Example sentences of "were [v-ing] out of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Here and there lumps of metal were sticking out of the masonry .
2 The mangled remains of a bicycle were sticking out of the windscreen of the lower car .
3 She shrugged ruefully , and ten minutes later they were speeding out of the village .
4 Vangmoor came up on the screen as if they were looking out of the window , but Vangmoor in summer without the wind and with leaves on the trees .
5 ‘ We were living out of a hat dramatising dirty jokes .
6 My head popped outside ; five young men were bounding out of the darkness from a car on the road .
7 Buddleias were growing out of the gutters and doves watched her stone-still , looking like part of the masonry .
8 It did not so much contest with the establishment as succeed in areas like the mining districts of Cornwall , Kingswood and around Newcastle , where there was no contest in the sprawling villages which were growing out of the reach of a moribund parish structure .
9 Flames were pouring out of a well .
10 It always seemed that they reappeared around Palm Sunday when people were pouring out of the churches carrying little sprays of olive leaves that looked silvery in the hard sunlight .
11 Well-dressed suckers were pouring out of the upstairs theatre , barrelling down the rickety spiral staircase , skidding on the highly polished floor .
12 After the prayer that ended their silent repast that evening , the cadets were filing out of the refectory to return to their barren cells .
13 There were still several boys , waiting for their lifts home , and a number of cars were pulling out of the main gates .
14 The fish they were pulling out of the Swedish lakes were badly deformed .
15 When we were going out of the theatre at the end of the pantomime I saw a little lad crawl under the seat and put it in his pocket .
16 Great flat-topped sheets of cloud were moving out of the frigid lands , intermittently obscuring the moon .
17 They were getting out of a stretch limo when we rolled up in our private bus .
18 The three reporters were getting out of a taxi and he raised a hand to them also .
19 As they were getting out of the police car a royal blue Land Rover drew up beside them and a coastguard officer got out .
20 Strange couplings and odd noises were rising out of the performances in the dungeon .
21 On the other side of the yard , the first of the City 's homeless were coming out of the union .
22 I think he was convinced the green was fast , but maybe he had forgotten we were coming out of the rough and the topspin ran us through the green .
23 But as we were coming out of the doorway , running across there , sidling round the side was the inspector .
24 They were coming out of the end of the hangar now .
25 Then I felt the post begin to slide upwards through my hands , as if more of it were coming out of the ground .
26 And they used to bring us girls chocolates ; because when they were coming out of the dining-room , anything nice ( they had n't time to take off their gloves ) anything nice that was left in the dishes they used to pinch a piece and eat it .
27 Jotan and the others were coming out of the audience chamber now .
28 Er men were coming , young men were coming out of the forces and er they wanted their jobs back and er I began to wonder what was going to happen to me , if , because I was on the temporary staff and erm there was no guarantee that I 'd be able to stay erm , and then of course erm I was thinking of probably getting married and erm er the salary at that stage was n't er , was n't very much to get married on .
29 It was as if he were shitting out of every pore . ’
30 Small flakes of rock were dropping out of the roof around the ring pitons .
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