lawmakers were still squabbling over the ramifications .
20 But his eyes were still fixed on the little bed , trying to make out any movement in or upon it .
21 His head was still up ; his eyes were still fixed on the wall .
22 In the case of the Bedfordshire parish of Cardington in 1782 , only 57 per cent of boys aged fifteen to nineteen who had spent their childhoods there in their parents ' home were still residing in the parish .
23 At five-thirty they were still engaged on the crate .
24 It was a particularly testing time at British Steel as we were still engaged in the major retrenchment exercise and we also had the very difficult task of keeping the steel mills operating during the miners ' strike .
25 He also wished to leave because the nuns were still engaged in the obsequies preceding the funerals of their two dead colleagues .
26 But analysts warned that troubles were still brewing for the trade position as the UK maintains its deficit despite the longest recession since 1945 .
27 In her dream , they were still careering along the road .
28 London Airport was not the most popular station for customs officers at that time , especially with the older officers who were still steeped in the traditional work at seaports .
29 His lips were still purse on the last words when they suddenly sprang wide as he saw her almost stagger back from him , her hand to her throat , the colour draining from her face .
30 He brushed with the same dead regard the face of the man his agents were still seeking in the matter of the Leicester treason , and Brother John gazed back at him earnestly and impartially , and was moved to distant pity .
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