Example sentences of "were [art] [adj] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 By 2.00 though the pains were every one and a half minutes and I was only 2cms dilated. was sitting eating sandwiches and I was starving hungry .
2 Asked , when Our Lady of Finchley was still in her niche , all candles blazing , if he were a Thatcherite or a liberal , he modestly admitted to being a liberal .
3 Examples of peasant or pastoralist protest where official conservation policies were a catalytic or a leading grievance are Kenya ( Heyer et al.
4 Picking up the axe as though it were no heavier than a bread-knife , Jos indicated the unsplit wood .
5 I run one of the self-help groups that one of the ladies mentioned and we looked at an outsize catalogue recently and it went up to size twenty six and in some cases up to a size thirty and the ladies who modelled the clothes were no bigger than a twelve , possibly a fourteen , but a very shapely fourteen !
6 By 1948 , although living standards in general were no higher than a decade previously , the average domestic consumer was using twice as much electricity as then , but paying only half as much for it per kWh in real terms .
7 Removed long before the shells had time to form , they were no more than a cluster of marble-sized orange balls in a thick yolky substance .
8 But this confused political and economic independence , as if politics were no more than a reflex of economics .
9 You were no more than a boy the last time I saw you … twelve , thirteen at the most .
10 I were no more than a lad myself .
11 It was as if she stood in a noisy limbo ; all the yesterdays had gone as if they had never been and all the tomorrows were no more than a tantalising promise .
12 The tenacity of his loyalty brought him back again and again to the perfect womanliness of Cis and the unmatchable maleness of Ifor , but in his wider field of operation they were no more than a couple of reference points : the rest of the map had to be filled in — by Philip , by Meredith , by rugby heroes , by the poets , but most of all , and as he went along , by himself .
13 Out across the water , the end of the lake had not yet emerged from the mist , and the mountains above it were no more than a delicate shadow of grey against a deep grey sky .
14 Donna kept on walking , aware that her two unwanted attendants were no more than a foot or so behind her .
15 Apart from one or two struggling and shrivelled survivors , the roses were no more than a memory .
16 It preferred , apparently , to revel blindly in its senses , as though life were no more than a rout of appetite and sensation rather than the dream of gold she sought to share .
17 But to press into service , as though it were no more than a compendium of useful organs , the body of a servant , a friend — and a friend , at that , who died for a crime attributable to one 's own negligence — well , this moral madness placed him beyond human consideration .
18 He bent , seized my wrist , and dragged me towards him as if I were no more than a doll .
19 He carried her as if she were no more than a disobedient child back down the path to the fountain .
20 With a brief nod , as though she were no more than a casual acquaintance , he closed the door .
21 And he had spoken of her as though she were no more than a female to be used and then discarded .
22 as if history were no more than a dream .
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