Example sentences of "were not [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The new men of the Kremlin were not above the simplicity of taking a former idea and adapting it to their needs .
2 Those of them which were not about the Englishman 's standard of living ( no peasant wooden shoes and no Irish potatoes ) were shared by many of the " middling people " ; these were the issues and they were more important than any lingering popular Jacobitism , although that sentiment certainly existed .
3 A pity , in a way , that the dancing would be merely metaphorical : this was a house large enough to accommodate dancing , but their friends were not of the dancing classes , would gaze in astonishment , alarm , sophisticated horror , intellectual condemnation , at dancing in a private house … another year , perhaps , for the dancing .
4 He would have been happier with a committee , but the owners , of whom several rented rather than owned their boats , were not of the substance from which committees are formed .
5 There must be equality of rights for all citizens regardless of nationality ; and there could be no excuse for discrimination against any of them , nor for ‘ extremist gatherings ’ which had terrorised local people who were not of the majority affiliation .
6 It is not quite clear what he meant by this ; the point may well be not that the new kings — Eardwulf in Northumbria , and Coenwulf in Mercia — were of non-royal stock but that they were not of the lineage , respectively , of Aethelred and Offa — but it could easily be construed as a slur .
7 A similar distinction lies at the base of J. R. Walsh 's treatment of the muftis : doubtless writing about a period later than that under consideration in the present study , he states , in regard to what Hezarfen would call the that aside from the occasional retired kadi or " a member of one of the local learned families in the larger cities , … the were not of the class " .
8 The foregoing would , of course , mean that property rights were not for the dispensation of some imagined ‘ god ’ of early superstitious religion , but existed by virtue of the fact that human beings have , in the course of time , generally agreed that such a right was ‘ good ’ , for the reason that without it there could be no peaceful existence and no contentment .
9 The Rev Aaron Longwe , who has been detained and tortured by the regime for speaking out about corruption , told a gathering of former missionaries at the Kirk 's headquarters in Edinburgh : ‘ If it were not for the Church of Scotland some of us would have been dead by now . ’
10 Well , Mrs. Jewkes , if it were not for the thought of that cursed parson I believe in my heart , so great is my weakness , that I could yet forgive this intriguing little slut and take her to my bosom .
11 If it were not for the possibility of physical delivery of the underlying cash market good by the seller of the futures contract to the buyer , there would be no mechanism to guarantee convergence of futures and spot prices .
12 He also remarked , significantly : If it were not for the Union , I venture to think that women would be all over the London trade .
13 Any cheers that met his statement — which was not heard in silence — were not for the General-Secretary but for his concessions .
14 Ironically , the Great War would not have been the war that it was if it were not for the machine .
15 If it were not for the fact that he was one of the favourites you 'd have been delighted but as a Gold Cup winner I had to feel a bit disappointed .
16 This would be a useful feature if it were not for the fact that a certain amount of vaginal discharge is perfectly normal and natural for a woman in her reproductive years ; and what is more , this natural discharge is subject to a fair amount of variation depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle .
17 This would not matter very much ( for it would always be possible for individual candidates to prove the expectation wrong ) , if it were not for the fact that whole papers in the final examination , or certain questions on papers , are to be ‘ differentiated ’ .
18 But why ( if it were not for the fact that one is a Christian ) should one be wanting to stay with the experience of women within the biblical tradition ?
19 He did not enjoy such visits now , and would have been tempted to abandon them if it were not for the fact that people might gossip .
20 From what has been said above , it will be clear that the Oxford English Dictionary Department would not be what it is , if it were not for the Supplement project lying at the heart of its work .
21 He would have laughed if it were not for the echo of the screaming in his head .
22 The clumsiness is evident in the standard of ‘ the reasonable man ’ , an anthropomorphic ( and male ) standard which might be taken to suggest a paragon of virtue if it were not for the context of partially exculpating a killing by such a person .
23 It would be idle to speculate on what the figures might have been if it were not for the security situation .
24 It is rather unexpectedly glutinous and flabby to the touch — all-in-all rather unpleasant , if it were not for the splash of vivid yellow it gives to an otherwise sombre winter hedgerow .
25 Our duels were not on the scale of the later Clarke versus Prescott battles , where in the 1987 general election I saw a television chairman leave his chair several times to restore order .
26 The people that were left behind such as the section leaders — the gunnery leader , flight engineer leader , navigation leader and one or two people that were not on the battle order for that night , would meet these people and speak to them .
27 I was once offered a John Wesley letter which had the slight blemish of being written on paper watermarked some thirty years after the evangelist died , and on another occasion a letter from a supposed Trafalgar seaman , mentioning officers and members of the crew who were not on the muster roll of the ship concerned .
28 One of the odder aspects of the 1992 election was the anecdotal evidence from polling station officers who reported to the Market Research Society that many people tried to vote , but only discovered that they were not on the register when they got to the polling station .
29 Pre-election allegations that large numbers of citizens had been excluded from the electoral roll led to an agreement allowing citizens to vote with an identity card if their name were not on the register .
30 But despite Mr Koo 's slip , the Taiwanese side was at pains to stress that the big issues of its international status and political relationship with the mainland were not on the agenda .
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