Example sentences of "were [not/n't] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , Zuwaya and Magharba thought that their larger groupings were temporary : activated to demand compensation , they then relapsed into the noumenon , leaving households to go about their business ; revenues from taxes were not kept in a fisc , but allocated to household budgets — and so on .
2 It looks as if the two books were not conceived as a single entity although they interrelate in the way that Hilton picks up and elaborates aspects of the subject of Scale 1 in Scale 2 .
3 Fellows seems to have acted in the sale of the Grand Union to the Grand Junction , for in a letter to the Grand Union he pointed out that the price would have to be realistic , bearing in mind that they were not dealing with a willing purchaser .
4 The Trust adds : ‘ The immense work done by the three principal participants , Simon Pepper ( WWF ) , John Hunt ( RSPB ) and Nigel Hawkins ( JMMT ) and the crucial role played by Chris Brasher has to be acknowledged and we can only regret that their efforts were not rewarded with a more positive outcome . ’
5 were not convicted of a ‘ bail ’ offence .
6 Overt statements of support for SAIRI and the rebellion were not tempered by a March 5-6 visit to Tehran by the then Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Sa'adoun Hammadi .
7 It should be noted that videos were not seen as a substitute for training but rather as a useful tool for the instructor .
8 The Act of 1918 set the scene of the entire political world between the wars , often through consequences that were not seen for a generation .
9 Drawings were not done to a standard scale ; the metric system was just being introduced in France and its conquered territories , where it replaced a range of different miles , fathoms , feet and inches ; and there were no standard interchangeable parts , even nuts and bolts and screws being individual .
10 Moreover , some studies suggested that the crucial floating voters were not characterised by a high degree of interest , involvement , and knowledge , but by ignorance and indifference , and they were less involved in following the election campaign than were those who were keenly attached to a party .
11 Nor are evolutionary processes progressive or purposive ; the primitive single-celled creatures which were our early forebears were not possessed of a burning imperative , or driven by a mystic higher force , to evolve into sentient humans .
12 These , he says , were not overcome without a long struggle .
13 ( ii ) Trusts were not bound to a set form .
14 Old stopcocks were not made to a standard size and it may take some searching in plumbers ’ merchants to find something that will enable you to connect new copper pipe .
15 Contraceptive IUDs as such were not developed until 1930 by Ohta in Japan , and were not made in a form suitable for mass use until after the Second World War .
16 The millwrights and other inventors who were making these technical developments were not operating in a vacuum .
17 The showmen created an entertainment and annexed an audience in a spectacular initial burst , but , of course , they were not operating in a vacuum and there was one major hurdle that had to be overcome before their victory could be regarded as complete and of permanent rather than fleeting significance .
18 However , in Re Cadbury Schweppes Ltd 's Agreement [ 1975 ] 2 All ER 307 a parent company and a subsidiary were not treated as a single person where two companies agreed to accept restrictions on the supply of goods to a third which was a subsidiary of one of them .
19 However , whilst there is no need to take account of the attributes of a particular contracting partner , if a business contracts with people of a particular class , the steps must be reasonably sufficient to bring the terms to the notice of a member of that class — in Richardson , Spence & Co v Rowntree [ 1894 ] AC 217 , terms on a steamer ticket for carriage in steerage class were not incorporated into a contract because the defendant had taken insufficient steps to bring them to the notice of steerage class passengers .
20 We 've also in London , the London Region took , took tribunal for caretakers who were , who were not transferred from a school and we won that tribunal .
21 The medical advances cited by Dr. Botting were not developed as a result of animal research , but clinical investigations based on human studies were far more crucial to their development .
22 Can the Secretary of State confirm that , notwithstanding the encouraging programme that he has just reported , Nuclear Electric 's directors could not continue to pay the £1 million per day that it costs to continue the Sizewell B construction project if they were not covered by a letter of comfort from the Treasury , without which the company would be technically insolvent ?
23 This meant that pensions were not regarded as a right but were dependent on the establishment of eligibility through contributions or ‘ work-testing ’ .
24 For one thing , the British people at that stage of history were not regarded as a nation still reliant on divine approval for their acts , and for another , they did not have any ancient writings purporting to endow them with territorial rights .
25 Until well into the nineteenth century the nation 's coalminers were not regarded as a race apart , living and working in closely-knit communities dominated by the colliery 's winding gear and huge , ugly muck stacks , but merely as one of a number of groups of village craftsmen and labourers .
26 Although the BMA 's anxieties were not supported by a study carried out by the Department of Health 's Advisory Committee on Medical Manpower Planning and published in 1985 , the association 's policy did not change .
27 What would happen if the Institute were not accepted on a new Register ? was glad of the opportunity to speak on the matter and as the Institute representative on the Committee he was disturbed by the lack of progress by the appointed agent .
28 John Biffen , the former Leader of the Commons and Chief Secretary to the Treasury , said yesterday he found government policy ‘ confusing ’ , and party nerves were not calmed by a fringe speech from Sir Geoffrey Howe , the deputy prime minister , which echoed some of Michael Heseltine 's criticism on Tuesday of government policy and presentation .
29 The pairs ( I , J ) were not stored as a simple list , but as a k-D tree , so that search for closest points is faster .
30 As always in such an undertaking , the art of organization lay in the avoidance of offending those who were not asked at a particular moment and in the ability to remember enmities and jealousies which could cause friction and poison the atmosphere if the wrong people found themselves together .
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