Example sentences of "were not [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was not until the 1960s that battle-lines began to be drawn , with Labour in favour of comprehensivization and the Conservatives against ; and even then the Conservatives in central government were not hard-line opponents of this policy in the way that , by the end of the decade , Labour had become hard-line advocates .
2 Scholars such as Alcuin composed verses with many hidden references or acrostic patterns , and while they may seem trivial today , they represented a quest for pattern , meaning and subtle order , and were not mere exercises in wittiness .
3 His son could capitalize on the mood of the moment , and thereby once again remind his Scottish subjects that they were not mere inhabitants of ‘ the outpost of mankind ’ , but mainstream , up-to-date Europeans .
4 The new cadre of experts were not mere effects of the wider crises and destabilizations .
5 Oldham were not mere spectators to this East Anglian gala night .
6 Second , the plaintiffs were not regular hirers of such equipment .
7 So Kimon 's rivals , Pericles and Ephialtes , were not political newcomers in 462 .
8 Although a survey of Russia 's dealings with central Asia in the first half of the nineteenth century concludes that " Bukhara , Khiva , and Kokand were not primary objects of interest " , the work as a whole provides massive evidence for the view that only the problem of traversing Kazakhstan prevented the khanates from coming to the top of the imperial agenda .
9 These were not all strangers to Robert : four had previously served aboard the Orynthia , including the second mate , William Tilson , nine years his senior .
10 These were not new things in England , but they had not previously been justified and defended by the prevailing philosophy .
11 These reformers , however , were not passive recipients of a message from on high .
12 As with Auer 's lace , the verisimilitude was striking and The Times reported that touch alone could convince the beholder that the minutely detailed weeds with their infinitely varied tints were not actual specimens from the sea shore.2
13 To some extent Ochs is a ‘ type ’ , but it is true there were many Baron Ochses living in Austria between the wars and living in their castles in a style that was far from elegant — in fact , very uncomfortable , as these were not good times for such people .
14 There were not many families with young children who welcomed a school with Teutonic associations , however liberal , and the refugee label was a further disincentive to parents canvassing the choice of private education .
15 The southern colonies , in the islands or on the American mainland , offered tobacco and other products that could be exchanged for English exports or help the London re-export trade , but the agricultural products of New England were similar enough to those of England to mean that there were not many openings for trade , and this meant that the differences caused by religion were not healed by close commercial relations .
16 There were not many signs of sadness on deck .
17 There were not many trees in the poorer part of the city but the few trees there were , preserved to give shade in the little squares , were full of birds .
18 There were not many heroes in the wars over Andres Serrano 's ‘ Piss Christ ’ photograph , Robert Mapplethorpe 's homoerotic images , Karen Finlay 's chocolate and bean-sprout performance pieces .
19 There were not many foods in short supply — only sugar , which we missed more than anything else .
20 ( Maybe there were not many ways of communicating with Pollock . )
21 But there were not many opportunities for the son of a bricklayer to take up writing and at 14 he began work in the parcels department at the local Co-op .
22 There were not many passengers on the ferry — a handful of English and Irish , with one nun .
23 But these were not serious grounds for going to Rome to be crowned .
24 Concessions to blacks , while they did amount to debits from poor whites , were not major threats to the continued existence of the state …
25 Therefore they were not major features of metropolitan counties , although Strathclyde suffered disproportionate losses from the closure of the vehicle plants of Peugeot-Citroen and Massey-Ferguson .
26 But these were not normal times for me .
27 The magistrates were held entitled to find that the constables were not private friends at the certificate-holder bona fide entertained by him , and to convict him of a contravention of subs .
28 At a lower level , there were not any libraries for bodies to be found in .
29 Newman had realised that , because of cultural inequalities , many people were not ardent followers of drama as presented in the Theatre .
30 It claimed that there were not enough members on them ; yet we have seen that in Tsaritsyn at least there was a superfluity of ineffective plenary members .
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