Example sentences of "were [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And , such is trust , they went on seeing it after it had gone , for by now they were used to the constant and bewildering ebb and flow of Stevenson money .
2 In winter the bare trees were florid with the purple and grey of pigeons , and in spring we buried dead baby sparrows under the soapsuds of fallen blossom .
3 Since at heart these men were friendly to the Slav cause , Allied propaganda claimed that those who were posted to the east were always stationed in the most exposed positions , and at the slightest sign of wavering , or what might be termed ‘ treason ’ , were shot at from the rear .
4 Perhaps it was not I but the other riders who were hell-bent on the wrong route .
5 It was raining outside and the gusts of cold , damp air were refreshing after the stale smokiness of the room .
6 The diabetics chosen for this study were free of clinical evidence of vascular disease , which suggests that the platelet abnormalities in this diabetic group were due to the diabetic state ( Jones et al , 1985 ) .
7 It has been suggested that the different findings in these studies were due to the different techniques applied to the collection of blood samples .
8 The military 's claim that the escalating protests were due to the growing presence of " seditious " forces were denied by the Catholic Church and the trade unions , which claimed that this was part of a government strategy to weaken a popular opposition movement .
9 The most progressive , self-sacrificing and heroic among them were receptive to the advanced ideas drawn from the West or propagated by Herzen and other leading democrats .
10 ‘ Not having any trouble with your eyes , are you ? ’ he asked smoothly as he rinsed off the reagent strip , but Belinda saw that his own eyes were alert beneath the veiling fringe of sooty lashes .
11 Her throat still stung with the rasp of knife-keen wind , her eyes were sore with the dry suck of the freezing night .
12 In a recent article in Current Anthropology , one palaeontologist went even further and stated that the molecular anthropologists were right for the wrong reasons , while the palaeontologists were wrong for the right reasons .
13 At a team meeting on the night before the Bombay Test , tour skipper Gower soft-talked his team into playing even though several were upset by the no-nonsense attitude of manager Tony Brown , who angrily offered to send home anyone who disagreed .
14 More specifically , it was the daughters , as opposed to spouse carers , who were upset by the reduced social contact .
15 But most Roman varieties were unsuitable for the British climate and the Norman varieties rapidly took precedence .
16 Conservative politicians were over-confident that they knew the right policies , and to a large extent they were contemptuous towards the professional teacher .
17 Firstly , Hitler was regarded as the personification of the nation and the unity of the ‘ national community ’ , aloof from the selfish sectional interests and material concerns which marked the normality of ‘ every-day life ’ and created the damaging divisions in society and politics — the selfless exponent of the national interest , whose incorruption and unselfish motives were detachable from the scandalous greed and hypocrisy of the Party functionaries .
18 When my boys first started school , we were aghast at the anti-English propaganda in the history books .
19 In effect , Talabecland had ceded from the Empire , and was joined at various times by other provinces that were dissatisfied with the current elected Emperor .
20 His candidature was strongly supported by those Democrats who were dissatisfied with the conciliatory style of the Democratic Speaker of the House , Thomas Foley , and who wanted a clearer definition of the party 's differences with the Bush administration .
21 By contrast , restorative proctocolectomy for slow transit constipation is now no longer recommended as half have had their pouch excised because they were dissatisfied with the functional results .
22 The fine weather made the push even harder work , and participants and spectators alike were grateful for the cooling drinks available from stalls manned by Fowey branch members .
23 They were grateful to the British leaders for their ‘ understanding ’ .
24 Many of the policies which protected landowners ( limited enfranchisement and protective trade tariffs ) were inimical to the economic interests of the rising middle class .
25 Characters were always white , middle to upper class and were representative of the British ‘ stiff upper lip ’ and ‘ playing the game ’ attitudes .
26 If it were possible in the residential care of young people to replace their sense of failure in personal relationships with successes , small or big , in other aspects of their lives , then the experience of residential care could be seen as beneficial in its own right , whatever the outcome of work to restore family relationships .
27 Publicity was limited and , as the deadline approached at the end of 1987 , inaccurate rumours were rife about the exact meaning of the regulations .
28 Early in 833 , rumours were rife of the political conjuncture Louis the Pious had most feared , and hitherto avoided : the alliance against him of all three adult sons .
29 Suburban roads were alive with the squish of chamois leather .
30 Both those statements were momentous for the Royal Family but the historical impact of Charles and Diana 's separation is likely to be greater .
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