Example sentences of "were not [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The judges in that case recognised that decisions of the stewards might affect the public but concluded they were not decisions in the sphere of public law .
2 To the waiters standing about it seemed to be perfectly stationary , but they were not members of the Chop Society and it was not their table .
3 Even members of the Commission who , like myself , were not members of the Labour party , hoped that their social exclusiveness could be softened , and that they would follow the lines of development then visible in Oxford and Cambridge .
4 Such a move would probably be ruled out even if we were not members of the exchange rate mechanism .
5 The Minister 's choice was based upon an examination of the Registers of Exchequer , by which it appeared ‘ that the owners of much of the greater part of the property in the district interest themselves for Mr. Lapslie ’ , who accordingly obtained the presentation regardless of the fact that two of Lapslie 's supporters were not members of the Church of Scotland .
6 Although there were notable exceptions , the most eminent philosophers of nature were not members of the clergy but were lay figures who developed their own theologies .
7 An instruction was issued by the Seamen 's Union that members were not to engage on ships whose captain and officers were not members of the Certificated Officers ' Union and any doubts among the majority of shipowners that a national organisation of employers was necessary to protect their interests disappeared .
8 Of the 78 members of the Constitutional Convention , 24 are new in the sense that they were not members of the Assembly , and of those 24 , 20 belong to the UUUC coalition .
9 Meanwhile , Wörner , in a clear reference on May 29 to Norway , Turkey and Iceland , which were not members of the European Community ( EC ) , warned that it would be " unacceptable " if new European defence arrangements excluded any European member of the NATO alliance .
10 Of the minority of the working classes who were Methodists by 1815 even after the growth surge which began in the 1790s , most were not members of the forming industrial proletariat .
11 Surprisingly , the nine members of the steering group for this study were not members of the Conservative Party Central Office or the Adam Smith Institute but , with one exception ( the representative of the Housebuilders ' Federation ) , were governmental officials , mostly from the Department of the Environment .
12 The words in square brackets have now been repealed by the Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1982 , removing the anomaly which prevented local authorities from taking legal action under this section , in respect of odours affecting employees and others who were not inhabitants of the neighbourhood , despite being of the opinion that the odour was sufficiently obnoxious to amount to a nuisance .
13 In the Old Testament economy the poor tithe , the gleaning laws , the prohibition on usury were not options for the Jews .
14 The new electronic media of the 1980s , such as cable , satellite TV and video recorders , were not variations in the product reaching the audience , as were those changes in the press .
15 They were not puppets like the garden-master .
16 But they were not remainders from the massive output of BBC Enterprises .
17 The USA was authorized both by international law and by UN sanctions to intercept shipping destined for Iraq in the wake of the Gulf war , but had no authority to divert shipments bound for Iran or Syria because Iran , North Korea and Syria were not signatories to the Missile Technology Control Regime .
18 In Lawson v Rolfe ( 1969 ) 46 TC 199 , it was held that stock dividends paid under a particular provision in the law of California were not income in the hands of a life tenant of an American will trust .
19 Sometimes people today bewail the fact that they were not contemporaries of the historical Jesus , and imply that it would be much easier to believe and much more advantageous generally if they had been .
20 In an action brought by the plaintiff against E. Lacon & Co. under the OLA 1957 , E. Lacon & Co. denied liability on the grounds that they were not occupiers of the private part of the premises .
21 We are very willing to accept that those parts of the judges ' visitorial jurisdiction which were not incident to the administration of justice in the courts passed down through the routes suggested by Sir William and Professor Baker , but in the context of the present case , where the court has for the first time to inquire into the particular function which is being performed , we are not satisfied that the whole of the visitorial jurisdiction passed by this route .
22 Gandhi and Nehru , Mandela and Mugabe , or for that matter the late Zulfikhar Bhutto , who complained about the absence of a sense of Pakistani nationhood , are or were not nationalists in the sense of Landsbergis or Tudjman .
23 Ivan III and Basil III were not despots on the Asiatic model .
24 Mr Justice Millett held that , by reason of the decision of the Chief Commons Commissioner on 17 March 1977 , the plaintiffs were estopped from asserting as against the defendant council ( other than in proceedings concerned with the registrability of certain grass road verges within the Royal Manor of Portland under the Commons Registration Act 1965 , in respect of which the plaintiffs accept that this issue had been finally determined ) that the road verges were not part of the highway .
25 The Flank Companies of the 1st Guards ( Grenadiers ) certainly later reinforced the Coldstream and 3rd Guards but they were not part of the original garrison .
26 Meanwhile , members who were not part of the £116m Outhwaite out-of-court settlement have voted to press their claims for compensation through the 1992 Outhwaite Names Association .
27 It dealt with Rastafarian spiritual entities such as Jah or with ganja ( marihuana ) which were not part of the skinhead scene .
28 The expenses and toils of a long war are but too just an excuse that the thought of a new library were not part of the public cares .
29 France were not part of the tournament in 1892 , and 100 years later I would be reluctant to predict precisely what their impact will be this time round , Villepreux or no !
30 This theory carries with it the implication that the cyclostome characters mentioned above were not part of the history of gnathostomes but were instead specializations restricted to lampreys and hagfishes .
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