Example sentences of "were not a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For both spot and futures returns , there was no significant autocorrelation , suggesting that stale prices were not a problem for the index .
2 It has been held that payments to a bankrupt 's accountants were not a preference under s 340 of the Insolvency Act 1986 ( p 101 ) .
3 Earlier this year , Mr Justice Morrit decided that certain payments to a bankrupt 's accountants were not a preference under s 340 of the Insolvency Act 1986 .
4 In his first , Lucky Jim , there had been an offensive character called Bertrand , a painter and a pacifist who preferred his name to be pronounced in the French manner : clearly a late derivative of Bloomsbury and a poseur of the worst water ; and even if he were not a rival-in-love of the hero , that ( one feels ) would be all that needed to be said about him .
5 They were not a subdivision of Judaism , propounding one or another theological position .
6 Appearing before the Knesset foreign affairs and defence committee on March 18 Shamir said that the Golan Heights were not a subject for territorial negotiation .
7 It was particularly offensive to hear the Secretary of State talking about price increases in the gas industry before privatisation , as though he were not a member of a party and Government who decreed that gas prices had to rise arbitrarily , unilaterally and unnecessarily by 10 per cent .
8 erm One of our buyers , Spain , er was not in favour of that solution because they were not a member of the tornado team and they did not want to see some kind of old boys club er running this project which was very important to them .
9 To take on these powerful vested interests , so the argument runs , the reformers needed the support of rulers and bishops ( if bishops themselves were not a part of the local familial nexus ) , and rulers at the same time gained an opportunity to reduce the power of local aristocracies .
10 Domestic pets were not a part of Irish life ; animals were worked , not cosseted .
11 I 'm glad to say that in the Navy such luxuries were not a part of our conditions of service , and when I was ordered back to Germany in 1949 I had no option but to return .
12 Her beauty had been something which had filled even herself with wonder ; sometimes in the privacy of her own room she would gaze at some part of herself , at a hand , say , or a breast , and the perfection of its shape would fill her with joy , as if it were not a part of herself but some natural object of beauty .
13 In fact its grip is restricted entirely to those propositions whose truth would mean that you were not a brain in a vat .
14 There we claimed that if nothing in your experience could count as evidence that you were not a brain in a vat , your belief that you are not a brain in a vat can not be called justified .
15 The years 1945–5 I were not a period for new ideas , but for remedial action .
16 Others thought the CDP ‘ should not back down from accreditation as this would seem to suggest that CDP were not a body to be taken seriously ’ .
17 On another day we went to St. Anne 's where I played on the sands that were not a patch on those of the South Coast .
18 After a while we realised that the girders were not a skeleton for something fancier but the thing itself .
19 The general form relied on the argument that the riots were not a form of protest against the insufferable social conditions of inner-city areas or the actions of the police , but a ‘ criminal act ’ or a ‘ cry for loot ’ .
20 So all their efforts to create helium from hydrogen hat been fruitless ; the traces of helium that they saw had been absorbed from the environment and were not a product of fusion .
21 It would seem in this case that her unusual behaviour patterns and impaired development were not a product of personal inadequacy , but were due to her restricted early experiences and minimal human contact .
22 It is very difficult to find a reason for that early forebear making a ‘ god ’ for himself in the first place , if it were not a result of the pressures of dependence originating from mammalian childhood .
23 They proposed that these anomalies , which seemed to be arranged symmetrically on either side of , and roughly parallel with , the ridge crest , were not a result of variations in the intensity of magnetization , as earlier suggested , but rather a consequence of the direction of magnetization .
24 Also , in several European countries legislation had been passed to ‘ extend ’ agreements to employers who were not a party to the negotiations ( see Chapter 5 ) .
25 The Court of Appeal held that residential occupiers were not a class for the purpose of the offence of harassment created by the Rent Act 1956 ( McCall v Abelesz [ 1976 ] QB 585 ) .
26 Certainly individual ammonoid species became extremely widespread , and oceans were not a barrier to their distribution .
27 On the other hand it is a mistake to think of the Zuwaya as differentiated by class : differences in wealth were not a basis for any marked or self-conscious social discrimination .
28 When the Allied Socialists met later in February 1918 MacDonald 's fears were fully realized — the keynote speeches insisted that the War Aims were not a basis for negotiation with German socialists : the latter would have to accept them wholesale before any ‘ Stockholm'-style conference of all belligerent socialist parties could be considered .
29 He claimed scientific evidence had shown low levels of salmonella in water were not a risk to health .
30 We were n't a part of it and the whole affair disgusted me .
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