Example sentences of "were [adv] [verb] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Millbank paper-mill and its equipment were eventually offered for sale by auction in October 1804 , thereby ending the possibility of England challenging the European paper industry by using more easily available materials for making paper .
2 Traditionally the largest man-made hole in England , it is the result of the running together of a number of small quarries Cornish slates were widely employed for roofing in the county by the fourteenth century and indeed by 1314 they were certainly in use on buildings in Winchester , Hampshire .
3 Landlords not only were assessed on their directly occupied land but were constantly calling for relief for tenants , for whom increasing poor rates were setting a ceiling for rents .
4 Actual claims were a little over £300m because claims for loss of business were smaller than expected ; firms were better prepared for disaster than insurers had thought .
5 ‘ Compositions ’ were only corrected for spelling mistakes .
6 This was at a time when cylinders were only used for dictation purposes , not for recording music , and a speed of about 100 revolutions per minute was found adequate .
7 The courts were only retained for recreation by a concerted public campaign , which resulted in the District Council acquiring the land through a Compulsory Purchase Order .
8 Responses from whites were swift for , within days , calls for the abolition of boxing were heard and films of Johnson 's fights were soon suppressed for fear of further riots .
9 Graduates were usually destined for mageship at least , but Rincewind — after an unfortunate event — had left knowing only one spell and made a living of sorts around the town by capitalising on an innate gift for languages .
10 Offices were opened in Bagdad ( Iraq ) and Cairo ( Egypt ) and small contracts were quickly won for road and airfield work .
11 DETECTIVES were yesterday looking for Animal Rights extremists who planted a firebomb under a huntswoman 's car .
12 BOSNIAN Serbs and their Serbian backers were yesterday condemned for war atrocities by the United Nations Human Rights Commission which singled out the systematic rape of thousands of Muslim women for particular criticism .
13 FOUR people were yesterday sent for trial at the Old Bailey over the deaths of bank clerk Alison Manwaring and her father Matthew at their home in Barking , east London .
14 SIX people , including two women and a 16-year-old boy , were yesterday sent for trial at Manchester Crown Court , charged with the murder of the teenage burns victim Suzanne Capper .
15 NINE people were yesterday committed for trial at York Crown Court accused with an £800,000 mortgage fraud .
16 These aircraft were specially configured for instrument lay out and training capabilities allied to DC-8 operating procedures .
17 Watering troughs for horses were installed throughout cities and standards were gradually set for livery stables , slaughter houses and other facilities handling animals .
18 As long as the note holders had confidence that the issuing goldsmiths could redeem their gold pledges on demand , few notes were ever presented for redemption .
19 Most traders , by the middle of this week , were still waiting for confirmation from maltsters on the accurate nitrogen tests .
20 The governors were still waiting for action one year later .
21 Individual projects were still considered for fund assistance up to a maximum of 50 per cent of expenditure , but programmes could receive up to 70 per cent .
22 The MGM Building and City Hall were still closed for business , but Susan had a feeling they were at least peopled with night watchmen and janitors .
23 West German fuel rods were formerly sent for storage in the USA , until the practice was halted by environmental objections in 1988 .
24 It produced forecasts for various markets , and said those showed some were clearly earmarked for success in the future while others should be taken on only by those with a ‘ real taste for a challenge ’ .
25 With so much within easy reach , we were clearly spoilt for choice and decided to sleep on it .
26 With so much within easy reach , we were clearly spoilt for choice and decided to sleep on it .
27 Very little wrapping paper or other packaging was allowed and paper bags and clean newspapers were carefully saved for shopping trips .
28 They were similarly arranged for day and night travelling and were all vestibuled together .
29 For example , narwhal were traditionally hunted for food by the Inuit Eskimoes of the eastern Arctic region of Canada , who ate the outer layer of meat and skin ( muktuk ) and some of the red meat , and fed the remainder to their sled dogs .
30 Four Minor Project schools were also selected for study , albeit on a more limited scale .
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