Example sentences of "were [vb pp] [to-vb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Hartley 's philosophy was in fact an early form of the twentieth-century scheme of mental association known as Behaviourism ( Pavlov 's dogs were taught to salivate at the sound of an electric bell ) , and if writing today he would presumably have compared the brain to a computer .
2 A short time ago Bilal and Samir were expected to arrive at the hospital near Aylesbury .
3 It is , however , a very special kind of autobiography , and may be compared to the accounts of their own lives which the early Methodists were expected to write at the time of their reception into the church : in such spiritual autobiographies divine visitations were singled out for special mention as evidences of God 's grace and power ; they were contrasted with laments over sinful behaviour and backsliding , and led to the culminating moment of conversion .
4 A few years back each golfer used his own collection of chipped and misshapen balls and the caddies were expected to stand at the end of the practice area and collect them .
5 From 140 applicants only seven were selected to perform at the audition finals at London 's Wigmore Hall .
6 ( At one conference delegates were told to talk at the floor because Special Branch had hi-tech microphones trained on the windows to catch the sound-waves . )
7 Whilst they were doing five shows a day and rehearsing at the Paramount , they were told to double at the Lido .
8 The Rex/Olympia doubling soon finished but before they could relax to a comparatively simple regime of five shows a day , they were told to double at the Paramount .
9 Throughout the spring , talk of invasion was on everyone 's lips ; those who could help to fund the new military force did so , while others , providing they were householders or ‘ such other Persons as shall be recommended by two Householders ’ , were invited to enlist at the George Inn , ‘ … where such persons as are willing to join the Frome Selwood Volunteers , either cavalry or infantry , are requested to attend and sign their names ’ .
10 In 1987 we were invited to perform at the Royal Albert Hall in the ‘ Celebrating Age ’ programme , and auditions were held to form a 55+ Team under the direction of Jean Parmiter .
11 When the trains left at once , those stranded were invited to eat at the buffet , heated by fuel filched from locomotives and run by the master and his cronies .
12 All the members of the family , along with Mrs Prynn , the head groom and Sir Gregory 's personal manservant , were called to attend at a private meeting in the refectory .
13 The favour was reciprocated when Dire Straits were re-formed to play at the Nelson Mandela birthday concert at Wembley Stadium , where Clapton helped out on guitar .
14 Most of us are familiar with the stories of Pavlov 's dogs who were conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell .
15 After John died , when the Girls were asked to appear at the Royal Command Performance , she saw no reason why this show should be any different from the others and stood in her usual place at the side of the stage , hissing corrections at the Girls .
16 Then they were asked to look at a young boy .
17 or Civil Defence work were asked to meet at the village hall .
18 Moscow and Petrograd papers were allowed to continue at the same volume but the rest of the press was to be reduced eventually to 232 papers , 158 of them guberniia and 74 uezd .
19 The same fate befell the likes of Alan Hudson , Rodney Marsh , Tony Currie and Charlie George — all of whom were discarded even before their qualities were allowed to flourish at the highest level .
20 Sampras will finish the year in 81st place , Courier a more respectable 24th , but in doubles they have eclipsed their more renowned contemporaries and deserved to qualify for the Masters when Ken Flach and Robert Seguso were forced to withdraw at the last minute .
21 Britain was in the grip of a severe recession and by 1875 the Britannia Works were forced to close at an enormous loss which Albert Hill could not sustain .
22 The four men were forced to kneel at the edge of it with their hands bound tightly behind them .
23 At the same time , more IBMers were encouraged to look at the outside via secondments or community links .
24 Both sported a magnificent moustache , both wore a ten-gallon hat and both were dressed to kill at the Golden Boot Awards for Westerns in Beverly Hills last night .
25 Although some speakers urged everyone who agreed with some proposition to show their hand , at no time was a vote taken : the chairman summed up the sense of the meeting after each item , announcing what he thought Kufra 's delegates were mandated to say at the National Assembly .
26 However , from July 1919 the stripes were changed to run at a 45° angle from left to right .
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