Example sentences of "were [adj] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Senior party members were due to meet the American delegation — who arrived in Ireland today on a fact-finding visit — but were reconsidering after it was revealed that the group will meet Sinn Fein .
2 On the basis of this argument , however , were Labour to win the next election on the numerical strength of MPs returned from Scotland , he would then have to agree that Labour have no mandate in England !
3 ‘ Then we were right to deny the Hung Mao their heritage ? ’
4 All these and more were right to criticise the excessive prices paid in some bids and buy-outs , pushed by subsidised money and investment bankers ' greed for fees .
5 ‘ I believe we were right to rejoin the fair , but I am still not sure how much hard business actually takes place here .
6 If it were possible to reconvene the superseded parliaments which originally agreed the terms of union , no doubt such variation could be effected .
7 If it were possible to unfold the entire long history of the world 's religions in such a manner that it could be scrutinised , assimilated and judged in a single all-embracing operation , the verdict would be that it had strayed so far from the basic human need , and so far from the intentions of those good and sincere people who have throughout that history struggled to maintain its integrity , that it might well be condemned outright as a story of failure unmatched by anything else that has ever happened on earth .
8 Furthermore , even if it were possible to make the necessary calculations , the finance available is unlikely to be equivalent to these costs .
9 After all our travels we were sorry to see the trusty GRiD go .
10 We were interested to examine the adhesive properties of E coli which we had isolated in studies of the flora closely associated with the rectal mucosa , a flora in which the expression of adhesins and other adhesion associated characteristics might be expected to be favoured or prerequisite , and to compare our results with those reported for faecal isolates .
11 Many Europeans were prepared to treat the far-off Soviet operation as a defensive action in line with the Brezhnev doctrine .
12 Labour also claimed that ministers , hiding behind ‘ public interest immunity certificates ’ , were prepared to let the three men be tried .
13 We , as a society , could learn from that , and , if we regarded the birth of every disabled child as a precious gift and were prepared to provide the necessary resources to the children and their parents to allow these gifts to develop , then perhaps we would be spared the distressing sight of individual and groups of parents pursuing the latest fashionable cure for their child 's blindness , deafness or other disability at whatever cost to themselves , their families and friends .
14 At the time , moreover , there were those who were prepared to challenge the glowing claims by spokesmen for city institutions before the Radcliffe enquiry [ Day , 1954 ; Radcliffe , 1959 ; Shonfield , 1959 ] .
15 Milgram found that twenty-six of his forty volunteers — 65 per cent — were prepared to administer the maximum shock to a stranger in these circumstances .
16 While men like Thomas Howard , Duke of Norfolk , and Stephen Gardiner , Bishop of Winchester , were prepared to accept the royal supremacy , they baulked at these evangelical reforms , which in their view smacked of heresy and threatened to lead England into the Lutheran camp .
17 Although tenants were prepared to pay the higher rents demanded , they also had greater expectations of the building they were contracted to occupy .
18 If , as the Minister says , we recouped so much money on the Gulf war , may I ask him to explain why the Ministry of Defence is being so mean and tight-fisted towards some of those who were prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice during that war ?
19 The Party had adopted the principle of complete control over its Parliamentary spokesmen , but the stage had been reached where the MPs were prepared to re-enter the Labour Party rather than be instructed on their actions .
20 Until his successor Philip moved to establish greater uniformity in urban law , the échevins of Bruges ( and probably of other towns as well ) were free to fix the customary law of their own community , which implied a remarkable degree of emancipation from external control .
21 Once he had found his goal his hands were free to explore the big soft breasts ; he handled them and her velvet thighs , her buttocks and flat belly , avidly .
22 I pressed that such an undertaking would be meaningless if they were free to take the Conservative whip in common with faulknerite unionists .
23 Emanuel Shinwell , who has never changed his mind on this issue , was clear in 1918 about the wrong-headedness of destroying the people 's grammar schools while leaving unscathed the privileged Public Schools : ‘ We were afraid to tackle the public schools to which the wealthy people send their sons , but at the same time are ready to throw overboard the grammar schools which are for many working-class boys the stepping-stone to the universities and a useful career .
24 Both were unfitted to meet the spiritual and emotional needs of the masses .
25 They over-estimated their representativeness , and were wrong to blame the electoral code for their low poll . "
26 At the end of February news filtered in that no peasants were willing to join the military ranks , and there were quite a few desertions .
27 Soon after the landing that spring , he sent one of his officers , his friend and right-hand man , Tom Ingledew , to England in the Hopewell to fetch needed reinforcements , men , ordnance , and even , if they were willing to join the nursling venture , some women too .
28 FA CUP semi-final shoot-outs could be eliminated if clubs or the Football Association were willing to pay the extra police costs for staging replays at short notice , writes Christopher Davies .
29 It was not surprising , therefore , that while the Six were willing to discuss the Grand Design within the OEEC context , they saw it as an addition to , not a replacement for , their own plans .
30 Banks could create money by lending more , if the Bank of England were willing to increase the available supply of balances .
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